THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 2024 Page 17 Late World War II veteran has memorial pole dedicated on Kimball Avenue By Tara Vocino A memorial sign was dedicated to a late World War II corporal last Friday afternoon at Walnut and Kimball Avenues: US Marine Corps Corporal Elliot Swartz, who raised his family on Kimball Avenue and was President of the Revere Jewish Community Center and a member of the Revere License Commission. Larry Swartz off ered fond memories of his father, Elliot. A memorial sign was dedicated to Corporal Elliot Swartz last Friday afternoon at Walnut and Kimball Avenues. (Advocate photos by Tara Vocino) Mayor Patrick Keefe thanked Swartz for his service to our country. City Council Vice President Ira Novoselsky (far left) of Ward 2 and Mayor Patrick Keefe (left back) unveiled the memorial sign while Swartz’s children looked on. Revere Director of Veteran Services Isaac McDaniel showed the challenge coin to the audience. Family members celebrated the unveiling. Grandchildren Lena Anderson and Bella Dreessen traveled from Pennsylvania for the dedication. Revere Director of Veteran Services Isaac McDaniel presented a challenge coin to Elliot’s son, Larry. Shown from left to right: Kneeling: granddaughter-in-law Natasha Hensford, granddaughter Ali Dreessen, great-granddaughter Bella Dreessen and daughter-in-law Lauren Swartz; middle row: grandsons Jonathan Swartz and Daniel Swartz, granddaughter Lena Anderson, daughters Nancy Langevin and Karen Anderson, niece Karen Imber, granddaughter Jenna Swartz, granddaughter-in-law Emily Patterson, nephew Richard Rostoff and Ward 2 Councillor/City Council Vice President Ira Novoselsky; back row: son-in-law Dermot Anderson, cousin David Rostoff and son Larry Swartz. Ward 2 Councillor/City Council VP Ira Novoselsky is a friend of the family.

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