THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, JUNE 16, 2023 Page 5 ~ POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENT ~ Ira Novoselsky Announces Re-Election For Ward 2 Councillor M y name is Ira Novoselsky and I am once again a candidate for re-election as your Ward 2 City Councillor. As a member of the Revere City Council, I am now the longest serving member and the Dean of the Council. Many have referred to me as the Councillor of Reason. I also have been designated by The Neighborhood Developers as the Champion of Shirley Avenue. During the last 21 years, I have IRA NOVOSELSKY Ward 2 Councillor continued to work to make Ward 2 a better place to live. On the public safety part of my efforts, I have had Stop signs installed at many locations in the Ward to stop speeding in our neighborhoods. We are scheduled to have a speed table installed on Campbell Avenue in the vicinity of the crosswalk. I have increased street lights in many locations in Ward 2 to improve lighting for the safety of our Ward. I have also supported and voted for the Affordable Housing Trust Fund and for the funding of this program. Many streets and sidewalks in Ward 2 are now on the reconstruction list after many Court Orders Everett Leader Herald Defendants To Turn Over All Financial Records Issue is Secret Cash Scheme by Publisher to Defeat DeMaria By James Mitchell (Editor’s Note: This story was published in the June 2, 2023 edition of the Everett Advocate.) T he Discovery Master appointed by the Middlesex Superior Court to oversee motions by Mayor Carlo DeMaria’s attorneys in the ongoing defamation lawsuit against the Everett Leader Herald newspaper, including corrupt publisher Joshua Resnek, owners Matthew Philbin and Andrew Philbin, Sr., and Everett City Clerk Sergio Cornelio, has ordered the paper to produce all financial statements pertaining to the newspaper for the years 2019, 2020 and 2021, including, “balance sheets, income records, and cash flow statements; and, in addition, Dorchester Publications shall generate and produce such financial statements through its QuickBooks program,” according to the May 25, 2023 decision. The decision also requires the paper to turn over a copy of its QuickBooks system for 2021, when Mayor DeMaria was running for reelection. The defendants have 20 days to turn over documentation to DeMaria’s attorneys. According to the court order, the mayor’s attorneys already have “evidence about the dire financial straits of the Everett Leader Herald after 2020 which would serve to support the plaintiff’s argument that the newspaper had a financial motive to raise cash from the plaintiff’s opponents by publishing the alleged defamatory articles about him.” The mayor’s attorneys, through depositions provided by Philbin’s employees, have demonstrated a desperate financial picture at the Leader Herald as Philbin would finance the newspaper’s operations with hundreds of thousands of dollars of his own money after his father, Andrew Philbin, Sr., first purchased the newspaper from the Curnane family in 2017. In his decision, the Discovery Master points out evidence of Resnek’s plan to sabotage the mayor’s 2021 reelection, stating, “The plaintiff’s motion is based on testimony by Mr. Resnek that the defendants perpetrated a scheme leading up to the 2021 mayoral primary and general election that involved soliciting cash donations from the plaintiff’s political opponents and their supporters in order to fund the circulation of the Everett Leader Herald that allegedly contained the false and defamatory articles which gave rise to this lawsuit. According to the plaintiff, the defendants ‘solicited and collected thousands of dollars in unreported cash’ to fund this scheme ‘as a means of generating much-needed revenue for the newspaper.’ … The cash donations would then fund the printing of the newspaper and provide for ‘door to door delivery of thousands of editions of defamatory articles to every house in Everett.’” According to the Discovery Master, Resnek, as set forth in his emails dated from April through July 2021, along with his deposition testimony, concocted a plan to “pay for the anti-DeMaria campaign and for generating money for the newspaper.” The court order states that there is additional evidence that Philbin and Resnek received cash donations during the 2021 election year from certain parties who opposed the mayor in order to pay for the printing and distribution leading up the November election. Resnek described in emails to Philbin DECISION | SEE Page 22 years of neglect. Over 32 Streets have been repaved during my tenure with more to come this year. Additional sidewalk and street work is ongoing with more scheduled this spring, during the summer and the fall. Through my efforts and cooperation with DCR and developers on Ocean Avenue, we have had Ocean Avenue partially repaved with more to come after additional infrastructure work. I was able to have crosswalks protected with yellow signage to advise drivers to stop when folks are crossing the roadways. Through my efforts with MDOT and Safe Routes, we have upgraded sidewalks and handicap ramps on many streets and sidewalks throughout the Ward 2 neighborhood and around the Garfield School. New sidewalks are currently being installed on parts of Garfield Avenue and Eliot Road with more to be scheduled to be completed at a later date. Currently MDOT is repaving North Shore Road from Revere Beach Parkway to Butler Circle. With funding from the ELECTION | SEE Page 15 Gerry D’Ambrosio Attorney-at-Law Is Your Estate in Order? Do you have an update Will, Health Care Proxy or Power of Attorney? If Not, Please Call for a Free Consultation. 14 Proctor Avenue, Revere (781) 284-5657 Celebrate Liberty. We’ll be closed Monday, June 19th in observance of the holiday. You can access your accounts using our ATMs and Online & Mobile Banking. Thank you!

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