Page 4 THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, MAY 17, 2024 Annual Revere High School Self-Care Fair a Great Success T his past Thursday, May 9, was the Annual Revere High School Self-Care Fair put on by Revere CAREs and Revere Public Schools. The day was a success with an estimated 500-plus students in attendance. Over 20 community partners and vendors provided students with interactive activities and resources to help promote self-care and mental health. Many high schoolers volunteered and ran activity tables: planting, jewelry making, cookie decorating, painting, etc. There were baby animals from Animal Craze, Richie’s Slush, a photobooth, henna and even a live Zumba class! Thank you to all community partners who were involved and made this event possible. It was wonderful to see Revere High Schoolers have a great time and leave with smiles on their faces!  8 Norwood St. Everett (617) 387-9810 Open Tues. - Sat. at 4:00 PM Closed Sun. & Mon. Announcing our Classic Specials Dine In Only:Dine In Only: * FREE Salad with purchase of Entree, Tuesdays & W Entree, Tuesdays & Wednesdays * Cheese Pizza - Only $10 Catch ALL The Live Sports Action On Our Large Screen TV’s Scan & Follow Us on Facebook!Scan & Follow Us on Facebook! I ~ THINKING OUT LOUD ~ Much More Days Of Remembrances By Sal Giarratani have become very wary of the level of antisemitism metastasizing across America as of late. Back over 50 years ago during the late ’60s and early ’70s, the world seemed on fi re, and apparently, those fl ames have returned and civil discourse has once again been ruptured Back in my college days I had www.810bargrille.com many professors born before World War II and as a history/ political science major, with an emphasis on East Europe, I learned much in the classrooms of my past about the strength of evil in the world. As I look at the world today, I see the very same hatred rising out of the ashes of yesterday’s time which so powerfully seems returning to life again. The antisemitism I view today is the same as yesterday’s hatred. Once again, we see Jewish people becoming the scorn of today’s haters. Amazing how Israel gets attacked on October 7 and instead of the world coming to its defense, antisemitic attacks are unleashed upon the Jewish communities of the world. Haters today even compare Israelis with the Nazis. This hatred is a cancer upon all of us. Back in college days many of my history professors were mostly Jewish from countries taken over by Germany and Russia. When World War II ended the cry of the Jewish people said, “Never Again.” However, it seems like too many have forgotten the horror of the Holocaust. The deaths of six million Jews for the crime of being Jewish. Hatred against Jews may always be with us but we must not accept it as a norm of our society. We must remember, or like too many today on our college campuses, we will forget. We must learn from history or we will surely repeat our ugly past. Last week, City Councillor Ira Novoselsky called upon the City of Revere to mark the Days of Remembrance — bringing us together to remember the systematic killing of 6 million Jews in one of the darkest chapters in human history. I also support Novoselsky’s call on our schools to teach the horror of the Holocaust to students and for all of us to remember the horrors of history. It isn’t just up to Jewish voices to remember but it’s up to all of us to remember. We need to remember, act accordingly and continue speaking out — all of us — in support of our Jewish brothers and sisters, we stand together, you and I. We must always do so.

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