Page 10 THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 2022 Baseball Pats crush Everett, 11-1 Patriot Sal DeAngelis works on his swing as he waits to take the batter’s box. Coach Mike Manning meets the team on the mound to discuss strategy before the game. (Advocate photos by Mike Riley) Revere Patriots baseball team takes the fi eld during the third inning. Andrew Leone looks on to the outfi eld as he makes his way to fi rst base. Mikey Popp gets the fi rst hit of the game against Everett on Wednesday. Coach Manning surveys the outfi eld. Max Doucette keeps focus as Revere trails Everett by 9. Pat’s Mikey Popp waits for the ball during a steal to second base. Junior Dom Boudeau had multiple hits during their game against the Crimson Tide. Senior Mikey Popp rounds his way to second base after a deep hit to center fi eld.

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