THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2023 Page 5 BBB Scam Alert: “Free solar panels” can cost you big time! How to spot a phony offer and find a trustworthy business f you want solar panels, be very careful when evaluating installation off ers. Con artists use misleading sales tactics and lies to trick homeowners out of money and personal information. If you’ve received an off er for “free solar panels,” it could be a scam. Always look for businesses you can trust – like Accredited Businesses using the Better Business Bureau (BBB) Seal. Here’s what you should know. How the scam works: Someone contacts you through email, phone, social media or even in person, as in cases reported to BBB Scam Tracker. The person is pretending to be a solar company salesperson. The “representative” has a special off er: They can install solar panels on your home for a very low cost – or even for free. This amazing deal is only available for a limited time, so I you must act now! From here, the scam can take several turns. In some versions, the scammer is after your personal information. They ask you to fi ll out forms with your banking details “to see if you qualify.” Other times, the “solar representative” claims you need to pay upfront costs, which they promise will be reimbursed by a (nonexistent) government program. BBB Scam Tracker has seen numerous reports of this kind of scam. One homeowner was approached by a door-to-door salesperson “claiming he could get me a new roof plus solar equipment, with a government rebate for 26% off cost, essentially paying for the new roof.” After doing their research, the homeowner found that while a government rebate program existed, the salesperson misrepresented it to make a sale. In another case, a homeowner spoke on the phone to a “solar engineer” after being approached in person. “The engineer claimed they could make it cost-free for us. He said they had fi nished their installations in our neighborhood and met their quota but would try to squeeze us in.” However, the conversation took a strange turn when the “solar engineer” asked for personal information. When the homeowner declined to answer, the conversation got heated. “We ended the conversation, and I received a nasty text… It was completely unprofessional.” One other homeowner reported, “Scammer used printed notes left at front doors, pretended to represent freedom forever solar company. A call to the company revealed that per~ POLITICAL ENDORSEMENT ~ AFL-CIO Endorses Juan Pablo Jaramillo for Revere City Council at-large T he Greater Boston Labor Council (GBLC) of the American Federation of Workers and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO), which covers the City of Revere, has endorsed Juan Pablo Jaramillo for Revere City Council at-large. This chapter of the AFL-CIO represents over 100,000 working people that live and work in and around the city of Revere from union locals like Painters DC 35, IBEW 103, Local 26, SEIU Local 888, AFSCME 93, Carpenter’s Local 328, Pipefi tters 537, UFCW 1445, and Machinists District 15 among others. The full list of members can be found at www.gblc.us/leadership. Pointing to Juan’s working-class background and commitment to working families, Darlene Lombos, Executive Secretary Treasurer of the GBLC, AFL-CIO said “Juan Pablo Jaramillo is our union brother and will bring labor’s voice to the Revere City Council. Revere is a union city and Juan understands the Greater Boston Labor Council, AFL-CIO’ s vision for a city that centers policy around unions, people of color and the working class. We are proud to endorse his candidacy for City Councilor at Large.” In the preliminary election held on September 19th, Juan Pablo placed in the top 5, placing him in a strong position to get on the Revere City Council in the November 7th General Election given that the top fi ve candidates are elected in the general election. This is the latest of a long list of endorsements that Juan has received since launching his campaign back in May. He has received the endorsement of local leaders and advocacy organizations across diff erent sectors and walks of life. “On the September 19th preliminary election, we proved that we can elect people in Revere whose sole focus is to fi ght for our city’s working families. Our message of making Revere a working-class city by working class people is resonating and that is why the endorsement of the AFL-CIO is so important to me,” said Jaramillo. He added that keeping Revere a working-class city means “fi ghting for aff ordability for our seniors, so that they can age in place without being priced out of our city and for working families so that they can thrive here.” The preliminary election held on September 19th brought the number of candidates for the council at-large race down to 10, of which only fi ve will be elected to offi ce. Voters will get the opportunity to have their final say on November 7th when they can vote for up to 5 people for council at-large. Juan Pablo Jaramillo is vying for one of those fi ve seats elected at-large on the Revere City Council. son was not one of their employees, and they don’t send representatives going door to door. Contact info on printed note: Kayla McIver, 520-651-7584, asked to be contacted by phone or text message.” How to avoid solar panel scams • Do your research. Genuine incentive programs and reputable solar energy contractors do exist. Before you accept an unsolicited off er, do some research on solar companies in your area. Investigate each company’s reputation and business practices before signing a service contract. • Don’t give in to high-pressure SCAM | SEE Page 7 8 Norwood St. Everett (617) 387-9810 Open Daily 4:00 PM Closed Sunday Starting Monday, September 11... We’re back to serving our Full Menu featuring all your favorite Italian Specialties and American Classics! Catch ALL The Live Sports Action On Our Large Screen TV’s www.eight10barandgrille.com                                       

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