THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, MAY 12, 2023 Page 11 Mayor Keefe Announces Sandler Square Mobile Market, Bringing Fresh Produce, Resources, and Community to Shirley Ave Opening Day Set for Saturday, June 10, 2023 with Zumba REVERE, MA – The City of Revere’s Public Health Department today announced the Sandler Square Mobile Produce Market pilot program, set to launch Saturday, June 10, 2023 on Shirley Ave. The Market, which will be available biweekly in Sandler Square, will bring fresh, local produce to Shirley Ave and also provide continued support of SNAP food stamp benefi ts, WIC vouchers, Senior FMNP vouchers, and Health Initiatives Program (HIP) reimbursements. The Public Health Department is working with community partners such as The Neighborhood Developers, Women Encouraging Empowerment (WEE) and Mass in Motion to bring a vibrant, locally-sourced market to Sandler Square in the Shirley Ave neighborhood every other Saturday starting June 10th from 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM (times subject to change). After consultation with multiple vendors, the Department of Public Health made the decision to replace the Friday Farmer’s Market on Broadway with the Sandler Square Mobile Market in eff orts to encourage more vendor participation and provide a better day of the week and location for passerby foot traffi c on Shirley Ave. "The City of Revere remains dedicated to expanding food access for our residents, especially our senior population and those currently experiencing food insecurity," said Mayor Keefe. "Throughout the pandemic, I worked closely with the Emergency Response Team to bring fresh food to our most vulnerable community members because we saw fi rsthand how pertinent the issue of food insecurity is to our region. This new pilot program is an opportunity to take something once only at City Hall and expand it directly to our neighborhoods to meet people where they are." The market will provide residents with fresh produce sourced from The Trustees, a local non-profi t organization that farms on more than 2,500 acres throughout the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. They focus on preserving biodiversity and land stewardship techniques and operate their market on a not-forprofit model that helps bring down costs for customers. The market will also host a rotating assortment of local vendors selling healthy goods and products and a variety of resource tables focusing on city programs and services. The Sandler Square area brings a host of benefi ts for market attendees and vendors, including closer access to public transit and increased foot traffi c in the area. The Public Health Department will continue to work with WEE, who will off er free Zumba classes on Saturday before the Mobile Market and off er cookHONOR | FROM Page 6 Second Honors (80 to 84 in all classes) Aliya Aboudou, Esteban Arbelaez, Ever Calle, Maria Diaz, Clara Diaz, Gwen Donato, Luna Murray, Nicholas Ramirez, Sean Ramos, Maisha Rizvi, Genesis Rosario-Lithgow, Valentina Tate, Steven Tran About Malden Catholic: Since 1932, Malden Catholic High School (MC) has shaped emerging leaders in our community, claiming a Nobel Laureate, a ing classes using produce found at the market. “We’re working with State partners and are hopeful this Mobile Produce Market will be a steppingstone to bring a true mobile market to Revere, bringing produce and resources directly to the residents who need it most with a refrigerated van,” said Lauren Buck, Chief of Health and Human Services. “The Department of Public Health is excited to bring this event to community members and we will be working with everyone from Senator, two ambassadors and countless community and business heads among its alumni. Annually, graduates attend some of the nation’s most renown universities, including Harvard, Dartmouth, Georgetown, Brown, Cornell, Tufts, Duke, Georgia Tech, Boston College, Northeastern, Boston University and Amherst College. Foundational to student success is MC’s codivisional model which off ers the best of both worlds: single-gender academics during the day and intevendors to participants to assure its continued success.” The complete list of dates for the Mobile Market are June 10th, June 24th, July 8th, July 22nd, August 5th, August 19th, September 2nd, September 16th, and September 30th. Diff erent market days will have alternative programming and exciting events, so be sure to stay in the loop on vendors and events by visiting our website at www.revere.org/ healthyliving. For more information, please call the Public Health Department at 781-485-8486. grated social and extracurricular opportunities after school. MC is known in the community for its rigorous academics, SFX Scholars Program and award-winning STEM program with electives like Robotics and Engineering Design. MC curricula is designed to improve individual growth mindset, leadership principles and success outcomes along with integrating the Xaverian values of trust, humility, compassion, simplicity and zeal. https://www.maldencatholic.org/

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