Page 16 THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, AUGUST 20, 2021 Thousands attend 5th Annual Moroccan Festival By Tara Vocino M ore than 1,000 people attended the 5th Annual Moroccan Festival on the baseball mound at the A.C. Whelan Elementary School on Saturday. “The fi fth Annual Moroccan Festival surpassed all the cultural events we have done so far,” Moroccan American Connections In Revere (MACIR) President Rachid Moukhabir said. “Thanks to everyone who contributed to the success of this outdoor celebration, including volunteers, exhibitors, city offi cials and all the attendees for the large turn-out in extremely hot [90 degree] weather.” Safa Ait Lhaj and Nery Castro won round-trip raffl e tickets to Morocco. Best exhibitor Soraya Dendane received the best exhibitor award from general consul of Morocco Abdelkader Jamoussi. (Courtesy photo, host Rachid Moukhabir) Senate candidate Anthony D’Ambrosio and Fatou Drammeh (Courtesy photo) Lily Huang (third from left) onstage in formalwear, or what the Moroccan culture wears at weddings. A Moroccan dance was performed with drums and clapping. Guests in non-Moroccan dresses danced to the music.
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