THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, AUGUST 4, 2023 Page 9 ~ OP-ED ~ Addressing the Culture in the Mayor’s Office By Gerry Visconti complaint was filed last week with the Department of Labor detailing the acting mayor’s alleged threats to a group of DPW employees for endorsing an opposing candidate. We can neither aff ord to acA cept nor tolerate aggressive behavior from our elected offi cials, certainly not from an individual temporarily occupying the mayor’s offi ce. We must encourage and adopt a culture of inclusivity, where city employees and residents feel safe and respected in their workplace and in dealings with their government. This continuing culture of intimidation and aggression needs to be exposed, addressed, and transformed. Earlier this year, the council addressed bullying tactics from the former mayor’s offi ce. After a vote against the administration, a sitting councillor was threatened with retaliation, funding was obstructed, and a project was cancelled in the councillor’s ward. Leadership is about trust built on compassion and understanding, not about fear and coercion. “We cannot solve problems with the same thinking that created them.” To lead is to set the example, committed to the highest standards of conduct. It’s about earning and showing respect; for the offi ce, for city employees, and for residents. These guiding principles should always be at the forefront of decision-making. Our leaders should inspire us to work together, not to create a sense of dread and insecurity among colleagues. Everyone’s contribution matters with the mayor’s offi ce serving as a beacon of hope and unwavering commitment to maintaining the confi dence and trust of the community and the people it serves. It’s imperative that we hold our leaders accountable for their actions, demanding higher standards from those who represent us by electing individuals who possess the strength, integrity, and dedication to lead us toward a better future. Let’s create an environment where both employees and residents are treated with the respect they deserve, walking into city hall without fear, knowing their well-being and dignity are valued and protected, and their interests are being served, above all else. But fi rst, it will take new leadership to guide the city in the right direction and restore respect to the mayor’s offi ce. (Editor’s Note: Gerry Visconti is a current councillor-at-large and a candidate for mayor.) 425r Broadway, Saugus Located adjacent to Kohls Plaza Route 1 South in Saugus at the intersection of Walnut St. We are on MBTA Bus Route 429 781-231-1111 We are a Skating Rink with Bowling Alleys, Arcade and two TV’s where the ball games are always on! PUBLIC SKATING SCHEDULE 12-8 p.m. Sunday Monday Tuesday $9.00 Price includes Roller Skates Rollerblades/inline skates $3.00 additional cost Private Parties 7:30-11 p.m. $10.00 Price includes Roller Skates Adult Night 18+ Only Wednesday Thursday Friday Everyone must pay admission after 6 p.m. Private Parties Private Parties 4-11 p.m. Saturday 12-11 p.m. $9.00 $9.00 Everyone must pay admission after 6 p.m. Sorry No Checks - ATM on site Roller skate rentals included in all prices Inline Skate Rentals $3.00 additional BIRTHDAY & PRIVATE PARTIES AVAILABLE www.roller-world.com JOHN MACKEY & ASSOCIATES ~ Attorneys at Law ~ * PERSONAL INJURY * REAL ESTATE * FAMILY LAW * PERSONAL BANKRUPTCY * LANDLORD/TENANT DISPUTES 14 Norwood Street Everett, MA 02149 Phone: (617) 387-4900 Fax: (617) 381-1755 WWW.JMACKEYLAW.COM For Advertising with Results, call he Adv cate Ne spapers call The Advocate Newspapers at 781-286-8500 or Info@advocatenews.net

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