THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 2023 Page 9 MENTORING | FROM Page 2 post-secondary pathways, participating in workshops, competitions and job shadowing experiences with select corporate partners coupled with structured refl ection activities on diff erent pathways. Seniors will meet in cohorts, based on their pathway of choice, to review key milestones to succeed in each path, such as resume writing and FAFSA completion, and participate in group college tours and internships opportunities. “We are incredibly excited about this opportunity to partner with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Eastern Massachusetts to bring the Big Futures Mentoring Program to Revere High School,” said Revere’s Director of Youth Engagement & Success, Dr. John Perella, who is a former Revere High School Principal. “We know the uniquely powerful ways mentorship supports and empowers youth while strengthening community – this has never been more needed than today. Here in the City of Revere, we are committed to supporting our youth in every way possible. I look forward to watching our initial partnership at RHS blossom into a deep community collaborative.” “At Revere High School, we are proud of the work the 9th Grade Academy Team does to already provide a strong transition experience for 9th graders into high school. This program will only expand on that experience. We cannot wait to begin this work,” added Revere High School Principal Christopher Bowen. As for the adults who volunteer for BBBSEM, mentors often report getting just as much or more out of their mentoring relationships. The Big Futures Mentoring Program off ers busier adults a more fl exible commitment with the ability to build relationships conveniently and sustainably while still making an impact. The program also off ers local employers more opportunities for employees to get more entrenched in their community while building pipelines of young talent in their industries. “The Big Futures Mentoring program gives local employers and their employees the opportunity to invest in their communities,” said BBBSEM Board Chair Rosemary Sheehan, who is Chief Human Resources Offi cer at Mass General Brigham. “Through youth mentoring, professionals can provide the knowledge, skills and supports to help high school students thrive and advance on their educational and career pathway.” Not only is the program designed to give students the support they need to pursue jobs they love and earn a livable wage, but the structure works toward diversifying trades industries, creating greater access to jobs for BIPOC communities and women. Each mentor will off er accountability for their mentee, so they thrive in high school, graduate and confi dently make post-secondary plans. “We are incredibly excited to work with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Eastern Massachusetts,” said Revere Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Dianne Kelly. “The Mentor 2.0 program will be a game-changer for our high school students.” “By nurturing these deeper connections to the community at-large though a program like Big Futures, we are supporting the very students who have so much to give to our community,” added Revere Mayor Brian Arrigo. “These are lessons you just don’t get in a normal classroom setting – I’m optimistic about the success of this program for our youth and I’m grateful for folks like John Perella and Chris Bowen who work every day to ensure these programs get to the fi nish line. Our students will only benefi t from this partnership.” BBBSEM, which is in its 74th year, is the largest Big Brothers Big Sisters affi liate in New England and has created and served more than 20,000 matches and will serve nearly 4,000 matches this year. For more information, to become a volunteer or to register your children, visit: www. ema ssbigs.org. About Big Brothers Big Sisters of Eastern Massachusetts Big Brothers Big Sisters of Eastern Massachusetts is an innovative, energetic organization that is making a real diff erence in the lives of nearly 4,000 youth annually by providing them with an invested, caring adult mentor in long-term, professionally supported relationships. With research and proven outcomes at its core, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Eastern Massachusetts is working to defend the potential of children facing adversity and ensure every child has the support from caring adults that they need for healthy development and success in life. The organization’s vision is to inspire, engage and transform communities in Eastern Massachusetts by helping youth achieve their full potential, contributing to healthier families, better schools, more confi dent futures and stronger communities.

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