THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, AUGUST 26, 2022 Page 15 Revere Public Schools Bus Routes • For a full list of RPS Bus Routes, please visit our RPS Transportation page at: • Middle Schools Susan B. Anthony Middle School Susan B. Anthony Bus 2 (Oak Island & Pines) AM Departure Time: 6:55 Paul Revere School Am Est. Arrival: 6:55 Mills Ave. and John Ave. AM Est. Arrival: 7:00 Mills Ave. and Wadleigh Ave. AM Est. Arrival: 7:02 Pines Fire Station AM Est. Arrival: 7:05 Lynnway and Harrington Ave. AM Est. Arrival: 7:08 Along Revere Beach Blvd. AM Est. Arrival: 7:12 Kelly's Roast Beef AM Est. Arrival: 7:16 St. George (Pink Building) AM Est. Arrival: 7:18 Revere St. at Revere Beach Blvd. AM Est. Arrival: 7:19 Garfield Elementary School (Destination: SBA) AM Est. Arrival: 7:21 PM Departure Time: 2:28 Paul Revere School PM Est. Arrival: 2:34 Mills Ave. and Wadleigh Ave. PM Est. Arrival: 2:37 Mills Ave. and John Ave. PM Est. Arrival: 2:38 Pines Fire Station PM Est. Arrival: 2:41 Lynnway and Harrington Ave. PM Est. Arrival: 2:42 Along Revere Beach Blvd. PM Est. Arrival: 2:43 Kelly's Roast Beef PM Est. Arrival: 2:46 St. George (Pink Building) PM Est. Arrival: 2:48 Revere St. at Revere Beach Blvd. PM Est. Arrival: 2:49 North Shore Rd. and Wolcott Rd. PM Est. Arrival: 2:55 ***Please note that all arrival and departure times are estimated and are dependent on traffic. Students should be at the bus stop at least 10 minutes prior to the estimated arrival time. ***Please note that all arrival and departure times are estimated and are dependent on traffic. Students should be at the bus stop at least 10 minutes prior to the estimated arrival time. Susan b. Anthony Middle School Susan B. Anthony Bus 3 (Broadway & Beach St.) AM Departure Time: 7:00 American Legion Hwy. at Revere Tanning AM Est. Arrival: 7:00 Broadway and Beach Rd. AM Est. Arrival: 7:02 Winthrop Ave. and Elm St. AM Est. Arrival: 7:06 Beach St. and Library St. AM Est. Arrival: 7:08 PM Departure Time: 2:28 Beach St. and Library St. PM Est. Arrival: 2:31 Winthrop Ave. and Elm St. PM Est. Arrival: 2:34 American Legion Hwy. at Revere Tanning PM Est. Arrival: 2:44 Broadway and Beach St. PM Est. Arrival: 2:45 Susan B. Anthony Middle School Susan B. Anthony Bus 4 (Green St. & Garfield) AM Departure Time: 7:00 Revere Beach Pkwy. and Green St. AM Est. Arrival: 7:00 Garfield School (Destination - SBA) AM Est. Arrival: 7:05 PM Departure Time: 2:28 Revere Beach Pkwy. and Green St. PM Est. Arrival: 2:40 North Shore Rd. and Eliot Rd. PM Est. Arrival: 2:45 Susan B. Anthony Middle School Susan B. Anthony Bus 5 (Beachmont & Garfield) AM Departure Time: 7:05 Beachmont School AM Est. Arrival: 7:05 Garfield School (Destination: SBA) AM Est. Arrival: 7:13 PM Departure Time: 2:28 Beachmont School PM Est. Arrival: 2:36 North Shore Rd. and Wolcott Rd. PM Est. Arrival: 2:40 ***Please note that all arrival and departure times are estimated and are dependent on traffic. Students should be at the bus stop at least 10 minutes prior to the estimated arrival time. ***Please note that all arrival and departure times are estimated and are dependent on traffic. Students should be at the bus stop at least 10 minutes prior to the estimated arrival time. • High Schools AM Departure Time: 7:05 Salem St. and Stone St. Am Est. Arrival: 7:05 Salem St. and Franklin St. AM Est. Arrival: 7:09 Salem St. and Grand View Ave. AM Est. Arrival: 7:10 Salem St. and Liberty Ave. AM Est. Arrival: 7:12 Salem St. and Overlook Ridge Dr. AM Est. Arrival: 7:13 Lynn St. and Spring St. AM Est. Arrival: 7:15 PM Departure Time: 2:28 Lynn St. and Spring St. PM Est. Arrival: 2:40 Salem St. and Overlook Ridge Dr. PM Est. Arrival: 2:45 Salem St. and Stone St. PM Est. Arrival: 2:47 Salem St. and Franklin St. PM Est. Arrival: 2:49 Salem St. and Grand View Ave. PM Est. Arrival: 2:51 AM Departure Time: 7:05 Mills Ave. and John Ave. Am Est. Arrival: 7:05 Mills Ave. and Frank Ave. AM Est. Arrival: 7:06 Mills Ave. and Wadleigh Ave. AM Est. Arrival: 7:07 Pines Fire Station AM Est. Arrival: 7:09 Lynnway and Harrington Ave. AM Est. Arrival: 7:12 Along Revere Beach Blvd. AM Est. Arrival: 7:13 Kelly's Roast Beef AM Est. Arrival: 7:16 St. George (Pink Building) AM Est. Arrival: 7:18 Revere St. at Revere Beach Blvd AM Est. Arrival: 7:19 ***Please note that all arrival and departure times are estimated and are dependent on traffic. Students should be at the bus stop at least 10 minutes prior to the estimated arrival time. PM Departure Time: 2:28 Revere St. at Revere Beach Blvd. PM Est. Arrival: 2:40 St. George (Pink Building) PM Est. Arrival: 2:42 Kelly's Roast Beef. PM Est. Arrival: 2:43 Along Revere Beach Blvd. PM Est. Arrival: 2:45 Lynnway and Harrington Ave. PM Est. Arrival: 2:46 Pines Fire Station PM Est. Arrival: 2:47 Mills Ave. and John Ave. PM Est. Arrival: 2:50 Mills Ave. and Frank Ave. PM Est. Arrival: 2:51 Mills Ave. and Wadleigh Ave. PM Est. Arrival: 2:52 ***Please note that all arrival and departure times are estimated and are dependent on traffic. Students should be at the bus stop at least 10 minutes prior to the estimated arrival time.
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