The Advocate - A Household word for 30 years! Vol.30, No.33 Free Every Friday Bocce Back on The Beach 781-286-8500 Friday, August 20, 2021 Revere fastest growing city in state Successful census outreach shows 20 percent population increase – resulting in more government resources R FIRST-PLACE BOCCE KINGS: Shown from left to right in blue with their medals: Gianni Bellia, Lou Piazza, Anthony Bellia and Joseph Bellia during the annual Bocce on the Beach event last Saturday. They are pictured with Rumney Marsh Burial Ground Committee (RMBGRC) members: at left are Janelle O’Brien, Pamela Blyakhman, Brendan O’Brien and event registration/operations director Elle Baker; at right are RMBGRC Chairman Bob Upton (holding the trophy) and The Joy of Bocce Cofounder Carmela Pagnoni. See photo highlights on page 6. (Advocate photo by Tara Vocino) Administrators review COVID policies for new school year By Adam Swift S tudents, staff and visitors will be required to wear masks inside and on busses when the new school year begins shortly in Revere. Social distancing measures will not be offi cially in place in the schools, but Assistant Superintendent of Schools Richard Gallucci said the schools will be taking as many steps as possible to encourage social distancing for students and staff . “All of our administrators are taking social distancing seriously, even though it is not technically by the letter of the law required,” Gallucci told the School Committee on Tuesday night. “They are never sacrifi cing space, whether it is in the classroom or in the lunchroom or having kids go outside to eat their lunch. They are really trying to social distance whenever they can, including the arrangement of desks and children and staff within the classroom.” One requirement that won’t be in place right away, but could be coming soon, is making sure all staff are either vaccinated or tested weekly. Mayor Brian Arrigo said he has been working with the Board of Health and Dr. Nathalee Kong, the city’s new Chief of Public Health and Human Services, on a citywide policy around vaccinations that includes municipal and school employees. “I think the general consensus has been, and I know Boston did announce this recently, to require folks to show proof of vaccination or be tested,” said Arrigo. He said the testing can be costly; however, there is a chance that the FDA could soon approve a cheaper testing option. “All that is to say we are prepping to have something to roll out, but I’ve been talking to my colleagues, and the thinking seems to be let’s wait for the FDA approval,” said Arrigo. A more concrete vaccination and testing proposal could be before the School Committee by the time of its September meeting, he said. Other COVID measures that will be in place when school starts include the continuation of pooled testing for COVID-19 and contact tracing by school nurses. There will also be multiple student entrances and exits in each school building to cut down on the congregation of students. “We will continue with the multiple arrival and dismissal points,” said Gallucci. “This is something that went very smoothly in the spring when we returned to school.” Another measure used by the schools in the spring to cut down on heavy student traffi c use, doing away with school lockers, will also continue for the time being. Gallucci noted that most students now use their Chromebooks for most of their reading and assignments rather than textbooks. He said the use of lockers could be revisited later in the year, especially when students start wearing bulkier outer layers in the winter. Also, visitors to the school will have to make appointments, unless it is an emergency. Gallucci said this will give staff a better handle on who is going in and out of the buildings. evere is now offi cially the fastest-growing city in Massachusetts. Recently, municipalities throughout the United States received their 2020 Census Data – the data shows Revere outpacing other cities across the Commonwealth with its population rising more than 20 percent since the last census a decade ago. Revere’s new population is 62,186. “The results of the 2020 Census are incredibly exciting for our city, Revere is now the fastest growing city in Massachusetts – which will bring more federal, state, and local resources to our community,” said Mayor Brian Arrigo. “As more housing options come online and we welcome more new residents, we have greater influence to advocate for what our city needs.” The City of Revere launched Revere Counts to support census eff orts and ensure an accurate count in the community. The initiative was led by Revere’s Director of Healthy Community POPULATION | SEE Page 20 Rep. Giannino announces appointment of DeFilippis as Legislative Aide BOSTON – State Representative Jessica Ann Giannino announced the appointment of Christopher A. DeFilippis as her legislative aide. “As State Representative of the Sixteenth Suffolk District, I am thrilled to announce Christopher A. DeFilippis will be serving as my State House aide on Beacon Hill. Having earned a finance degree from Merrimack College as well as having his senior thesis archived in the college library, Chris brings both analytic and literary skills to the offi ce of the State Representative,” said Giannino. “I am confi dent that with Chris taking on this role in my offi ce, we will continue to meet the needs and serve the people of Revere, Chelsea and Saugus.” The legislative aide’s duties have a wide spectrum: tracking the representative’s legislative and budgetary priorities, researching legislative issues and briefi ng the representative, and helping constituents navigate state government. “Chris’ past experience in both managerial and leadership roles will reinforce his success in dealing with daily responsibilities as CHRISTOPHER DEFILIPPIS well as any issues that may arise on short notice,” said Giannino. “I am so excited and honored to have been given the opportunity to work with Representative Giannino and to serve the community that I grew up in,” said DeFilippis. “I have a devoted love for my country, thus being able to work as a small facet of the Massachusetts State Government is a dream come true. I am looking forward to helping continue the great work that Team Giannino has accomplished within Revere, Chelsea and Saugus.”
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