THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, APRIL 21, 2023 Page 17 ELECTION | FROM Page 1 Committee, it feels as if Revere is in the heat of election season. But actually, nothing is offi cial just yet. Nomination papers are not available until May 1. Candidates can then pull papers and collect 50 signatures of registered voters needed to have their names placed on the ballot. All offi ces require all candidates to collect 50 signatures. The only exception are candidates for ward councillors, who must collect 50 signatures within their wards. Candidates then return signatures to the elections department in City Hall, where they will be checked. Once members of the elections department validate the signatures, a candidate will be certifi ed, which is more the in-it-to-win-it offi cial start of campaigns. With City Councillors Patrick Keefe, Gerry Visconti, Dan Rizzo and Steven Morabito all announcing their intention to run for mayor, there will be a preliminary election on Tuesday, Sept. 19. Preliminary elections are held when there are more than double the candidates running for a seat or vacancy. Candidates and their supporters have already started campaigning online, and the tone of the talk refl ects Election Commissioner Paul Fahey’s prediction that it will be a heavily contested election. With three of the four mayoral candidates leaving at-large City Council seats to run in the mayor’s race, it’s not surprising that the councilor-at-large race has attracted new faces. Planning board member Juan Pablo Jaramillo, Anthony Paziale and Bob Haas have all announced their intention to run for the at-large City Council seats. It is expected that incumbent Councillors-at-Large Marc Silvestri and Anthony Zambuto will continue, with Zambuto stating, “I’m defi nitely running” when reached for comment. The races for ward seats on the City Council are still taking shape. Ward 1 Councillor Joanne Mckenna is expected to run for reelection. Ward 2 Councillor Ira Novoselsky and Ward 3 Councillor Anthony Cogliandro will continue their reelection bids. In ward 4, Public Works Superintendent Paul Argenzio has offi cially announced his campaign for the seat Keefe will leave vacant. Ward 5 Councillor John Powers, although he could not be reached by press time, appears to intend to hold his City Council seat after returning when former ward councillor Al Fiore resigned due to health issues. Powers, if he announces for reelection, will face two challengers: Randall Mondestin, who helped establish the Revere 311 system, and former teacher Angela Guarino Sawaya. Ward 6 Councillor Richard Serino announced at the start of the year he would not be seeking reelection. Serino wanted to give other candidates time to consider running for a seat on the City Council. Retired police sergeant Chris Giannino announced for the ward 6 councillor seat last month. The races for School Committee are also unsettled because of the pending home rule petition to change the election process for the Revere School Committee now winding through the state legislature, which must approve the change. The School Committee currently has six atlarge members. The home rule petition would increase the committee to nine members, with six ward representatives, two atlarge members and the mayor. While the Revere School Committee Bill faces no opposition, it’s not clear if everything will be in place for the November election. While it seems as if races and campaigns are well underway, there is still plenty of time for anyone who feels up to wading into the world of local politics. The deadline to fi le completed nomination papers (available on May 1) is Tuesday, August 1, at 5 p.m. ~ Home of the Week ~ WAKEFIELD - 1st AD - Custom built, one-owner Contemporary offers 8 rooms, 3 bedrooms w/newer                                                                                        View the interior of this home right on your smartphone.       1. On April 21, 1977, the musical “Annie” opened on Broadway; it was based on what? 2. What is the last name of the Star Wars character with the fi rst name of Han? 3. April 22 is Earth Day, which was fi rst observed in the fi rst year of what decade? 4. What letter of the alphabet means something in baseball and also on the periodic table? 5. On April 23, 1984, Secretary of Health and Human Services Margaret Heckler announced that the virus causing AIDS had been identifi ed; what was the virus later named? 6. How are Olympics cricket, croquet and tug of war similar? 7. On April 24, the Library of Congress celebrates its birthday in 1800 when President John Adams approved $5,000 for purchase of books, which were ordered from what foreign city? 8. In April of what year was the last U.S. feature-length silent movie released: 1927, 1930 or 1935? 9. Commandant Klink was a Answers character on what TV series? 10. The word “hippie” was derived from what Beat Generation word? 11. On April 25, 1917, Ella Fitzgerald was born; she was a master of singing nonsense syllables, which is more commonly called what? 12. What government building has 67 acres of parking spaces? 13. In the 1960 hit “M.T.A.” (by The Kingston Trio), voters are requested to vote for whom? 14. What can have eyelets, vamp and tongue? 15. On April 26, 1822, Frederick Law Olmstead was born; what park in Malden, Mass., did he design? 16. Methuselah, the oldest tree in the world, is a Great Basin bristlecone pine in what country? 17. Why did a town in Oklahoma change its name to Gene Autry? 18. What animal breastfeeds for up to eight years: bats, bears or orangutangs? 19. On April 27 the NFL draft starts; in what year was the first NFL draft: 1899, 1919 or 1936? Discount Tree Service 781-269-0914 Professional TREE REMOVAL & Cleanups 24-HOUR SERVICE 1. The comic strip “Little Orphan Annie” 2. Solo 3. The 1970s 4. K (strikeout and potassium) 5. HIV 6. They are all discontinued Olympic sports. 7. London 8. 1930 9. “Hogan’s Heroes” 10. Hipster 11. Scat 12. The Pentagon 13. George O’Brien 14. A shoe 15. Fellsmere Park 16. USA (California) 17. He bought a nearby ranch. 18. Orangutangs 19. 1936

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