THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, JUNE 2, 2023 Page 17 BBB Tip: Planning your next family vacation or trip I 1. June 2 is National Donut Day, which was fi rst observed (in 1938) to commemorate Salvation Army “Doughnut Lassies” serving whom? 2. What TV mother’s first name is also the name of a month? 3. What did the Wright Brothers build before airplanes? 4. June 3 is World Bicycle Day, which was declared by what organization? 5. Grapelade, the fi rst U.S. patented grade jam, was given to soldiers in what war? 6. What 1939 fi lm has the tagline “Garbo Laughs!”? 7. In 2021 the Dull Men’s Club awarded a woman for what: making dogs’ clothes, crocheting postbox toppers or recycling rags into rugs? 8. On June 4, 1912, Massachusetts passed the fi rst U.S. minimum wage law, infl uenced by a textile strike in what city? 9. How are mashie, niblick and driver similar? 10. What country has new rules approving the strictest health labeling on alcoholic Answers beverages: Germany, Ireland or USA? 11. On June 5, 1947, at what New England University did Secretary of State George Marshall propose a program to assist war-torn Europe? 12. What city hosted the most recent G7 summit? 13. In what year was the fi rst printed peanut butter and jelly sandwich recipe: 1888, 1901 or 1930? 14. On June 6, 1944, D-Day began; troops from what three countries were involved? 15. Traditionally, a fork with three tines is used to eat what? 16. What is the vena cava? 17. On June 7, 1958, what singer whose name is a royal title was born? 18. What is called the “wood wide web” connects trees to what? 19. What was the name of the dance group on the Jackie Gleason show? 20. On June 8, 1966, what two professional sports leagues merged? n 2022, U.S. consumers lost a median amount of almost $700, compared to 2021, with a loss of $620, according to data provided by the Better Business Bureau (BBB) Scam Tracker. Scammers often take advantage of consumer habits and capitalize on trending internet searches, enticing consumers with great deals to popular destinations or all-inclusive packages. While these scams persist year-round, they often increase in frequency during increased travel, such as spring break and the holiday or summer season. So far this year, U.S. consumers have reported over $265,140 lost to travel scams. Last year experienced an 18.9% increase in the median loss – totaling almost $600 compared to 2021, with a little over $500 in monetary losses. According to the Federal Trade Commission’s Consumer Sentinel Network reports, travel-related fraud cost U.S. consumers $105.1 million in losses. It accounted for 16% of all fraud reported to the agency in 2022. When planning an event or looking for a good deal for a family vacation or getaway, BBB encourages people to plan to save money, avoid scams and travel safely. Scammers often target people looking for great deals online by off ering tempting vacation packages at unrealistically low prices. One place to begin an online search is BBB.org for fi nding reputable travel agencies, agents and websites. BBB adds the following tips to help ensure an enjoyable vacation: • Plan ahead: Allow plenty of time to research hotels, fl ights and your stay area. Typically, the earlier reservations are made, the better the deals and the lower the risk of the destination being booked solid. Making reservations in advance also locks in rates and prevents higher prices later during prime spring break, peak summer or holiday travel seasons. • Avoid broad internet searches: Entering phrases like “best deals” into whichever search engine is used can sometimes bring up websites that look offi cial but are designed solely to rip people off . • Be alert for travel scams: Watch out for phone calls or letters claiming a “free trip” or websites off ering prices that appear too good to be true. It’s easy to extend questionable off ers like these, but most leave hopeful travelers in limbo – and out of money. Access https://www. bbb.org/article/scams/16913bbb-tip-5-top-vacation-scamsto-watch-when-making-summer-travel-plans • Do your homework: Ask family and friends to recommend a travel agent or website and visit BBB.org for free business profi les. Research the business and read customer reviews about any rentals under consideration. • Get trip details in writing: Before making a fi nal payment, get all the trip details in writing. This should include the total cost, restrictions, cancellation penalties and names of the airlines and hotels. Also, review and keep a copy of the airline’s and hotel’s cancellation and refund policies, as well as the cancellation policies of the travel agency or booking site used. • Consider travel insurance: Travel insurance covers things like trip cancellations or medical emergencies. There are different levels of coverage based on what type of plan purchased. Ask many questions, and always read the fi ne print to see what’s covered and what’s not. • Pay with a credit card: Paying with a credit card provides additional protection if something should go wrong with the travel reservation. • Planning to travel internationally? Check to see if any advisories aff ect Canada, and the U.S. Travel Association for any issues that may impact the trip. No matter when or where you are traveling, take extra precautions: • Wait to post on social media. It’s fun to post adventures with friends and family but wait until getting back from the trip. Photos and social media posts of the family having a great time also let thieves know the house is empty. • Check your home insurance. If your home will be unattended while away, make sure you know your responsibilities under your home insurance policy. Some policies do not cover damage if nobody checks on your home for a while. • Share a copy of the itinerary with a family member or close friend. Include the contact information of someone joining you on your trip. • Take a map. People rely heavily on smartphones and GPS. Consider having an atlas or hard copy map just in case of technical diffi culties. • Check the weather conditions where you will be traveling and pack appropriate supplies and clothing. • Avoid traveling alone. Use the buddy system and stick with the group. • Use a hotel safe to store extra cash and keep valuables under lock and key. For more information visit https://www.bbb.org/all/travel-leisure for more travel tips. Learn more about travel insurance at https://www.bbb.org/ article/news-releases/18108-istravel-insurance-right-for-you. Find advice in locating a travel agent at https://www.bbb.org/ article/tips/18618-bbb-tip-travel-agents. ~ Home of the Week ~ Discount Tree Service 781-269-0914 SAUGUS - 1st AD - OPEN HOUSE WEEKEND! 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World War I 6. “Ninotchka” 7. Crocheting postbox toppers (Women can now belong to the club.) 8. Lawrence 9. They are types of golf clubs. 10. Ireland 11. Harvard (known as the Marshall Plan) 12. Hiroshima 13. 1901 (in the Boston Cooking School Magazine of Culinary Science and Domestic Economics) 14. England, Canada and USA 15. Shellfi sh 16. The largest vein in the body 17. Prince 18. Fungi (the interconnection of roots, mushrooms and bacteria) 19. June Taylor Dancers 20. National Football League and American Football League

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