THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 2022 Page 11 The Better Business Bureau offers tips for buying tech products T echnology has become a permanent fi xture of the education experience. After the crash course in educational technology that was the 2020 school year, teachers and students are increasingly confi dent in using technology for learning. Though its role in the classroom will continue to evolve, a precedent has been set – technology is now a critical component of education. Market research fi rm Deloitte details how educational shifts infl uence consumer shopping habits: “Digital learning tools are replacing traditional school supplies, driving tech sales up 37% YoY.” As families begin to invest in reliable technology, the Better Business Bureau (BBB) advises shoppers to beware of scammers who could spoil your hopes for academic success. Data shows that consumers are not only planning to make more technology purchases but also using digital technology to make those purchases. Deloitte research indicates that nearly half of consumers want to shop online for technology purchases. Plus, consumers say quality and price are the top two factors driving their purchase decisions. However, shortages of essential supplies like computer chips may limit the options available to shoppers. Together, these trends put consumers in a risky position – where they need products but can’t fi nd them available from trustworthy sellers. In times like these, scams are increasingly likely. Scammers might target shoppers with phony deals, enticing ads and attractive but fake websites. To ensure you don’t fall prey to a scam, savvy online shopping is a must. BBB off ers these tips for buying tech products ahead of the new school year: • Shop with familiar retailers. Laptops, tablets or other tech accessories can be a significant investment. Shop with businesses you know and trust to ensure you’re getting a quality product and good customer service. • Don’t buy from impostors. Fraudsters may use the name, logo and other characteristics of brands you trust. Closely examine the website to verify that they are who they say they are. • Approach low prices with caution. Low prices and short-term sales could signal you’ve encountered a scam. If the price seems too good to be true, it probably is. • Some companies rarely off er sales. Do more research if a company that rarely discounts products offers a huge sale. The products might be used or refurbished, or it could be a fake website. • Know what you’re shopping for. Set a budget, identify what capabilities will benefi t your student and compare your options. Then, shop around for a reliable seller. Researching the best product for your needs will help you avoid scams and buyer’s remorse. • Ensure you know who the seller is. Some big-box retailers allow third-party sellers to list items on their site, and those items can be hard to distinguish from the rest. Read all the fine print to ensure you’re comfortable with the seller. • Finish your shopping early. Supply shortages are possible, especially as many consumers begin shopping for the same products. Do your shopping now to avoid paying higher prices or falling victim to a scam. Learn more about avoiding scams when shopping online by accessing “BBB Tip: Smart Shopping Online” (https://www.bbb.org/ article/tips/14040-bbb-tip-smartshopping-online). Get your school year off to a strong start with BBB’s Back-to-School Shopping Tips (https://www.bbb.org/article/newsreleases/22811-bbb-tip-back-toschool). Report scams at BBB.org/ ScamTracker. Revere, let us wrap your home in energy savings all year round. PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 40A of the Massachusetts General Laws and Section 17. of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Revere that the Revere City Council will conduct a public hearing on Monday evening, August 22, 2022 at 6:00 P.M. in the City Councillor Joseph A. DelGrosso City Council Chamber, Revere City Hall, 281 Broadway, Revere, MA 02151 on the application of 529 Broadway, LLC, 52 Fairview Street, Winthrop, MA 02152 to alter and extend a nonconforming use (nonconforming commercial building, acting as a private garage) for the purpose of operating a commercial garage at 535 Broadway, Revere, MA 02151. A copy of the aforementioned proposed plan and ap                   Hall, Revere, Massachusetts, Monday through Thursday from 8:15 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. and Friday from 8:15 A.M. to 12:15 P.M. Attest:      August 5, 12, 2022 As a part of National Grid’s Community First partnership, Revere residents are eligible to save 75% or more on approved insulation and no-cost air sealing. Just think of insulation as a comfortable sweater for your home keeping the air you want in and air sealing as a jacket keeping dust and allergens out. Air sealing and insulation work together to save energy all year long.        Better manage energy use. Increase comfort all year long. To get started, schedule your no-cost Home Energy Assessment today. Learn more at   or call 1-866-527-SAVE (7283) Make your home more environmentally friendly. Keep out dust and allergens.

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