Page 14 THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 2023 MAYOR | FROM Page 1 Tips and Tours for Traveling with Grandchildren 1. On April 28, 1952, the Allied occupation of what country ended? 2. What is the only inanimate sign in the zodiac? 3. A classic mojito includes what kind of alcohol? 4. April 29 is Duke Ellington Day; “Duke” performed with his jazz orchestra at what club in Harlem? 5. Which is older, Stonehenge or the Colosseum? 6. How are “Citizen Kane,” “His Girl Friday” and “The Front Page” similar? 7. On April 30, 1789, George Washington gave his fi rst inaugural address at Federal Hall in what city? 8. What two U.S. presidents are buried together? 9. What U.S. state has hosted the summer and winter Olympics? 10. In 1897 what catalogue contained the fi rst mention of brownies in print? Answers 11. On May 1, 1931, what skyscraper offi cially opened? 12. How are stop, drop and roll similar? 13. What food is sometimes called gram or chana? 14. On May 2, 1885, what women’s magazine based in Holyoke, Mass., was fi rst published? 15. The modern sport of fi eld hockey was developed in what country? 16. What are the three “Rs” of education? 17. On May 3, 1978, ARPANET users got an ad thought to be the fi rst of what type of email? 18. What were s’mores originally called? 19. What is the only animal born with horns? 20. On May 4, 1959, Ella Fitzgerald, Frank Sinatra and the Kingston Trio received some of the first of what award type? Dear Savvy Senior, My husband and I are interested in taking our two grandkids on a big trip this summer and are looking for some good ideas. Can you recommend some travel companies that off er special travel packages for grandparents and grandkids? Doting Grandmother Dear Doting, Grandparents traveling with just their grandchildren has become a growing segment of the multigenerational travel industry. Not only is this type of travel fun, it’s also a terrifi c way to strengthen generational bonds and create some lasting memories. To help you with your traveling aspirations, there are a number of travel companies today that off er specialized grandparent/grandchildren and multigenerational trip packages. This is a nice way to go because they plan everything for you with most activities together, but some just for adults so you can get an occasional breather. Available in various trip lengths and price ranges, these tours are designed for children, typically between the ages of six or seven up to 18, and are usually scheduled in the summer, or sometimes during winter breaks when the kids are out of school. Here are some top tour companies to check into that will take you and your grandkids on a fun, well-planned vacation. Road Scholar (RoadScholar. org): This well-established not-forprofi t organization has off ered educational travel to older adults since 1975. They currently off er 83 diff erent programs geared to grandparent and grandchildren. About 75 percent of the grandparent trips are domestic; 25 percent are international. Some of the many popular trip YARD SALE May 6 & 7 * 9 AM - 3 PM 15 Lewis Lane, Saugus destinations include the U.S. National Parks, Washington D.C., Canada, France, Italy, Iceland, Costa Rica and the Galapagos Islands. The average cost per person per night is around $265 for domestic trips, $365 for international. Intrepid (IntrepidTravel.com): An adventure travel tour operator that off ers “grandparent holiday” tours that bring together the young and the young at heart. They off er 35 one and two-week tours in Europe, Africa, Asia and the Middle East, as well as in Alaska and Wyoming. To fi nd these trips, go to Intrepidtravel.com/us/theme/family/ grandparents. Tauck (Tauck.com): This is a large tour operator that off ers 19 foreign and domestic multigenerational trips called Tauck Bridges Family Tours. Some of their most popular trips are Costa Rica, the European riverboat cruises, and the Cowboy Country, which tours you through Wyoming and South Dakota. Smithsonian Journeys (SmithsonianJourneys.org): They offer 10 diff erent family journey trips to Iceland, New Zealand, Italy, Greece, Japan, Ireland, Costa Rica, South Africa, Yellowstone and a Rhine River cruise. Journeys International (JourneysInternational.com): They offer customized multigenerational trips primarily to Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Pacifi c. Grandkids Travel Documents Depending on where you go and your mode of transportation, you’ll need to gather some documents for your grandchildren to make sure everything goes smoothly. In general, most travel experts recommend you bring a notarized travel consent form (letter of permission from the parents), and a medical consent form in case any emergencies or problems arise. Also bring copies of insurance cards. If you’re traveling domestically, you should know that airlines and trains don’t require any form of ID for children under 18. But if you’re traveling to Mexico, Canada, Bermuda, or other areas of the Caribbean by land or sea, grandchildren 15 and under will need certifi ed copies of their birth certifi - cates. And if your grandkids are 16 or older, or you’re traveling to these locations via air, passports will be required. If you’re traveling overseas, all children, even infants, must have a passport. Some countries also require a visa for entry, and vaccinations may be required in some cases. Before booking a trip, check the U.S. Department of State’s website at Travel.State.gov for country-specifi c information. Send your senior questions to: Savvy Senior, P.O. Box 5443, Norman, OK 73070, or visit SavvySenior. org. Jim Miller is a contributor to the NBC Today show and author of “The Savvy Senior” book. forward with budget priorities and policies to deliver excellent services for the residents of Revere while positioning the city to compete for jobs and future revenue growth. “The biggest priority in the Mayor’s Offi ce right now is ensuring a smooth transition for all Revere employees and residents,” said Acting Mayor Keefe. “The people’s work must continue. The Mayor’s Offi ce is available as it always has been – to answer, listen, and further resident-led initiatives in the City of Revere. I am ready to serve as your Acting Mayor and will do everything in my power to ensure a smooth transition for our community members.” Monday also marked the day that the former Mayor, Brian Arrigo, began his new role as the Commissioner of the Commonwealth’s Department of Conservation & Recreation. As determined in the Revere City Charter, the President of the City Council will perform the duties of Mayor should the sitting Mayor become unable to fulfi ll that role. There will be an election to fi ll the role on a permanent basis this fall. To ensure politics remain outside of City Hall, all municipal employees will be taking an ethics and campaign training course. In his duties as Acting Mayor, Keefe is now unable to serve on the Revere City Council. To take his place as City Council President is Ward 1 City Councillor Joanne McKenna – offi cially titled as President Pro Tempore. In his role, Mayor Keefe will also serve as the Chair of the Revere School Committee. “I also want to congratulate my colleague and friend Councillor Joanne McKenna for her new role as President Pro Tempore of the Revere City Council,” said Acting Mayor Keefe. “I wish her the best of luck in this new leadership role.” Residents wanting to access the Mayor’s Offi ce will fi nd no change in services. Those wishing to get in touch with the Mayor’s Offi ce may continue to email revere_mayor@revere.org or call the Mayor’s Constituent Service Offi ce at 3-1-1 (781-2868311) during business hours. For Advertising with Results, call The Advocate Newspapers at 781-286-8500 or Info@advocatenews.net 1. Japan 2. Libra (the Scales) 3. Rum 4. The Cotton Club 5. Stonehenge 6. They are movies set in the newspaper industry. 7. NYC 8. John Adams and John Quincy Adams (in a crypt in Quincy, Mass.) 9. California 10. Sears, Roebuck and Co. 11. The Empire State Building 12. They are parts of a fi re safety technique to put out a clothing fi re. 13. Chickpeas 14. “Good Housekeeping” 15. England (in private schools) 16. “reading, ’riting, and ’rithmetic” 17. Spam 18. Some Mores 19. Giraff e 20. Grammy

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