THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, MAY 10, 2024 Page 17 City Clerk Ashley Melnik swears in offi cers Estefania Rivera and Melissa Arias, while Mayor Keefe and Police Chief Callahan look on. Mayor Keefe, Chief Callahan welcome two officers to the Revere Police Dept. L ast Monday morning two new Revere Police Offi cers were sworn in at a ceremony in the City Council Chamber by City Clerk Ashley Melnik. Revere Police Offi cer Estefania Rivera has her mom, Sandra Rivera pin on her badge. Revere Police Offi cer Melissa Arias’ dad, Antonio Arias pins on her badge. Mayor Patrick Keefe welcomes the new offi cers and proudly announces their accomplishments at the academy. Revere Police Chief Dave Callahan addresses the family and friends of the new offi cers. Offi cers Rivera and Arias take their oaths of offi ce, as Mayor Keefe, Chief Callahan and Capt. Lavita look on. Chief David Callahan, Captain Maria Lavita, Offi cer Estefania Rivera, Mayor Patrick Keefe, Offi cer Melissa Arias, School Committee member Anthony Caggiano, Council President Anthony Cogliandro, Councillor Paul Argenzio, Councillor Bob Haas, III, and School Committee member John Kingston.

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