THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, JUNE 2, 2023 Page 5 Reps. Giannino and Turco join with colleagues in the Legislature to remember our fallen service members State Representative Jessica Giannino is shown on Monday addressing the attendees at Revere’s Memorial Day Ceremony at the American Legion Lawn. State Representative Jeff rey Rosario addresses the attendees at Winthrop’s Memorial Day ceremony on Monday. T he Massachusetts Legislature is proud to join the rest of the nation to recognize and honor the sacrifi ces of our fallen men and women of the Armed Services. The Memorial Day Holiday allows each of us as Americans, and citizens of the Commonwealth, to reflect on the selflessness and courage of our fallen heroes who have given their lives in defense of our freedom. Memorial Day, formerly known as Decoration Day, was proclaimed a holiday in 1868 and became an offi cial federal holiday in 1971. Today, we use this solemn day to honor over one million men and women who have died defending our country since 1861. “Memorial Day is an opportunity to honor those who have given their lives in service to our country and their loved ones,” said Governor Maura Healey. “While we can never fully repay their sacrifi ce, we show our gratitude by ensuring that Massachusetts is a community of support for military service members, veterans and their families.” “Memorial Day solemnly reminds us of the price of freedom, achieved through the unwavering dedication and ultimate sacrifice of our servicemembers,” stated Veterans’ Services Secretary Jon Santiago. “Let us refl ect on their contributions, uphold their ideals, and lead with action. The HealeyDriscoll Administration remains steadfast in its commitment to honorably serve veterans, and we look forward to working with Chairs Velis and Cassidy to best serve our military community.” “On Memorial Day, we honor the US servicemen and women who have died protecting this country,” said House Speaker Ronald J. Mariano (D-Quincy). “We thank them and their families for their sacrifi ce, knowing that while we will never be able to repay them, we must never forget their indelible service.” “Today we remember our fallen heroes and honor their legacy by continuing to uphold the values and freedoms for which they fought,” said Representative Gerry Cassidy, who is House Chair of the Legislature’s Joint Committee on Veterans and Federal Aff airs. “We will never forget their ultimate sacrifi ce.” “The respect and admiration we give our fallen pay tribute to their memory and the lives they lived. To truly honor their lives, we must share their stories with others and ensure their memories live on even though they are gone,” said Representative Jessica Giannino (D-Revere). “By sharing their stories, we keep their memories alive and give others a glimpse of military service that aims to inspire them to create a better world, stronger nation and kinder communities.” “America and much of the world are free today because of the selfl ess sacrifi ce of the American soldier. All over the world, the graves of our soldiers serve as a reminder of the greatness of the United States and the valor and heroism of our soldiers who bravely and willingly gave all so that we may be free. On Memorial Day and all days, I join with my fellow citizens to remember the 1.1 million soldiers who died for our country. May God continue to bless them,” said Representative Jeff rey Rosario Turco (D-Winthrop). “Those who raise their hand to serve in our armed forces do so knowing full well that they may not return home. Memorial Day is a time to honor the men and women who have made that ultimate sacrifi ce in service to our nation,” said Senator John Velis, who is Senate Chair of the Legislature’s Joint Committee on Veterans and Federal Aff airs. “It is on us – as a Commonwealth – to honor their service, and to recognize the sacrifi ces of their families as well.” MALDEN HIGH SCHOOL – CLASS OF 1973 “LET IT BE” 50TH REUNION SATURDAY, JUNE 24, 2023 4:30PM TO 8:30PM * DINNER BUFFET PRICE: PER PERSON $70 (CLASS MEMBERS), $65 (SPOUSE OR GUEST) WHERE: CROWNE PLAZA HOTEL 15 MIDDLESEX CANAL PARK ROAD WOBURN, MA 01801 PLEASE CONTACT JOANNE TOROSIAN AT JOTORO13@COMCAST.NET or 617-590-4210

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