THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 2023 Page 5 From sober shelter to luxury townhouses, developers change Arcadia Street plans By Barbara Taormina esidents from the Arcadia Street neighborhood were back at the City Council meeting this week. Earlier this year, they crowded into the City Council Chambers to voice their opposition to a plan to develop a 24bed shelter at 84 Arcadia St. that would provide educational and restorative services to Revere’s homeless population. While residents acknowledged the need for such a facility, they insisted their MBTA | FROM Page 4 Previously, work was scheduled to begin at 7 p.m. on the dates above. Since the announcement of the start time of these evening shuttle bus diversions on the Blue Line, the MBTA received feedback from public stakeholder groups who advocated for the MBTA to amend the start time of these evening shuttle buses to 8 p.m., and the MBTA shifted its work schedule to best serve its customers. Based on progress made during the upcoming evening Blue Line diversions, the MBTA is exR densely packed dead-end street is not a reasonable location. City councillors agreed but said their hands were tied by a state law, the Dover Amendment, which exempts certain types of facilities off ering educational and restorative services from zoning requirements and restrictions. But talks with developers, neighbors and city offi cials continued, and eventually it was agreed that another location would be sought for the shelter. ploring the opportunity for additional select evenings for “early access” (work beginning at 8 p.m.) service diversions during the month of June. The MBTA will share more information as plans are fi nalized. Signage will be in place during all scheduled changes in service to direct riders to shuttle bus stops. Extra MBTA personnel and Transit Ambassadors will also be on hand to assist riders. Riders are encouraged to subscribe to T-Alerts or to follow the MBTA on Twitter @MBTA for up-to-date service information. The MBTA apologizes for the RevereTV Spotlight F arewell and best of luck to Mayor Arrigo! RevereTV was in the City Council Chambers last week as the mayor’s staff , his family, City Hall employees and community members surprised Mayor Arrigo with a goodbye party. The mayor offi cially stepped down from his position last Friday to take on a new position with the Massachusetts Department of Conservation & Recreation, so this gathering marked his last week in offi ce. The surprise was well received and included well wishes from those who attended. Coverage of this gathering is now playing on the RevereTV Community Channel at various times throughout the week. Victoria Fabbo was back in the kitchen studio last week to record another episode of “Fabulous Foods.” Recipes in this episode center around a Mother’s Day celebration, as that holiday is upcoming in early May. As a registered dietician, Victoria always chooses health-conscious and delicious recipes that go along with a season or celebration. “Fabulous Foods with Victoria Fabbo” airs on the RevereTV Community Channel with a new episode every month. To follow along in the kitchen at a pace that suits you, watch episodes of RTV cooking programs on YouTube at any time. A new episode of “Renegades Rundown” is now playing on RevereTV. This episode is the fi rst to feature a player on the team. Watch to hear about what it takes to play on the Boston Renegades and how this season is expected to pan out. This program is an opportunity to get to know the women who make up New England’s premiere tackle football team. Their home base is actually right here in Revere. Check out the Boston Renegades at their season opener on April 29 at Harry Della Russo Stadium. All home games will stream live on RevereTV this season. This week in Revere city government, you can expect to see replays from Monday night’s meetings of the Economic Development Sub-committee, Legislative Aff airs Sub-committee and Revere City Council. Tune in to RTV GOV for the Zoning Board of Appeals and Revere Board of Health meetings. All city government meetings in the City Council Chambers stream live on RTV GOV, Facebook and YouTube and then replay in the following weeks. This week, you will see Mayor Brian Arrigo’s Farewell Address and student award ceremony mixed into the regular meeting rotation. Check the offi cial city calendar (unaffi liated with RevereTV) on Revere.org for meeting schedules and agendas. This week, developers Robert and John Nakashian were back in front of the council seeking a special permit for the plan that was originally proposed for the lot at 84 Arcadia St. The Nakashians are now looking to build fi ve luxury townhouses in place of the shelter, and neighbors turned out to express their support. “I am massively in favor of this,” said Anthony Parziale, who helped lead the opposition to the shelter and is now running inconvenience of the amended start time of these scheduled service changes, and appreciates the understanding and patience of riders as this critical and necessary work to maintain, upgrade and modernize the system takes place. The MBTA will announce additional service changes in advance as they are confi rmed and scheduled. For more information, please visit mbta.com/alerts or connect with the T on Twitter @MBTA, Facebook.com/TheMBTA, Instagram @theMBTA, or TikTok @ thembta. for an at-large seat on the City Council. Other residents stood up to express their support for the townhouse development and its design, which includes off - street parking. The only concern raised by a resident involved trees on the lot. Developers were asked to preserve as many trees as possible to conserve wildlife and reduce fl ooding problems from Gerry D’Ambrosio Attorney-at-Law Is Your Estate in Order? Do you have an update Will, Health Care Proxy or Power of Attorney? If Not, Please Call for a Free Consultation. 14 Proctor Avenue, Revere (781) 284-5657 stormwater. Councillors were as pleased as the neighbors with the new direction the developers are taking. “This was a major issue a couple of months ago,” said Councillor-at-large Gerry Visconti. “Let’s not forget the developers listened to the voices in the neighborhood. I commend the residents and I would HOUSES | SEE Page 16

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