Page 6 THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 2022 Local runners shine as Boston Marathon returns in full glory after two-year absence on Patriots Day Nearly 40 residents of our readership area fi nished 126th running of race; complete list is inside Touching moment shared by many when brother of 2013 Marathon bombing victim runs race for fi rst time By Steve Freker M ore than 25,000 runners from all over the world — representing 120 countries and all 50 states — descended onto the hallowed Boston Marathon race course Monday to participate in the triumphant return of the famed event to its traditional Patriot’s Day spot on the calendar. Included among them were over 40 local residents, most of them fi nishing the 26.2-mile race in fi ne fashion under sunny skies and cool temperatures. It was the first time the full Boston Marathon was run on Patriot’s Day since 2019, due to RUNNING FOR MARTIN & JANE: Henry Richard, the 20-year-old brother of the late Martin Richard, who was the youngest victim of the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing at age 8, ran the Marathon on Monday in honor of his late brother and the rest of his family, eleven of whom suff ered injuries in the bombing attack. (Courtesy Photo) J& $46 yd. S     MULCH SALE! Discount Spring Special PICK-UP or DELIVERY AVAILABLE 617-389-1490 Premium Hemlock or Pitch Black BELOW WHOLESALE COSTS LANDSCAPERS WELCOME $4 yd. $42 yd. $3 yd. the COVID-19 pandemic. The 2020 race was cancelled shortly after the pandemic was declared worldwide in midMarch of that year. The 2021 Boston Marathon last April also axed due to the pandemic, though a smaller, 125th Boston Marathon was run on Columbus Day in October 2021. On Patriot’s Day Monday there was no question when the 126th Boston Marathon began that the iconic race was back in business, in all of its glory. Under sunny skies and cool temperatures in the mid-toupper 40s, slightly more than 30,000 offi cial runners set off in timed waves from the start in AND THE WINNERS ARE!: The fi rst wave of runners of the 126th Boston Marathon cross the fi nish line on Monday. (Courtesy Photo) HAPPIER TIMES: Shown above, about two years before the 2013 Marathon Bombing, the Richards family, clockwise from lower right: Martin, who died in the Boston Marathon bombing April 15, 2013; Jane, who lost her left leg; Henry, who ran the 2022 Boston Marathon in his brother and sister’s honor; mom Denise, who was blinded in one eye; and dad Bill, whose ear drums were punctured. (Courtesy/ZUMAPress.com) Hopkinton to the fi nish in downtown Boston. Once again, for the fi rst time Ethiopians jockeyed for the top spot in both the Men's and since 2019, the Kenyans and MARATHON | SEE Page 7

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