Page 8 THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, APRIL 21, 2023 City Hall staff surprise outgoing Mayor Arrigo with send-off celebration A sheet cake adorned with the words of appreciation thanked Mayor Brian Arrigo for his service and congratulated him on his upcoming role as DCR Commissioner during a surprise send-off on Tuesday afternoon inside the City Council Chambers. By Tara Vocino C ity Hall employees, along with family, supporters and city and state offi cials, surprised outgoing Mayor/incoming Mass. Dept. of Conservation & Recreation (DCR) Commissioner Brian Arrigo with a farewell celebration on Tuesday afternoon inside the City Council Chambers. The mayor will leave offi ce for his new state position at the DCR at the end of the month. The mayor waved to his supporters as he walked into the City Council Chambers for his surprise farewell party. Mayor Brian Arrigo thanked First Lady Daveen for her unwavering support of his career. Community Liaison Maria Moujahid wished Arrigo well in his new endeavors. Mayor Brian Arrigo is shown embracing his son, Joseph, as he walked into the surprise party. Mayor Brian Arrigo was all smiles as he watched a slideshow looking back on historic moments in his tenure. Revere Public Library Director Diana Luongo and Children’s Librarian Krystee Maniscalco wished Mayor Arrigo well. Mayor’s Offi ce staff , pictured from left to right: Aide to the Mayor Gianni Hill, Chief of Staff Kim Hanton, Mayor Brian Arrigo, Executive Secretary/Scheduler Linda DeMaio and Communications Associate Jackie McLaughlin said they will miss working alongside Arrigo daily. Pictured from left to right: Councillor-at-Large Marc Silvestri, Ward 3 City Councillor Ira Novoselsky, Mayor Brian Arrigo, his children, Jack and Joseph, and State Representatives Jeff Turco and Jessica Giannino.

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