THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2023 Page 13 ~ RHS PATRIOTS SPORTS ROUNDUP ~ Revere girls’ soccer picks up huge win, climbs to 7-0 T alk about the hottest team in Revere High School. Three more wins and three more shutouts – the Patriots haven’t allowed a goal after seven matches. The Revere girls’ soccer team picked up a monster win over Greater Boston League rival Medford, 4-0, on Tuesday, Sept. 26 and climbed to a perfect 7-0. Erika Mejia scored two goals on free kicks that were earned by the hard work of her teammates Kaylin Foglar and Nataly Oliva. Revere’s Sandra Torres started the scoring by receiving a throw-in from her sister Emily, which led to Sandra dribbling around the Medford defenders and scoring top corner. The last goal was scored by Nataly Oliva with assists from Kelsey Morales and Samarah Paiva. Fatima Oliva and Catalina Chizavo both played great defensively and moved the ball upfi eld to their teammates. Giselle Salvador and Ari Pina and Paiva locked down the defense for the Patriots, and Emily Torres, Jessica Galvez and Salma Zahraoui all chipped away with big plays at different times to help the team win. Nisrin Sekkat had another shoutout and made some impressive saves on the Medford forwards. “Medford is a well-coached and aggressive team so this win was a big one,” Revere coach Megan O’Donnell said. Revere earlier picked up a big 5-0 win over Chelsea. Morales had two goals, and Grace Ramirez, Sandra Torres and Salvador all had one goal. Zahraoui and Foglar both had two assists, and Emily Torres dominated on defense. The Lady Patriots also beat Everett, 3-0. Nataly Oliva found the back of the net with a pass from Sandra Torres late in the fi rst half. Kaylin Foglar broke free from the Everett defenseman, and Fatima Oliva hit her with a pass down the middle to score Revere’s second goal. “We had tremendous [defense] by Fatima Oliva, Ari Pina, Salvador, Emily Torres and Paiva… Our midfi eld struggled a little bit but Erika Mejia and Sandra Torres dominated the middle,” O’Donnell said. In the second half, Nataly Oliva found the back of the net for the second time with a pass from Salvador. “Galvez and Catalina Chizavo both played great at outside wings in the second half, giving Nataly, Kaylin, Salma and Kelsey multiple opportunities to score but the Everett goalie made some great saves to keep them in the game,” O’Donnell said. “Everett is a well-coached and hard team to play, because they have a lot of talented players who always challenge us to play our best.” Nisrin Sekkat recorded another shutout, and she made an amazing one-on-one save late into the game to hold the shoutout. On Thursday the team took on a very strong and well-coached Chelsea team. They won, 5-0, but Chelsea challenged them to be their best. Kelsey Morales had two goals with assists from Salma Zahraoui, Catalina Chizavo and Kaylin Foglar. Grace Ramirez scored her fi rst varsity goal of the year with an assist from Kaylin Foglar. Sandra Torres scored her fi rst goal of the season with a strike from the top of the box that was unassisted. Giselle Salvador scored her second goal of the season with a pass from Salma Zahraoui. A lot of players got into the game and demonstrated their tremendous soccer skills; senior Karla Robles, Giselle Portillo and Jaimy Gomez took the leadership role out on the fi eld by hustling up and down the fi eld and making great soccer plays. Ajsi Balla, Grace Ramirez, Adriana Cataldo, Kathy Granados, Amilee Hernandez, Emily Torres and Salma Zahraoui all had a ton of scoring opportunities in the second half, but the Chelsea defense and goalie made some great plays. Amina Baroudi, Giselle Portillo and Karla Robles controlled the backfi eld and stopped Chelsea from scoring on multiple occasions, and Nisrin Sekkat record another shutout, Chelsea had a few scoring opportunities but Nisrin shut them down. The junior varsity team also beat Everett, 5-0. Ikram Bichou, Sarah Aguilar, Melanie De Almeida, Jaleeyah Figueroa, Sara Granados, Andrea Mendieta, Lesley Mendoza and Asmaa Azeroual all played a strong game on the fi eld. Sabrina El Arar recorded her fi rst career shutout in goal. Newcomers Giselle Alacron, Valerie Aguirre, Laryissa Jenner, Valeria Quijada, Johanna Rivas, Rebecca Silva, Mia Ventura and Wiam Zidani did a great job. Revere cross country pulls out fi rst victory Revere faced Lynn Classical at Lynn Woods and came away with its fi rst win of the season. Once again, senior captain Rocio Gonzalez Castillo ruled the course – easily taking fi rst place. Olivia Rupp, Hiba El Bzyouy and Afnane Amine ran really well, making a strong pack that secured the dominant win. Olivia Rupp, Hiba El Bzyouy and Afnane Amine ran really well, making a strong pack that secured the dominant win. “The looped course is very challenging, having the runners tackle a signifi cant hill three times – but they prevailed and really ran strong,” Revere coach Katie Sinnott said. “This is not a course to earn personal best paces on, so the race is more about trying to battle for your place. A Lynn Classical girl had a tremendous sprint fi nish and got herself into second place after being in fourth for much of the race.” Overall results: Revere 19, Lynn Classical 45. Individual Revere results: Rocio Gonzalez Castillo – 1st – 23:21 Olivia Rupp – 3rd – 24:43 Hiba El Bzyouy – 4th Afnane Amine – 5th Yasmin Riazi – 6th – 25:02 – 26:38 – 27:25 Daniela Santana Baez – 7th 27:33 Rania Abdelhannane – 9th 34:06 Stephanie Reyes – 11th – – – 35:18 Revere/Malden golf team drops fi rst match of season Lynn English topped Revere/ Malden, 36.5-35.5, in match play. That moved the team’s record to 3-1 on the season. “This match was certainly a learning experience for our group as we learned the hard way that every point and shot matters,” Revere/ Malden coach Brandon Pezzuto said. “And even when things aren’t going our way during the early stages of a match, we must be resilient and continue to battle.” Some highlights from the match include the fi rst-ranked match featuring Chris MacDonald of Malden and the second-ranked match featuring Matt LaCroix of Revere. Both players faced very talented opponents, and matches were back and forth through the fi rst eight holes, eventually tied entering the ninth hole. MacDonald fell short, losing his match, 5-4, against Lynn English’s top ranked opponent, and LaCroix tied his match, 4.5-4.5. Other notables include captains Ollie Svendsen of Revere and Ryan Coggswell of Malden. Coggswell, playing the seven spot, won his match, 6.5-2.5, and Svendsen, playing the eight spot, won his match, 8.5-.5. Additionally, Malden freshman Tommy Cronin, although losing his match, 6-3, in the four spot, SPORT | SEE Page 15 Does Medicare Cover Second Medical Opinions? Dear Savvy Senior, Does Medicare cover second medical opinions? The doctor I currently see thinks I need a knee replacement, but I would like to get some other treatment options before I proceed. What can you tell me? Limping Larry Dear Larry, Getting a second medical opinion from another doctor is a smart idea that may off er you a fresh perspective and additional options for treating your knee so you can make a more informed decision. Or, if the second doctor agrees with your current one, it can give you some reassurance. Yes, Medicare does pay for second opinions if your current doctor has recommended surgery, or some other major diagnostic or therapeutic procedure. If you’re enrolled in original Medicare, 80 percent of the costs for second medical opinions are covered under Part B (you or your Medicare supplemental policy are responsible for the other 20 percent), and you don’t need an order or referral from your doctor to get one. Medicare will even pay 80 percent for a third opinion, if the fi rst two diff er. Most Medicare Advantage plans cover second opinions too, but you may need to follow certain steps to get it paid for. For example, some plans will only help pay for a second opinion if you have a referral from your primary care doctor, and/ or they may require that you can only use a doctor in their network. If you have a Medicare Advantage plan, you’ll need to call it to fi nd out their rules. Finding Another Doctor To fi nd another doctor for a second opinion you can either ask your current doctor for a name or two, or ask another doctor you trust for a referral, or you can fi nd one on your own. Whatever route you choose, it’s best to go with a doctor that’s affi liated with a diff erent practice or hospital than your original doctor. Hospitals and practices can be set in their ways when it comes to treatments and are likely to offer similar advice. If you choose to fi nd one on your own, use Medicare’s Care Compare tool at Medicare.gov/ care-compare. This will let you fi nd doctors by name or medical specialty in your area that accept original Medicare. You can also get this information by calling Medicare at 800-6334227. Or, if you’re enrolled in a Medicare Advantage plan, call or visit your plan’s website for a list of candidates. After you’ve got a few doctors names, there are a number of free online resources to help you research them like HealthGrades.com and Vitals.com. After you fi nd another doctor, before you get a second opinion, you’ll need to have your current doctor’s office send your medical records ahead to the second doctor, or you may have to pick them up and deliver them yourself. That way, you won’t have to repeat the tests you already had. But, if the second doctor wants you to have additional tests performed as a result of your visit, Medicare will help pay for these tests too. For more information, see the Medicare publication “Getting a Second Opinion Before Surgery” at Medicare.gov/publications – type in 02173 in the Keyword or Product number box. Send your senior questions to: Savvy Senior, P.O. Box 5443, Norman, OK 73070, or visit SavvySenior.org. Jim Miller is a contributor to the NBC Today show and author of “The Savvy Senior” book. For Advertising with Results, call The Advocate Newspaperscall The Advocate Newspapers at 781-286-8500 or Info@advocatenews.net

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