Page 16 THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2023 Football Pats Corralled by Mustangs, 14-6 Revere’s Carlos Rizo, Jr. on the pass attempt. Meet the 2023 RHS Patriots Football Cheerleaders: Shown back row: Abbigail Kajjame Gianna Guzman, Jessica Farro, Jaelynn Smith, Geovanny Acetty, Briana Capunay, Valeria Sepulveda, Gianna Chianca, Charlotte Harrity, and Karyna Willie. Shown front row: Juliana Benitez, Dylan Misci, Samira Cammarano, Carlos Moran Hernandez, Natalie Rodriguez, and Vita Somboun. Missing from photo: Ava Mello, Chantal Rodriguez Fontanelli, Amelia Murray, Arianna Recupero, and Brianna Rodriguez. (Advocate photos by Emily Harney) Zakaria Benkirane of Revere reaches for a pass. Rafael Teixeira on the ground, works to stop a Mustang player from advancing. Geovani Woodward with the ball for Revere as his teammate, Rafael Teixeira helps out against a Mustang defender. Ahmed Bellemsiel with the catch for Revere. Carlos Rizo, Jr gets ready to make a pass to Geovani Woodward

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