THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, JUNE 2, 2023 Page 15 Councillor at Large Tony Zambuto wishes his colleague good luck. Candidate for Ward 6, Chris Giannino with Candidate for Mayor Steve Morabito. Emma Lombardi supports Candidate for Mayor Steve Morabito. Ward 2 Candidate Danielle Osterman is shown with candidate for Mayor Steve Morabito Candidate for Mayor Steve Morabito with his volunteers, Kristen Casetta and Jamie Wagreich. TAX | FROM Page 6 Tax Foundation’s report demonstrates that to be untrue. In almost every category, New Hampshire is now more competitive. Governor Healey, Senate President Spilka, and Speaker Mariano need to start taking this threat to the economic wellbeing of our state seriously,” noted Craney. Rich Bosworth with his partner, candidate for mayor Steve Morabito. “Massachusetts is treading down a dangerous path. We’ve taken our economic competitiveness for granted and we’ve already begun to feel the negative consequences of that. Hundreds of thousands have already left over the last year or two and they’ve taken their wealth with them. The April tax shortfall we saw happened for a reason. If we’re going to stop this trend before it becomes irreversible, state leaders need to take bold action. We should be seeing them propose major, broad-based tax cuts. Unfortunately, it doesn’t even look like House and Senate leaders can put aside their diff erences enough to pass the already modest tax reform bill they proposed earlier this year,” closed Craney. Hammersmith - Saugus Rich Bosworth introduces his partner and his choice for Mayor of Revere, Councillor Steve Morabito. Classic Center Entrance Colonial in much desired Hammersmith Village on a quiet cul-de-sac. 8 inviting rooms, 2.5 baths and two-car garage. Asking $929,000 Paul Coogan Candidate for Mayor of the City of Revere, Steve Morabito offi cially announced his candidacy last week at the Comfort Inn Suites. Cell: 617-851-5381 Email: paul@bradhutchinson.com

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