Page 18 THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, AUGUST 4, 2023 SCAM | FROM Page 15 formation. Then, read consumer reviews about the company on third-party websites, such as BBB.org. Also, search the business name plus the word “scam” to ensure you don’t fi nd any reports of fraudulent business dealings. • Be careful with your personal details. You might need to fi ll out a contract with personal information, but ensure you are dealing with a legitimate, professional company before handing over sensitive information. MAYOR | FROM Page 1 ing it. He vehemently denies the accounts of the meeting and the comment attributed to him. He said there are public records showing his attempt to hire more workers and expand the department. Keefe said the move to postpone hiring new workers until a new mayor is elected was made to ensure that no jobs were off ered in exchange for political support. He said the union’s complaint is being taken seriously and will be handled properly. As for the description of how the meeting unfolded, Keefe said none of it is accurate and all of it is politically motivated. “This report is a fabricated exaggeration of my frustration and exposes the ugly underbelly of dirty politics and it will be handled professionally through the proper channels and proto• Be wary of people who contact you on messaging apps. Legitimate businesses might use messaging apps to interact with you, but it’s unlikely they will contact you out of the blue this way. Even if you speak with a business through a messaging app, ensure they have a website and working contact information. • Always pay with a credit card. It’s much easier to dispute fraudulent charges using your credit card. If you pay with a debit card or cash, you might not get your money back if you fi nd out you were scammed. cols for any complaint of this nature,” he said in a statement to The Advocate. He described the incident as petty politics fueled by his opponents in the mayoral race and added that his focus has been and will continue to be doing the job as acting mayor. Dan Rizzo, who, along with Councillors Steven Morabito and Gerry Visconti, is a candidate for mayor, called the incident with Keefe disgraceful. “When you have that kind of leverage as an elected offi cial and you use it in this way, it’s deplorable,” said Rizzo, who added that he stands behind the DPW employees. “Nobody should use their position to bully and threaten employees,” he said. “I can assure you, if I am elected, they will not be subjected to this type of behavior.” Rizzo said he plans to follow the ongoing investigation into the incident. As for the suggesFor more information Get BBB advice on planning a wedding at https://www. bbb.org/all/wedding or renting a venue for your next party at https://www.bbb.org/article/news-releases/26819-bbbtip-finding-an-event-venuefor-your-next-party. If you spot a party rental scam or any other kind of scam, report it to BBB.org/ScamTracker to help build consumer awareness. Always look for businesses that follow BBB Accreditation Standards and BBB Standards for Trust. tion that the complaint against Keefe is just dirty politics, Rizzo said the employees “don’t make this stuff up, they saw what they saw. What else is [Keefe] going to say?” Visconti also said city employees should never feel bullied over politics. “It’s crucial for our elected offi cials to set a higher standard, one that prioritizes respect, fairness, and unwavering commitment to serving the public. The employees of our city should never feel threatened or in fear of losing their job because of a political affi liation. We must protect our hard-working city employees and ensure a safe and welcoming work-place for all,” said Visconti. Morabito said he was aware an incident had occurred but he doesn’t know much more than that. “I really can’t comment,” he said. “I don’t have all the facts, I wasn’t there and all I have is just hearsay,” he said. The Hidden Danger of Untreated Heartburn Dear Savvy Senior, Is regular heartburn or acid refl ux anything to worry about? I eat a lot of Rolaids throughout the day to help manage it, but it’s gotten worse with age and it keeps me up at night too. What can you tell me? Belching Bob Dear Bob, Almost everyone experiences heartburn or acid refl ux from time to time, but frequent episodes can signal a much more serious problem. It’s estimated that more than 60 million Americans experience heartburn at least once a month, with around 15 million people who suffer from it daily. Heartburn symptoms show up in a variety of ways – as a burning pain behind the breastbone, indigestion, or a sour or burning taste in the back of the throat. Other symptoms may include chest pain, excessing belching, a long-term cough, sore throat or hoarseness. If you’re plagued by heartburn two or more times a week, and it’s not responding well to overthe-counter antacids you need to see your doctor, who may refer you to a gastroenterologist. Frequent bouts may mean you have gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERDs, which can severely irritate and damage the lining of your esophagus, putting you at risk of Barrett’s esophagus and esophageal cancer if it’s not treated. Lifestyle Adjustments Depending on the frequency and severity of your heartburn, there are a number of lifestyle adjustments you can make that can help provide relief and avoid a more serious problem down the road, such as: • Avoid trigger foods: Some foods can trigger heartburn symptoms like citrus fruits, tomatoes, fatty foods, chocolate, garlic, onions, spicy foods, mints, alcohol, coff ee and sodas. You should keep a food diary to track which foods cause you the most problems and avoid them. • Eat smaller, slower and earlier: Smaller portions at mealtime and eating slower can help reduce heartburn symptoms. You should also wait at least three hours after eating before lying down or going to bed. • Lose weight: Having excess weight around the midsection puts pressure on the abdomen, pushing up the stomach and causing acid to back up into the esophagus. • Quit smoking: Smoking can increase stomach acid and weaken the valve that prevents acid from entering the esophagus. • Sleep elevated: To help keep the acid down while sleeping, get a wedge-shaped pillow to prop yourself up a few inches. If that’s not enough, try elevating the head of your bed six to eight inches by placing blocks under the bedposts or insert a wedge between your mattress and box spring. Wedges are available at drugstores and medical supply stores. Sleeping on the left side may also help keep the acid down. Treatment Options If the lifestyle adjustments don’t solve the problem, or if antacids (Tums, Rolaids, Maalox, Mylanta or Alka-Seltzer) aren’t doing the trick, there are a variety of over the counter (OTC) and prescription medications that can help, including: H-2 Blockers: Available as both OTC and prescription strength, these drugs (Pepcid, Tagamet, Axid and Zantac) reduce how much acid your stomach makes but may not be strong enough for serious symptoms. Proton-Pump Inhibitors (PPI): If you have frequent and severe heartburn symptoms PPIs are long-acting prescription medications that block acid production and allow time for damaged esophageal tissue to heal. They include Nexium, Prevacid, Prilosec, Zegerid, Protonix, Aciphex and Dexilant. Prevacid, Nexium, Prilosec and Zegerid are also available OTC. But be aware that long-term use of PPIs can increase your risk for osteoporosis and chronic kidney disease. If the medications aren’t enough, there are also surgical procedures that can tighten or strengthen the lower esophageal sphincter so gastric fluids can’t wash back up into the esophagus. Send your senior questions to: Savvy Senior, P.O. Box 5443, Norman, OK 73070, or visit SavvySenior.org. Jim Miller is a contributor to the NBC Today show and author of “The Savvy Senior” book.

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