Page 6 THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, JUNE 14, 2024 IRS CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION DIVISION T he IRS Criminal Investigation Division fi les reports on an annual basis relating to investigations relating to tax fraud, corporate fraud, money laundering, identity theft as well as drug traffi cking. The Internal Revenue Service states that its conviction rate was 88% in calendar year 2023. The IRS makes it a point of continuously releasing press releases in order to inform the public of its role in seeking prosecutions of people violating the tax laws. What types of tax fraud might the IRS look for? Claiming losses on lottery tickets that don’t exist, point-of-sale systems that delete a certain amount of revenue from being reported, the fi ling of false tax returns, claiming of fraudulent fuel tax credits, employee retention tax credits, paycheck protection plan forgivable loan applications, cryptocurrency crimes, narcotics traffi cking, unreported income, underreported income, fi ctitious expense deductions, etc. The IRS allocated $38mil                                                                            call The Advocate Newspapers For Advertising with Results, at 781-286-8500 or Info@advocatenews.net           lion in fi scal year 2022 in order to pay to whistleblowers. The IRS compensated whistleblowers between 15% to 30% of the amount of tax dollars recovered by the IRS, which amounted to over $143miilion paid to whistleblowers. Since 2007, the IRS has paid a whopping $1.1billion to whistleblowers. 71 percent of all claims fi led by whistleblowers were denied. A Whistleblower would file Form D-3949-A with the IRS, (Tax Fraud and Identity Theft Information Report). The IRS is now using Artifi - cial Intelligence (AI) in order to assist in its data gathering activities. The IRS will be able to increase its data gathering activities exponentially with the use of AI in order to more effi ciently review tax-related data in order to detect income tax fraud and other types of crimes. We’ve entered a new age where governmental agencies will have just one more tool at their disposal to achieve their objectives. Joseph D. Cataldo is an Estate Planning/Elder Law Attorney, Certified Public Accountant, Certified Financial Planner, AICPA Personal Financial Specialist and holds a Master’s Degree in Taxation. ~ School Bus Drivers Wanted ~ 7D Licensed School Bus Drivers Malden Trans is looking for reliable drivers for the new school year. We provide ongoing training and support for licensing requirements. Applicant preferably lives local (Malden, Everett, Revere). Part-time positions available and based on AM & PM school hours....15-30 hours per week. Good driver history from Registry a MUST! If interested, please call David @ 781-322-9401. CDL SCHOOL BUS DRIVER WANTED Compensation: $28/hour School bus transportation company seeking active CDL drivers who live LOCALLY (Malden, Everett, Chelsea and immediate surrounding communities). - Applicant MUST have BOTH S and P endorsements        Good driver history from Registry a MUST! - Part-time hours, BUT GUARANTEED 20-35 HOURS PER WEEK depending on experience. Contact David @ 781-322-9401.

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