Page 8 THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, AUGUST 18, 2023 Ward 5 council candidate Guarino Sawaya hosts candidate visit at Jack Satter House By Tara Vocino W ard 5 City Council candidate Angela Guarino Sawaya held her meet and greet in the Jack Satter House community home last Wednesday night. Guarino Sawaya gave out brochures and nail fi les. (Advocate photos by Tara Vocino) Lori Ziedins, a Barbara Streisand impersonator, provided the entertainment. Guarino Sawaya gave her speech in the community room. The room was standing room only. Guarino Sawaya with her supporters at the Jack Satter House last Wednesday. Ann Eagan with Guarino Sawaya. The community room was packed. Lori Ziedens had the crowd on the dance fl oor.

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