Page 8 THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, JUNE 2, 2023 Councillors Marc Silvestri and Gerry Visconti presented a memorial plaque to the Stott family. American Legion Post 61 Commander James Sinatra read the names of WWII comrades. Revere Historian Jeff Pearlman Keynote speaker Andrew Biggio and VSO Marc Silvestri cut the ribbon, unveiling bricks of veterans who have served in the military. (Advocate photos by Tara Vocino) Ward 2 City Councillor Ira Novoselsky and VSO Marc Silvestri presented a memorial plaque to the Pisano family. Cadet Rua carries the fl ag from full to half-staff . Councillors Marc Silvestri and Daniel Rizzo, who is a mayoral candidate, presented a memorial plaque to the Cerbone family. Councillor/VSO Marc Silvestri and Acting Mayor Patrick Keefe presented a plaque to the DeMarco family. Ward 2 City Councillor Ira Novoselsky and VSO Marc Silvestri presented a memorial plaque to the Swartz family. Former US Marine and keynote speaker Andrew Biggio told the story about his uncle, also named Andrew, who was killed in action. Councillors Marc Silvestri and Steven Morabito, who is a mayoral candidate, presented a memorial plaque to the Tirro family. Revere fi refi ghter Tyler D’Angelo guards the American fl ag. State Senator Lydia Edwards presented a story of integration and segregation suff ered by her uncle. Keynote speaker Andrew Biggio displayed a rifl e that more than 300 veterans have signed. Veterans Service Offi cer Marc Silvestri said Memorial Day is a special day to remember those who made the ultimate sacrifi ce. Dignitaries, shown from left to right: City Councillor Ira Novoselsky, State Rep. Jessica Giannino, City Councillor Gerry Visconti, Regional School Committeemen Anthony Caggiano, City Councillors Anthony Zambuto and Marc Silvestri, Acting Mayor Patrick Keefe Jr., Bobby D’Amelio, and City Councillor Daniel Rizzo, during the ribbon cutting ceremony. Susan B. Anthony Middle School student Sarah Naz read the Governor’s Proclamation. MEMORIAL | FROM Page 1

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