Page 20 THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, JULY 7, 2023 By Bob Katzen If you have any questions about this week’s report, e-mail us at bob@beaconhillrollcall.com or call us at (617) 720-1562 GET A FREE SUBSCRIPTION TO MASSTERLIST – Join more than 25,000 people, from movers and shakers to political junkies and interested citizens, who start their weekday morning with MASSterList—the popular newsletter that chronicles news and informed analysis about what’s going on up on Beacon Hill, in Massachusetts politics, policy, media and influence. The stories are drawn from major news organizations as well as specialized publications selected by MASSterlist’s editor, Erin Tiernan, with help from Matt Murphy. Both are pros, with a wealth of experience, who introduce each article in their own clever way. MASSterlist will be e-mailed to you FREE every Monday through Friday morning and will give you a leg up on what’s happening in the blood sport of Bay State politics. For more information and to get your free subscription, go to: https:// lp.constantcontactpages.com/ su/aPTLucK THE HOUSE AND SENATE: Beacon Hill Roll Call records local senators’ votes on roll calls from the recent debate on the Senate’s version of a $55.9 billion fi scal 2024 state budget. HORMONAL BIRTH CONTROL (S 3) Senate 39-0, approved an amendment that would allow pharmacists to evaluate patients and, without a prescription from a doctor, prescribe and dispense hormonal contraceptive patches and self-administered oral hormonal contraceptives. The pharmacists would be required to complete a training program on hormonal contraception. “Hormonal birth control is one of the safest and most effective ways to prevent unplanned pregnancy and support family planning, but many women fi nd this critical medication diffi cult to obtain here in Massachusetts,” said sponsor Sen. Mike Moore (D-Millbury). “This amendment … will allow local pharmacists to evaluate patients and prescribe hormonal contraceptives when appropriate – something 27 states and D.C. already allow in some form. This is a great step toward lowering barriers that prevent women from getting the birth control they need and addressing disparities in contraceptive access for those in historically underserved areas.” (A “Yes” vote is for the amendment.) Sen. Lydia Edwards Yes $500,000 FOR COMMUNITY SAFETY GRANTS TO CITIES AND TOWNS (S 3) Senate 39-0, approved an amendment increasing by $500,000 (from $12.3 million to $12.8 million) the funding for the Sen. Charles Shannon Community Safety Initiative grant program which funds partnerships between local law enforcement and community-based organizations to prevent gang and youth violence in cities and towns. “I am proud to secure this Shannon Community Safety Initiative grant to combat gang violence, youth violence and substance through multi-disciplinary eff orts,” said sponsor Sen. Sal DiDomenico (D-Everett). “By offering social intervention programs for at-risk youth, as well as education, training and employment programs for ganginvolved and high-risk young adults, [these grants] play a vital role in keeping our communities safe.” (A “Yes” vote is for the $500,000.) Sen. Lydia Edwards Yes $1 MILLION FOR MASSACHUSETTS EMERGENCY FOOD ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (S 3) Senate 39-0, approved an amendment increasing by $1 million (from $35 million to $36 million) the funding for the Massachusetts Emergency Food Assistance Program which provides food for the Bay State’s four regional food banks which supply most local food banks in the state. “I am happy to share that I secured an additional $1 million through the amendment process for a total of $36 million allocated for the Massachusetts Emergency Food Assistance Program in the Senate budget,” said sponsor Sen. Sal DiDomenico (DEverett.) “[This] is a critical program, as food prices are rising, for ensuring our most vulnerable residents can access food and supporting food suppliers across the state.” (A “Yes” vote is for the $1 million.) Sen. Lydia Edwards Yes ALSO UP ON BEACON HILL BAN SEX OFFENDERS FROM STATE-SUBSIDIZED PUBLIC HOUSING (H 1342) – The Housing Committee held a hearing on legislation that would prohibit Level 2 and Level 3 sex offenders from being placed in public housing in Massachusetts. The bill is similar to a 1998 federal law that bans some sex off enders from federally subsidized housing. “[The bill] is common-sense legislation that would extend the same protections that are currently in place for residents of federally-subsidized public housing to tenants living in state-subsidized public housing,” said sponsor Rep. Brad Jones (RNorth Reading). ~ Your Neighborhood Agency ~ BULLYING IN PUBLIC HOUSING (S 887) – Another measure before the Housing Committee is designed to protect tenants from being bullied in public subsidized housing. Provisions include creating resource lists for residents and developing regulations requiring managers and owners of residences to report bullying to the appropriate authorities with the intent of preventing this type of abusive behavior and potential retaliation. In addition, all owners of these properties would be required to create a bullying prevention plan and to train staff and residents in bullying prevention. “Massachusetts residents, namely low-income, elderly and disabled individuals, are among some of our most vulnerable,” said sponsor Sen. Joan Lovely (D-Salem). “They deserve to feel safe and secure at home. I am proud to fi le [the bill] to protect individuals and families from bullying in public housing to safeguard their peace of mind and quality of life.” EDUCATOR DIVERSITY (H 549) – The Education Committee held a hearing on a proposal that would create a 5-year pilot program to develop a process for granting educator certifi cation as an alternative to the current testing requirements to be a teacher is public schools. The alternative certifi cation method would be limited to schools and districts that demonstrate a demographic dispiriting between educators and students, a shortage of teachers who serve English language learners or a similar critical need. The alternative certification must be limited to schools and districts that demonstrate a demographic dispiriting between educators and students, a shortage of teachers who serve English language learners or a similar critical need. Other provisions would require district and charter school to establish a diversity plan and have either a DEI offi cer or team – to advise the school committee or board of trustees on matters related to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) in the district. Supporters say research consistently shows that students learn better when their educators refl ect the diversity of the communities in which they live. They note it is crucial that students from diverse backgrounds are taught by educators who refl ect their experiences and are refl ective of the communities in which they grow up. “While it’s true that Massachu335 Central Street, Saugus, MA 01906 (781) 233-7300 View the interior of this home right on your smartphone. View all our listings at: CarpenitoRealEstate.com setts remains a leader in educational outcomes, we know that we need a much more diverse educator workforce to match the diversity of our students,” said sponsor Rep. Alice Peisch (D-Wellesley). “The Massachusetts Legislature has shown its clear commitment to educator diversity, as we saw with new budget allocations in fi scal year 2023 and progress on the Educator Diversity Act. I look forward to continuing to work with my colleagues to get the bill passed.” MENTAL HEALTH GRANTS TO SCHOOLS (H 3573) – Another bill before the Education Committee would establish a school mental health professional grant program to increase the number of mental health professionals employed by school districts to provide mental health support to students. “I fi rmly believe that the establishment of a school mental health professional grant program is of utmost importance for the betterment of our educational system and the overall welfare of our students,” said sponsor Rep. Marcus Vaughn (R-Wrentham). “By providing access to mental health support for students, we can proactively address their emotional and psychological needs, fostering a conducive learning environment and ensuring their longterm success.” QUOTABLE QUOTES “To see a person who’s quite, in my perspective, quite visibly dead all of a sudden, in a few moments, sit upright and then with assistance stand up, and then they talk, it’s truly incredible. Having it [Naloxone] as readily available as possible is something that we should absolutely guarantee.” ---Sen. John Keenan (D-Quincy) at a gathering of legislators, legislative staff ers and advocates to learn about how to administer Naloxone, a life-saving medication that reverses overdoses. “Our audits serve as a tool for state agencies to help ensure greater transparency, accountability and equity. It is unacceptable that due to a lack of appropriate oversight by MassHealth, nearly $85 million in overpayments went to managed care organizations for out-of-state residents who were concurrently enrolled in another state’s healthcare program. Taxpayers deserve better and I strongly urge MassHealth to adopt this audit’s recommendations.” --- State Auditor Diana DiZoglio after releasing an audit that showed that MassHealth did not take suffi cient steps to ensure that Medicaid recipients resided in Massachusetts – resulting in MassHealth overpaying $85 million to managed care organizations for individuals residing out of state. “Every barrier to voting keeps us from realizing what our democracy can become. We celebrate the steps the Legislature BEACON | SEE Page 23

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