KEEFE Patrick MAYOR Believe in Rever Paid for and authorized by the Keefe Committee Have a Safe & Happy Columbus Day Weekend! Vol. 33, No.40 -FREEww w.advocatenews.net Vote Patrick Keefe on November 7th ee Every Friday ree Candidate Dan Rizzo cites numerous accomplishments as former Mayor Special to Th e Advocate A former Mayor and current candidate for Mayor, Dan DAN RIZZO Candidate for Mayor Rizzo, has submitted his formal announcement, having made it through the preliminary election back on Tuesday, September 19. In his announcement he stated that he believes that he brings a strong record of public service accomplishments to his campaign from his previous term of offi ce as Mayor. “During my prior tenure as Mayor,” Rizzo stated, “we revitalized Broadway, investing nearly $9 million that we secured in state and federal funds. We built the new Hill School and the Harry Della Russo Stadium, along with three new ball fi elds behind St. Mary’s Church.” Having previously served as Mayor from 2012-2015, Rizzo feels that he has a deep understanding of Revere’s unique challenges and opportunities. Rizzo’s prior tenure as Mayor was marked by his commitCANDIDATE | SEE Page 23 Pats Boys Soccer shutout Malden, 2-0 781-286-8500 Friday, October 6, 2023 Gerry Visconti Picks Pat for Mayor Keefe Campaign wins important endorsement in the race to November 7th Special to Th e Advocate O n Tuesday morning Gerry Visconti and Patrick Keefe stood together to announce Visconti’s support for Patrick Keefe in the race to choose Revere’s next mayor. MAYOR | SEE Page 2 Gerry Visconti is shown endorsing Patrick Keefe for mayor. City Council overrides acting mayor’s veto to make permanent appointments City solicitor sides with Keefe, say’s city law allows for veto power By Barbara Taormina T ON THE GO: Revere’s Jeremy Romero makes his move against Malden defenders during last Thursday’s match in Revere. See pages 12-17 for sports highlights. (Advocate photo by Emmily Harney) he City Council last week took the unusual step of unanimously overriding Acting Mayor Patrick Keefe’s veto of their motion that he cease and desist making any permanent appointments or hires. The original motion was fi led by Councillorat-Large Anthony Zambuto on August 28 and passed unanimously by the council, which relied on a legal opinion from the law fi rm Anderson & Kreiger. Keefe, who had his own opposing legal opinions, notifi ed the council of his decision last week. COUNCIL | SEE Page 19

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