Page 14 THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, JULY 26, 2024 City Hosts Colombian Independence Day Celebration By Tara Vocino he fi rst Colombian Councillor-at-Large, Juan Pablo Jaramillo, and Las Parceritas helped to celebrate Colombian independence by raising the Colombian fl ag last Thursday night on the Charles McMackin Lawn on Broadway. T Mayoral Chief of Staff Claudia Correa, who is Colombian, introduced Mayor Patrick Keefe. The first Colombian Councillor-at-Large, Juan Pablo Jaramillo, showed his cultural pride with a pin. Mayor Patrick Keefe said nearly 7,000 Colombians live in the city. Event organizer Diana Cardona, of Las Parceritas, welcomed everyone. Colombian Consul General in Boston Carolina Mejia Gil spoke in Spanish. Shown from left to right: Tatiana Avendaño, Mayor Patrick Keefe and Monica Henao, of Ankamo music. Language Access Specialist Asmaa Abou Fouda (at left) and event organizer Diana Cardona Shown from left to right: School Committee Secretary John Kingston, School Committee member Anthony Caggiano, Ward 4 Councillor Paul Argenzio, School Committee Vice-Chair Jacqueline Monterroso, Mayor Patrick Keefe, Ward 5 Councillor Angela Guarino-Sawaya, Councillor-at-Large Juan Pablo Jaramillo, City Council Vice President/Ward 2 Councillor Ira Novoselsky and Councillor-at-Large Robert Haas.

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