THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, JUNE 19, 2020 Page 3 City budget shaped by estimates and uncertainties By Barbara Taormina T he City Council’s Ways and Means Committee has been spending their afternoons combing through the fi gures of Mayor Brian Arrigo’s 2021 budget proposal to be ready for a fi nal vote on the budget next Monday, June 22. Finance Director Richard Viscay kicked everything off on Monday with a PowerPoint presentation of the main sections of the $209.7 million operating budget. Although Viscay stressed it is a balanced budget, it is balanced with estimates on state aid and local receipts for excise tax, permit and license fees and taxes on rooms and meals, which are all expected to be 15 to 30 percent lower than 2020. Because there are no guarantees on local aid or receipts, Arrigo has proposed a $1 million contingency appropriation from the city’s free cash as a cushion in case funding falls short of expectations. Viscay said the city is estimating it will receive $73.4 million in Chapter 70 aid for public schools to support the district’s $94.1 million budget. He said a shortage in Chapter 70 funding would require cuts from the school department. The city is also expecting $10.1 million in general state aid. If that number dips signifi cantly and city revenues are even less than estimated, it’s possible that $1 million in contingency funding may not plug the gap. Viscay said Revere can either dig deeper into the city’s $8.5 million stabilization fund aka the rainy-day account or continue to cut staff and services. Viscay favors using the money the city has stashed away because, as he has said on several occasions, right now it’s raining. The budget proposal refl ects several structural changes to city departments which are aimed at conserving jobs and money. “Public Works has undergone a large reorganization that will, hopefully, create some effi ciencies,” said Viscay. Arrigo has established a cabinet with chiefs of major divisions, such as Chief of Finance, Chief of Health and Human Services and Chief of Public Works and Infrastructure. On Monday, Way and Means Committee members began reviewing department budgets line item by line item. Committee Chairman John Powers has been moving the committee through reviews of departments that have either small increases or reductions. Increases in the police and fi re department budgets are just enough to cover negotiated pay increases. One of the biggest eyebrow raisers has been the amount proposed for the Offi ce of Innovation and Data Management, which jumped to $523,000 thanks to a $74,000 increase, a signifi cant hike in a year of mean and lean department budgets. The new money will cover salary increases for Director Reuben Kantor, the director for Revere 311 and the call center representative. There is also a $30,000 increase in funding for overtime. “This department is showing the largest increase in salaries,” said Councillor-at-Large Gerry Visconti, who asked Kantor, who is in line for a $20,000 pay bump, how the committee could justify the proposed amounts. Kan tor said his workload had increased by 50 percent, he hadn’t had a day off since March because of COVID-19 and his title had changed to Chief Innovation Offi cer. “Unfortunately, there are a lot of department heads who have also worked hard,” said Visconti. “My concern is the increase in salaries is signifi cant, in excess of 15 percent, when other departments aren’t seeing that. There are some inequities.” On the other hand, committee members seemed to appreciate Viscay, the new Chief Financial offi cer, whose proposed salary is the same as when he was city auditor. “This is not a great time to be asking for more money,” he said. Boston Teachers Union Local 66 endorses Gravellese for State Rep T he Boston Teachers Union (BTU) Local 66 has endorsed Joe Gravellese for State Representative in the 16th Suffolk District (Revere, Chelsea, Saugus). Gravellese is a candidate in the Democratic primary election on September 1. The BTU represents over 10,000 teachers, school nurses, guidance counselors, and other public education professionals. BTU | SEE PAGE 7 STAY HOME! 8 Norwood Street, Everett (617) 387-9810 STAY SAFE! The Eight/10 Bar & Grille will REOPEN on Wed., MAY 6 from 4-8 PM for Take-Out and Delivery with our delivery partners...
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