Page 14 THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2023 Two new Revere Police patrol officers take oath of office By Tara Vocino wo new Revere Police patrol offi cers were sworn in on Wednesday afternoon inside the City Hall City Council Chambers. City Clerk Ashley Melnik swore in Mickaela Silva Gonzaga and Alejandro Gómez-Catano as family members and city offi cials looked on. T Mickaela Silva Gonzaga and Alejandro Gómez-Catano were sworn in on Wednesday inside the City Council Chambers at City Hall. Alejandro Gómez-Catano was accompanied by his father, Elkin A. Gómez Betancur, and his wife, Nicole A. Hernandez Mendez. Mickaela Silva Gonzaga was pinned by her daughter, Isabella Goncalves. Alejandro Gómez-Catano was pinned by his father, Elkin Gómez Betancur, and his wife, Nicole Hernandez Mendez. Shown from left to right: Executive Offi cer Sean Randall, Alejandro Gómez, Mickaela Gonzaga and Captain Maria LaVita. (Advocate photos by Tara Vocino) Mickaela Silva Gonzaga was accompanied by her daughter, Isabella Goncalves, her father, Valdecy Gonzaga, and her mother, Fabiana Borges. Executive Offi cer Sean Randall introduced the new hires. Shown from left to right: State Representatives Jeff rey Turco and Jessica Giannino, Acting Mayor Patrick Keefe Jr., Mickaela Gonzaga, Alejandro Gomez-Catano, Executive Offi cer Sean Randall, Captain Maria LaVita, Ward 1 Councillor/City Council President Pro Tempore Joanne McKenna, Councillor At Large Anthony Zambuto and Ward 3 Councillor Anthony Cogliandro. Shown from left to right: Chamber of Commerce board member Amanda Bonasoro, Mickaela Gonzaga, Alejandro Gomez-Catano, Executive Offi cer Sean Randall, Captain Maria LaVita and Chamber of Commerce board member Niles Welch.

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