THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, AUGUST 20, 2021 Page 13 Revere Firefi ghters’ Union Local 926 President Kevin O’Hara endorses Steven Morabito for reelection. Shown from left to right are Councillor-at-Large Steven Morabito’s father, Salvi; Steven; his sisterin-law, Jessica Bosworth; Jesse Rosenwald and Morabito’s partner, Richard Bosworth. Mayor Brian Arrigo endorsed Councillor-at-Large Steven Morabito for reelection during Wednesday’s campaign kickoff at Valsos Table & Bar. Pictured from left to right: Sandra Morales, Andre Alves, Revere’s First Lady Daveen Arrigo (holding a Morabito pin), Councillor-at-Large Steven Morabito and Ward 5 Councillor John Powers. Alves said Morabito does good work and is right for the job. Councillor-at-Large candidate Marc Silvestri, Councillor-at-Large Steven Morabito and developer Jamie Russo From foundation to finish, let’s make it happen. Shown from left to right: Ward 3 Councillor candidate Anthony Cogliandro, School Committee Member candidate Vanessa Biasella, Councillor-at-Large Steven Morabito, Yesenia Arango (in back), Ward 2 Councillor candidate Manuel Carrero and School Committee candidate John Kingston. Councillor-at-Large Steven Morabito and family members, pictured from left to right: his father, Salvi, Steven and brother Al Morabito 419 BROADWAY, EVERETT MA 02149 Member FDIC Member DIF
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