THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 2021 Page 19 RevereTV Spotlight T 1. On Sept. 17, 1787, what U.S. government document was signed? 2. What well-known artist painted “Cape Cod Evening,” “Freight Cars, Gloucester” and “Nighthawks”? 3. What government residence has a Chocolate Shop, a Music Room and a Game Room? 4. Traditionally, on Sept. 18 Oktoberfest starts; although it was cancelled this year, what traditional fest souvenir can you still buy? 5. What animal does mohair come from? 6. Doug Emhoff has what informal title? 7. Reportedly, on Sept. 19, 1982, what type of keyboard characters related to emotions were first used in computerized communication? 8. What kind of person is a Luddite? 9. What kind of storm was the Carrington Event, which happened in September 1859? 10. On Sept. 20, 1904, in what city (now having the Aviation Heritage National Historical Park) did Orville Wright make the first successful circular airplane fl ight? Answers 11. Where would you fi nd a “lazy daisy”? 12. On Sept. 7, 2021, which country became the fi rst to accept bitcoin as legal tender? 13. Which came fi rst, the ice cube tray or ice cube bag? 14. About how many apples does it take to make a gallon of cider: 24, 36 or 50? 15. On Sept. 21, 1981, who became the fi rst female Supreme Court justice? 16. In a letter to her sister, what author of “Sense and Sensibility” wrote “Good apple pies are a considerable part of our domestic happiness”? 17. On Sept. 22 of the Third Age (in Shire-reckoning) what fi ctional father and son were both born? 18. In what Latin American country did ceviche originate? 19. What crochet design is named after a family member? 20. On Sept. 23, 1869, Irish immigrant “Typhoid Mary” Mallon died; although she, herself, was healthy, she was believed to have carried typhoid in what state? hings got a bit busier at RevereTV this week starting with the return of “The Senior FYI”! This program is produced by RTV in partnership with the Rossetti-Cowan Senior Center and aims to disperse information privy to the senior citizens of Revere. In this episode, Director of Elder Affairs Debra Peczka DiGiulio and guest host Ed Deveau were at the news desk to talk about what is going on at the senior center, including available services and upcoming events. You can watch “The Senior FYI” on Mondays at 1 p.m., Thursdays at 1 p.m. and Fridays at 8:30 a.m. on the RTV Community Channel. The Revere High School Football season has offi cially begun. RevereTV provided live coverage of the team’s home opener against Peabody and should be SISTERS | FROM Page 1 Councillors Patrick Keefe, Steve Morabito and Gerry Visconti, the cosponsors of the motion to present the commendation, praised the Martellis and their parents for their spirit of giving back to the community. But it was Kayla who thanked the community for its continued support of their charitable eff orts. “It’s the community, it’s everyone who comes to support us in these past 10 years,” said Kayla when asked about the secret to her and her sister’s success by Keefe. “I couldn’t imagine life without my lemonade stand anat every game this season. The games will air live on the RTV Community Channel, YouTube and Facebook. If you miss any of RTV’s live coverage, all football games will replay on the Community Channel and will be posted to the RHS Football Fall 2021 playlist on YouTube. Good luck, Revere Patriots! Soon in the community program rotation, you will get to watch a live studio performance of a local band, Hexx Head. Band duo Allie Coppola and Mike Frazier recorded a performance featuring music from their upcoming album. Hexx Head was established a year ago, an idea put in motion through the pandemic. Coppola says the band has electronic, industrial, techno and punk elements. Check out Hexx Head’s performance in the upcoming weeks on RevereTV’s ymore. It’s become something I really cherish and that I want to continue as long as I can and carry it on to my family and the community … I want everyone to start giving back as much as we do.” All three councillors were full of praise for the sisters as well as for their parents, Don and Susan. “It’s not just about the lemonade stand, and it’s not just about the event to get people to give a few bucks, it’s about the awareness they raise and it’s about how they go about their days every day in the year,” said Keefe. Keefe noted that the annual lemonade stand is an event the entire community looks forward Community Channel. As a reminder, that channel is 8 and 1072 on Comcast and 3 and 614 on RCN. A 9/11 Remembrance Ceremony was held on Saturday for the 20th anniversary of the attacks on 9/11. RevereTV aired this ceremony on all media outlets. If you missed it, you can watch Saturday’s ceremony on RevereTV as it replays throughout the next few weeks – and also on Facebook and YouTube. If you missed Revere’s primary election results for Ward 3 and Ward 5, you can watch RevereTV’s coverage and guest host commentary from Tuesday night on YouTube and Facebook. This event aired live on RTV Gov as the results came in. All city meetings and government coverage airs on this channel, which is 9 on Comcast and 13 and 613 on RCN. to every year. “Their little lemonade stand has been a legitimate community event,” he said. “We look forward to it every year, and it’s become a social event for the entire community from morning until night. The fi re department comes by, representatives from the police department come by and almost every councillor comes by.” Morabito said the Martellis understand how important it is to give to the community and to people in need. “These girls make a diff erence, and it’s very important that you girls know you are role models,” he said. “If you can make a diff erence in one person’s life, then you have done a great job.” SKATING CENTER 781-231-1111 HELP WANTED Skate Guards • Snack Bar Adults Prefered - Hours Can Be Arranged Open 7 Days Per Week Call Jerry at 617-620-9201 or Michelle at 781-233-9507 Located at 425R Broadway (Route 1 South), Saugus MBTA Bus Route 429 1. The Constitution (Sept. 17 is annual Constitution/Citizenship Day.) 2. Edward Hopper 3. The White House 4. The offi cial Oktoberfest mug 5. The Angora goat 6. Second Gentleman 7. Emoticons (similar to emoji) 8. One who resists technological change 9. A solar fl are/ geomagnetic storm causing visible auroras worldwide and damaging telegraph systems 10. Dayton, Ohio 11. It is the name of an embroidery stitch. 12. El Salvador 13. Ice cube tray (1933) 14. 36 15. Sandra Day O’Connor 16. Jane Austen 17. Bilbo Baggins (in 2890) and Frodo Baggins (in 2968) 18. Peru 19. Granny squares 20. New York
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