ELECTION | FROM Page 1 That’s why I am announcing my candidacy for Mayor, to bring new vision, new leadership to Revere. Growing up in a union household, my brothers and I watched our parents overcome challenges as first-generation immigrants, working tirelessly to provide us the opportunity for a better life through education. We learned not from their words, but from the example they set, how they lived – with the strong belief that anyone can achieve success through diligence and determination. Earning a degree in Business Administration and Accounting from Northeastern University, I began a thirty-year career in fi nance, helping many of you become proud homeowners in our community. As a parent facing very diff erent challenges raising a family today, I look back with gratitude, and greater appreciation for my parents’ sacrifi ces and hard work. They lived the American dream, fully embracing the values, work ethic, and principle that our character is refl ected in the respect we show others. My wife and I chose to live, THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 2023 New High School: Commitwork, and raise our four children here, and like all of you, we are vested in the future of Revere. As a longtime resident and local business owner, as a parent actively involved in our community, and on the council, I hear your voices. I understand the struggles of our working families, and of our concerned parents. I know the hardship infl ation is imposing on our seniors, and I feel the frustration of our taxpayers. At the same time, I see people just like us, willing to come together on these issues, committed to building a stronger, more prosperous, more inclusive community for all, regardless of background or political affi liation. The time for division is over. Revere deserves better. The choices we make and the resources we commit during the next administration will impact our quality of life for decades to come. If elected Mayor, my administration will be focused on execution, transforming challenges into opportunities from a fresh perspective: Higher standards. Forward-thinking solutions. ted to delivering the facilities our students deserve in a fi scally responsible way. Education: Ensuring all our students are given the opportunity to learn and grow in a safe, supportive environment. Responsible Economic Development: Creating a vibrant, thriving economy to serve as a model for communities across the state. Housing: Increasing aff ordability and accessibility for all without sacrifi cing resources. Traffi c and Transportation: Attracting pass through commuters creating competitive advantage for our local businesses. Infrastructure: Improving our roads, sidewalks, and water supply, setting the groundwork for future generations. Public Safety: Supporting our fi refi ghters and police offi - cers with the technology, training and resources to keep us safe. Opioids: Expanding access to treatment and support for families, launching stronger prevention initiatives addressing root causes. Seniors: Owing a debt of Page 7 gratitude and respect, providing relief, ensuring our seniors are well-cared for and not forgotten, so they are able to live fulfi lling lives. New Residents and Immigrants: Truly welcoming all means investing in programs to help our immigrants integrate and succeed. Revere Beach: Polishing the crown jewel, supporting commercial development and amenities along our historic waterfront. Technology and Innovation: Improving community services, evolving municipal processes, increasing effi ciency, supporting economic growth. Visit gerryvisconti.org/issues for further detail and join the conversation. As the campaign rolls onward, I will be reaching out, engaging with residents, listening to your stories, your ideas, your opinions, your concerns. We continue to live in an era of great uncertainty. Revere has emerged from the pandemic one of the fastest growing cities in the state. The next phase is critical. Our future demands new vision, new leadership – engaged, transparent, accountable, and delivering measurable results. We cannot aff ord to stay the course. We cannot afford to look backward for solutions. We fi nd ourselves at a crossroads. I’m running for Mayor because I believe I am the right candidate to lead us forward. I ask for your support, and humbly ask for your vote on September 19th. Visit Our Website: gerryvisconti.org Follow Our Campaign: facebook.com/viscontiformayor Call Us: 781.629.9555 You’re Cordially Invited To Come Out And Help Us Kick Off The Campaign: Thursday, May 18 6PM Casa Lucia, 61 Lucia Ave. Join Us: gerryvisconti.org/volunteer Get involved with our campaign: To Bring New Vision, New Leadership To City Hall. To Set Higher Standards. To Ensure Accountability. To Build A Better Future For Revere. Like us on Facebook advocate newspaper Facebook.com/Advocate.news.ma

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