Page 10 THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, MAY 27, 2022 Memorial Day 2022 Though we can never repay our debt to them, we honor those men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice to preserve our Freedom. State Representative Jessica Giannino & Family State Representative Jeffrey Turco & Family Ward 2 Councillor Ira Novoselsky School Board Member Carol Tye Mayor Brian Arrigo & The Citizens of Revere Councillor-at-Large Marc Silvestri Candidate for Ward 5 Councillor John Powers Ward 6 Councillor Richard Serino School Board Member Michael Ferrante City of Revere 2022 Memorial Day Ceremony, which will take place on Saturday, May 28 at 10:00 AM on the American Legion Lawn. Following the ceremony will be a Coalition BBQ. Guest of Honor will be Andrew Biggio, founder of Boston’s Wounded Vet Run, New England’s                           

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