Your Local News in 7 Languages: www.advocatenews.net Vol. 32, No.17 -FREEwww.advocatenews.net Free Every Friday Councillors request answers to delay of Health & Wellness Center opening CFO: Opening hampered by compliance, mold issues at former gym By Barbara Taormina C ity councillors this week asked for and received an update on the Robert J. Haas Health and Wellness Center on Charger Street and its benefi ts to the community. In January of 2022, the City of Revere took control of Greater Boston Fitness to create a community health center. “It’s been more than a year and we haven’t gotten any updates,” said Ward 6 Councillor Richard Serino, who, along with Councillor-at-Large Dan Rizzo, wanted information on the status of the project. “It’s my understanding that we’re spending $30,000 a month on rent for a vacant building plus salaries,” said Rizzo. “To me, it’s a slap in the face to taxpayers that RICHARD SERINO Ward 6 Councillor we’re paying that type of money. It’s not fair, we’re spending a lot of money with no benefi t to the community.” The job of explaining the problems with the health center fell to city CFO Richard Viscay. “There’s DAN RIZZO Councillor-at-Large no question about it: This project has been slow to get off the ground. I don’t want to sugarcoat it,” said Viscay. HEALTH | SEE Page 3 Mass. House passes comprehensive tax relief package Bill includes $654Mn in tax relief in FY24, $1.1B in FY26 and beyond O n April 13, 2023, in an eff ort to provide fi nancial relief to families across the Commonwealth and to make Massachusetts more competitive with other states, the Massachusetts House of Representatives passed a tax relief proposal targeted at residents across all income levels. The Massachusetts House of Representatives approved the bill, 150-3, and it now goes to the Senate. “This tax relief package strikes the critically important balance JEFFREY TURCO State Representative $3.15 GALLON We accept: MasterCard * Visa * & Discover Price Subject to Change without notice 100 Gal. Min. 24 Hr. Service 781-286-2602 of providing permanent fi nancial relief to residents and businesses across Massachusetts, without compromising the long-term fi - nancial security of the Commonwealth,” said Speaker of the House Ronald J. Mariano (D-Quincy). “I’m confi dent that this tax reform legislation will help to make Massachusetts more aff ordable for all residents, while also helping to make the Commonwealth more competitive with other states. I want to thank Chairman Michlewitz and Chairman Cusack for JESSICA GIANNINO State Representative their work crafting this package, as well as all the Members of the House for their input.” “This tax relief package will help thousands of residents keep more money in their pockets by providing much needed fi nancial assistance. This package will also help keep the Commonwealth an economically competitive work environment for both businessRELIEF | SEE Page 15 781-286-8500 Friday, April 28, 2023 ~ POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENT ~ Gerry Visconti Announces Candidacy for Mayor F riends, Neighbors, Residents of Revere, I am grateful, honored, and committed to serving you, our families, our seniors, and members of our diverse community. As a consistent voice for transparency and accountability on the School Committee, as City Council President, and currently as Councillor-At-Large and Chair of Ways and Means, I’m proud of the progress we’ve made on behalf of all our residents. But there is much important work left to be done. ELECTION | SEE Page 7 GERRY VISCONTI Candidate for Mayor In Revere’s leadership transition, Patrick Keefe fills the role of Acting Mayor Special to Th e Advocate A s part of the City of Revere’s leadership transition, Patrick Keefe offi cially began working as Acting Mayor on Monday, April 25, 2023. This week marked the Acting Mayor’s fi rst week in offi ce as he assembled the City’s Cabinet Chiefs and department heads and attended his first City Council meeting as Mayor. As Acting Mayor, Keefe completed his fi rst full day in offi ce, and the City of Revere moved MAYOR | SEE Page 14 PATRICK KEEFE Acting Mayor

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