THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, JUNE 16, 2023 HONOR | FROM Page 1 Page 17 retention of our All-Volunteer Force, and our national defense.” Sgt. First Class Sean Matthews Event organizers, shown from left to right: City of Revere Language Access Specialist Asmaa Abou-Fouda, candidate for Councillor-at-Large/Rossetti-Cowan Senior Center Assistant Director Bob Haas and Rossetti-Cowan Senior Center Project Coordinator Anna Piccardi. said, “Chief David J. Callahan has been extremely supportive. In this stressful time, despite his own personal and work issues, he keeps in constant contact with me. He contacts me on a weekly basis to check in on my overall well-being. No matter the big difference between Kuwait time, and EST, he always has time for a chat. He continually reassures me that my specialized position in the Revere PD will be held for me. He has continued to pay me my full wage, even though he’s under no legal requirement to do so. In this time of rapid inflation on everyColonel Richard Cipro, Army Chief of Staff, Mass. National Guard (MANG); Sgt. First Class Sean Matthews and Police Chief David J. Callahan day items knowing that my family are financially secure is a huge relief. Likewise, he has kept in frequent contact with my wife. My wife is a working mother of two. Knowing that Chief Callahan has a personal interest in my well-being is a huge relief to her at this time. Chief Callahan’s high level of support has greatly eased the pressures of this deployment.” ESGR is a Department of DeCitiLab High School students Anthony Berry and Kenny Merid and staff member Allison Waxmen served food to guests. The Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR) Patriot Award presented to Chief Callahan fense program that develops and promotes supportive work environments for service members in the National Guard and Reserve through outreach, recognition and educational opportunities that increase awareness of applicable laws. ESGR also assists in resolving conflicts between Service members and their employers. For more information about ESGR outreach programs or volunteer opportunities, call 800-336-4590 or visit www.ESGR.mil/MA.

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