Page 18 THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, AUGUST 20, 2021 FOOTBALL | FROM Page 14 the enthusiasm and excitement exhibited by the participants in the league. “It was a struggle at times, but with a lot of planning and attention to detail – especially with the health and safety protocols – we were able to provide a sports season to every team and player that wished to compete, across the league,” Conefrey said. “It is a credit to all who took part in the planning and administration of the seasons.” Conefrey added. “The GBL superintendents, high school principals, athletic directors, athletic trainers and coaches, they really stepped up to make these seasons happen.” “Hundreds of GBL studentathletes had a chance to compete and create some memories they can hold onto forever,” Conefrey said. **** FOOTBALL FIRST: Fall season for 2021-22 school year kicks off today for GBL teams: Everett, Malden & Revere Players and coaches who have been eagerly awaiting the start of the fi rst traditional high school preseason since 2019 get their wish today. Football conditioning workouts begin today for local teams with some teams scheduling the fi rst day of workouts for this morning, while others, like Malden High, opting for the afternoon for their fi rst offi - cial preseason practice. Malden High fi rst-year Head Coach Witche Exilhomme said he is looking forward to his fi rst day at the helm and is happy the fi rst workout is fi nally here. “The players and coaches have waited all summer for this day and now it is time to really get to work,” said Coach Exilhomme, who is a former Golden Tornado (Class of 2012) and American International College (AIC) standout. Malden High opens its regular season on Thursday, Sept. 16, when the Golden Tornados host non-leaguer Whittier Tech at 6:00 p.m. at Macdonald Stadium. Between now and then, Malden has a preseason game scrimmage set against GBLer Chelsea High, set for Saturday, Aug. 28 at 11:00 a.m. at Macdonald Stadium. It is anticipated Malden will add the CHS Red Devils as an opponent on its regsquad will host former NEC rival Peabody at 7:00 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 10 as their season home opener. The Patriots are looking to replace a slew of skilled players who were graduated from a senior-laden roster, led by QB Calvin Boudreau, who is a freshman at Curry College this fall. **** Congratulations to Malden High’s Abby Tang, named AllScholastic in swimming Congratulations to Malden ular season schedule for the Fall 2022 schedule. Another local head football coach who has been anticipating his fi rst offi cial full preseason camp is Everett High second-year Head Coach Rob DiLoreto, who is heading up the staff for his alma mater as a former Crimson Tide star from the 1980s. DiLoreto and the Crimson Tide have a formidable season Opening Day opIf you have any questions about this week’s report, e-mail us at or call us at (617) 720-1562. THE HOUSE AND SENATE: There were no roll call votes in the House or Senate last week. This week, Beacon Hill Roll Call reports local representatives’ roll call attendance records for the 2021 session through August 13, 3021. The House has held 89 roll calls so far in 2021. Beacon Hill Roll Call tabulates the number of roll calls on which each representative was present and voting and then calculates that number as a percentage of the total roll call votes held. That percentage is the number referred to as the roll call attendance record. The vast majority of the 160 representatives are not in the House chamber during a session because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Sources tell Beacon Hill Roll Call that they have seen as few as 12 members in the chamber and as many as 40. The remainder are watching the session from their home or business and voting remotely. SKATING CENTER 781-231-1111 HELP WANTED Skate Guards • Snack Bar Adults Prefered - Hours Can Be Arranged Open 7 Days Per Week Call Jerry at 617-620-9201 or Michelle at 781-233-9507 Located at 425R Broadway (Route 1 South), Saugus MBTA Bus Route 429 ponent on the 2021 schedule, when Everett travels to Westwood to take on defending Div. 1 Super Bowl Champion Xaverian on Friday, Sept. 10 at 7:00 p.m. Xaverian is Everett’s lone non-league opponent on the 2021 schedule. On Friday, Sept. 3, the Tide will play Peabody in its fi nal tune-up, a game scrimmage on the road. Revere HS Head Coach Lou Cicatelli and the Patriots football Here’s how the remote voting system works: Eight appointed monitors are required to be present in the House chamber and are each given the task of recording the votes of approximately 20 members who are watching the session remotely from their home or business office. Each monitor has their 20 members on a conference call and fi lls out a form indicating how each member voted. The sheets are given to the court offi cers who then give them to the House Clerk who verifi es that the correct totals have been recorded on the sheet and that the sheet is signed by the monitor. The assistant clerk records the yeas and nays in the roll call computer, which activates the green (voted YES) or red (voted NO) lights on the electronic roll call board. Members participating remotely then have the opportunity to see on the broadcast how they are recorded so that they can verify that their vote is recorded accurately. The tally is then displayed on the roll call board and the presiding offi cer announces the totals and the result of the vote. If a member wants to speak on an issue under consideration, they leave the conference call temporarily. Using a different telephone, they call into a line that patches them into the debate. Their voice is then heard in the House chamber and by those watching the broadcast online. In the House, 88.7 percent (142 representatives out of 160) did High junior Abby Tang, a threetime GLB All-Star, who was named a Boston Herald AllScholastic for her exploits in pool for the Golden Tornadoes swim team. Tang served as a team captain for Malden and was the GBL champion in the 200-individual medley, 100-butterfl y and 100-freestyle. For her career, Tang has qualifi ed for the sectionals and states in both relay events as well as individual competition. Tang is a member of the National Honor Society and Science National Honor Society. Other Malden High players named to the GBL All-Star Team were Makayla Preston, David Lombardi and Tony Giech. not miss any roll calls and have 100 percent roll call attendance records while 11.3 percent (18 representatives out of 160) have missed one or more roll calls. The representative who missed the most roll calls is Rep. Meghan Kilcoyne (D-Northborough) who missed 15, resulting in an 83.1 percent attendance record. Rounding out the top six representatives who have missed the most roll calls are Reps. Patrick Kearney (D-Scituate) who missed eight roll calls (91.0 percent attendance record); Chynah Tyler (D-Roxbury) and David LeBoeuf (D-Worcester) who both missed four roll calls (95.5 percent attendance records); Ann-Margaret Ferrante (D-Gloucester) who missed three roll calls (96.6 percent roll call attendance record); and Michelle DuBois (D-Brockton) who missed two roll calls (97.7 attendance record.) Beacon Hill Roll Call contacted these six legislators and asked each one for a comment on his or her attendance record. Only three responded: Reps. Kilcoyne, Kearney and Ferrante. “I was forced to miss one full formal session because I sat for the Massachusetts Bar Exam at the end of July,” said Kilcoyne. “My absence is recorded in the House Journal along with the explanation for the missed votes on that one day. The journal also refl ects how I would have voted had I been present on that day. Other than the one day I was forced BEACON | SEE Page 19
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