THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, MAY 17, 2024 Page 17 WAGERING | FROM Page 6 Community-based initiatives funded by OPGS raise awareness about problem gambling and provide access to resources. Campaigns and programs have targeted youth and men of color — two of the groups most likely to experience problem gambling — through community outreach, education through art, small group sessions, presentations and events. Looking forward, OPGS will continue to target these populations through new initiatives, including youth peer-to-peer mentoring, telehealth services to improve access, and targeted public awareness campaigns. “As access to gambling expands in Massachusetts, we remain focused on supporting and promoting prevention, referral, and treatment options to help those with a gambling problem,” said Public Health Commissioner Robert Goldstein, MD, PhD., referencing the advent of sports wagering. “The Problem Gambling Helpline is a centerpiece of these eff orts. We are committed to working with our state and community partners to connect Commonwealth residents to appropriate                                                                                        Encore Sportsbook inside the Encore Boston Harbor casino in Everett generates millions in sports wagering annually. (Courtesy Photo) resources so that people get the care they need.” From July 2022 through June 2023, the Problem Gambling Helpline saw an increase in overall call volume and referrals from the previous year. The helpline received 3,050 calls in Fiscal Year 2023, up from 1,378 calls in Fiscal Year 2022 for a 121 percent increase. Calls from those seeking support and information increased by 41 percent to 636, and calls resulting in referrals specifi cally for outpatient treatment increased by 96 percent — from 185 to 362. Of the 636 callers, 73 reported sports betting as their reason for seeking assistance — a 1,117 percent increase from FY22, when only six callers referred to treatment reported sports betting as their main concern. Sports wagering in Massachusetts launched in casinos January 31, 2023; online sports wagering began March 10, 2023. To contact the Massachusetts Problem Gambling Helpline, call 800-327-5050. For more information, visit the Massachusetts Problem Gambling Helpline website. Tom’s Seal Coating * Crack Repairing * Pot Hole Filling * Striping Handicapped Spaces * Free Estimates Call Gary: 978-210-4012                                1. May 17 is National Bike to Work Day; in the 1923 silent fi lm “Our Hospitality,” what comic star briefl y rode a bicycle predecessor called a hobbyhorse? 2. How many teams did Babe Ruth play for (1914–1935)? 3. In what country is the temple complex of Angkor Wat? 4. What does the Latin “et al” mean? 5. On May 18, 1910, what celestial body passed close to earth and caused public panic? 6. What is the world’s largest continent? 7. What is an ampersand? 8. On May 19, 1884, what “Greatest Show on Earth” – started by brothers – opened in Baraboo, Wisc.? 9. What game board has two pictures of jail? 10. What colors does asparagus come in? 11. On May 20, 1926, what inventor said Americans prefer siAnswers lent fi lms over talkies? 12. Through what three countries does the Mekong River fl ow? 13. Who started the fi rst female beauty contest: Bert Parks, ancient Greeks or Phineas T. Barnum? 14. On May 21, 1775, the Battle of Grape Island took place where in New England? 15. When is National Bike Month? 16. What was nicknamed “Boneshaker”? 17. On May 22, 1972, what country changed its name to Sri Lanka? 18. What fi sh (with the name of a bird in its name) changes color and sex? 19. What two months have names that can also be verbs? 20. May 23 is World Turtle Day; what royal fi ctional charactersaid, “Have you seen the Mock Turtle yet?”? Copyrighted material previously published in Banker & Tradesman/The Commercial Record, a weekly trade newspaper. It is reprinted with permission from the publisher, The Warren Group. For a searchable database of real estate transactions and property information visit: www.thewarrengroup.com BUYER1 BUYER2 Pecollari, Jetjona REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS SELLER1 SELLER2 VILLAGE COURT CONDO ASSN 35 MCCOBA ST #31 ADDRESS DATE PRICE 04.23.24 345000 Revere 1. Buster Keaton 2. Th r ee: Boston Braves, Boston Red Sox and New York Yankees. 3. Cambodia 4. and others” 5. Halley’s Comet 6. Asia 7. A plus sign 8. Ringling Brothers Circus 9. Monopoly 10. Green, purple/pink and white 11. Thomas Edison 12. China, Laos and Vietnam 13. Phineas T. Barnum (in 1855; paying visitors to his museum voting on photos of contestants) 14. Boston Harbor 15. May 16. The first bicycles (wrought-iron and wood) with pedals 17. Ceylon 18. Parrotfi sh 19. March and May (marching and maying (celebrating May Day – poem title: “Corinna’s Going aMaying”) 20. The Queen in “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”  

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