THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 2022 Page 9 Outdoor power equipment helps weather a storm or power outage Be prepared & keep safety in mind, says OPEI and follow the manufacturer’s manual.” To get ready for inclement weather, identify which equipment is needed. Chainsaws or pole saws can trim limbs and shrubs ahead of a storm and handle clearing. String trimmers, pruners and chainsaws can also remove combustible material from around your home, making it less vulnerable to wildfi res. A portable generator will Storm cleanup (Photo courtesy: Outdoor Power Equipment Institute) ALEXANDRIA, Va. – Having the right outdoor power equipment on hand year-round is important, says the Outdoor Power Equipment Institute (OPEI), which advises home and business owners to grow familiar with safe operating procedures and think ahead before foul weather or a power outage disrupts life. OPEI is an international trade association representing manufacturers and suppliers of outdoor power equipment, small engines, battery power systems, portable generators, utility and personal transport vehicles, and golf cars. “It’s important to be prepared year-round given any season can be storm season. We see more people investing in portable and whole house generators and having other outdoor power equipment on hand such as chainsaws and water pumps to mitigate any damage from felled trees and water damage and fl oods,” says OPEI President & CEO Kris Kiser. He notes that outdoor power equipment is becoming faster, lighter, more efficient and more technologically advanced. “There’s a power source for every need including battery/electric, propane, solar and gasoline,” he says, noting that each has different maintenance and care requirements, and “Always read power key appliances and charge cell phones when utilities go down. A whole house generator can keep the lights and appliances on and running. Before an outage, plan where the generator will be set up (never in a home or garage, and always away from your home and any air intake) and determine how to secure it if needed. Buy and install a carbon monoxide detector, too. Get outdoor-rated extension cords for portable generators and consider adding an approved cover to your generator for rainy weather. Water pumps can help get water and muck out of basements and homes. Be sure you know how to operate the pump. Never pump substances that your equipment is not designed Put Your Money To Work! 1.50% APY* 6-Month Certificate Earn More at Mass Bay! Only $500 Minimum IRA Certificates, Too! Visit us in Everett at 183 Main Street or stop by any branch. to cope with. Pay attention to avoid overheating and follow all safety precautions. A utility type vehicle can transport people and supplies quickly in an emergency. Keep the vehicle stable and drive slowly. Do not turn mid-slope or while on a hill. Consider taking a safety course. Always read the directions provided by outdoor power equipment manufacturers and be sure to follow all manufacturer’s safety and usage recommendations before you need it – not waiting until an emergency. Practice how to operate equipment. Save a digital copy of the owner’s manual on your computer if possible, so it can easily be consulted in the future. HELPS | SEE Page 14 massbaycu.org *APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Minimum balance to open and earn APY is $500. Maximum deposit $250,000. The APY for all Certificates assumes the dividends will remain in the account until maturity. Withdrawal of dividends prior to maturity will reduce earnings. Certificates are subject to penalty for early withdrawal. Fees may reduce earnings. Rate is effective August 3, 2022. This is a limited time offer and is subject to change without notice. Other rates and terms available. Subject to membership eligibility, see our website for details.

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