RE R V R E E E EVVEREREE R D Vol. 29, No.16 -FREESpecial to Th e Advocate O n April 15, in a joint eff ort to slow community transmission of COVID-19, Revere Mayor Brian Arrigo and Chelsea City Manager Tom Ambrosino announced the opening the next day of a site for noncongregate housing for those recovering from the virus who do not require hospital care and are in need of a safe place to quarantine. The Quality Inn in Revere had agreed to allow the use of the entire building for the next 60 days to provide an alternative, safe housing solution for Chelsea and Revere residents who live in overcrowded housing conditions or would otherwise be at risk STAY SAFE! STAY HOME! WE'LL GET THROUGH THIS TOGETHER! O ATE CAT CAT www.advocatenews.net Free Every Friday 617-387-2200 Friday, April 17, 2020 Revere joins Chelsea opening “The Inn,” a refuge for residents to safely quarantine, recover Partners-MGH to manage and provide on-site medical care for up to 150 patients of spreading the virus within their community. Partners HealthCare has stepped up to serve as the healthcare management team offering in-room health care services, eliminating the need for individuals to travel to doctors’ offi ces or hospitals, and a third-party management company will oversee all nonmedical-related operations, including private security. North Suffolk Mental Health Association will provide mental health support services. Plans for The Inn were developed with support from the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA), the state Department of Public Health (DPH), the Governor’s Offi ce and public safety and health offi cials from both Revere and Chelsea. “We know the best way to protect all our residents from this virus is to prevent exposure to it in the fi rst place,” said Mayor Arrigo. “Providing a safe place for quarantine to those who need it is a critical part of our strategy to slow community transmission in Revere.” “This partnership of two cities working in concert with state partners is critical if we hope to slow the pandemic in the hard-hit communities of Chelsea and Revere,” said City Manager Ambrosino. “This temporary housing will ensure that the health of all of our residents, and most especially those in over-crowded units, is The family behind the masks By Barbara Taormina W hen Dennis and Brenda Tarentino learned they would need to quarantine for 14 days for a possible exposure to the coronavirus, they knew they were going to need to fi nd something to fi ll the time. The Tarentinos are a busy couple who aren’t big on TV and don’t even have a cable subscription. Although it turned out that neither one contracted the virus, they decided to take time off from work and stay home to make sure that Dennis, who is in an at-risk category, stayed safe and well. But how would they fi ll the days? Luckily, their daughter Ashley, who is an occupational therapist, came up with an idea that started out as a casual post on Facebook that grew into a cottage industry. “So as many of you know.... my mom loves to sew!” wrote Ashley. “With motivation from my friend Shawnna, we decided to sew up some fabric masks for those in need! These do not replace the N95 masks, but they are better than nothing! If you work * Mulching * Spring Clean-ups * Trimming & Maintenance NOW BOOKING NEW CUSTOMERS! Call 781-321-2074 Brenda and Dennis Tarentino worked in tandem to produce hundreds of face masks to help keep health care workers, fi rst responders, community volunteers, neighbors and friends safe during the COVID-19 crisis. (Courtesy Photo) in healthcare or fall into the at-risk population and need a mask, send me a message or a comment. We will be donating what we can (while supplies last). Unfortunately, there is an elastic shortage so we will be limited by the amount of elastic we have. They are washable, so you should be able to reuse them!” Within 24 hours, comments and requests started coming in along with offers of fabric and donations to help pay for supplies. The Tarentino family soon had an inhouse assembly line where they were sewing masks for MASKS | SEE PAGE 4 On Wednesday, Mayor Brian Arrigo announced the opening of the Quality Inn Boston-Revere as a shelter for recovering COVID-19 patients. protected.” In order to stay at The Inn, an individual must: • be a resident of Revere or Chelsea • be COVID-19 positive (Advocate Photo by Tara Vocino) • have been determined by a doctor that they do not currently require hospital care • be living in a situation RESIDENTS | SEE PAGE 6

Page 2 THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 2020 Revere Teachers Association partners with The Neighborhood Developers to provide emergency funds to residents I n response to the COVID-19 outbreak and the effect this has on the community, the Revere Teachers Association (RTA) has generously created a GoFundMe campaign with all proceeds going towards The Neighborhood Developers (TND) and their Revere-based relief efforts. Launched on April 8, the campaign already exceeded its goal of raising $10,000 in just two days to directly help Revere residents affected by COVID-19. One hundred percent of these funds will be provided to needy families with up to $1,000 to use towards rent, utilities and other essential bills. Priority will be given to the most vulnerable and needy, specifically those who are ineligible for unemployment benefits or other aid resources. 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The teachers of Revere have shown such compassion and generosity, which will make a real difference to the families that they know so well through the schools.” The RTA is grateful to the City of Revere for continuing to pay school workers during this time and is working to support Revere families who do not have the same job and financial security. “I’m incredibly proud to have a way that we can support Revere families directly,” said RTA President Erik Fearing. “This crisis is hitting gateway cities harder than anywhere else, and since many employees are stuck away from the city, we are looking for every opportunity to give back.” TND is a nonprofit that is dedicated to community development in Chelsea and Revere. TND’s many programs help people to access affordable homes, employment and crucial resources, such as temporary financial assistance, that can make a world of difference. In the last two weeks, TND has distributed $21,923 directly to 41 households in Chelsea and Revere with support from the United Way. There is a growing wait list of families seeking shortterm assistance that the RTA’s fundraiser will support. TND has set a goal to raise $120,000 to support its many relief efforts in Chelsea and Revere. One recipient of these emergency funds provided through TND’s CONNECT program said, “I feel like you and CONNECT just took a 100 pounds of pressure off my chest and mind. You truly have been a blessing to my spir~ OP-ED ~ Protecting this fall’s election and strengthening democracy By Joe Gravellese, Candidate for State Representative L ast week, voters in Wisconsin were shamefully forced to choose between exercising their right to vote or adhering to social distancing. Voters stood in long lines and potentially were exposed to COVID-19, largely because powerful interests continue to stand against making voting easier and more convenient. With Massachusetts’ primary election coming up on September 1, the Legislature should act quickly to both protect residents’ right to vote in the upcoming election, and improve voter participation for years to come. Massachusetts should act immediately to allow for no-excuse absentee voting – not just in this election, but in all future elections. We should not wait and scramble to put a new system in place if the pandemic is still raging in late July or early August – we should act now, and take this commonsense step to expand voting access. This prudent step would make sure voters – especially seniors, people with disabilities, and those with preexisting conditions – don’t feel pressured to stand in a crowded line in order to vote this year. Allowing absentee voting for all who want it will also make it easier and more convenient for people to vote, even if they work two jobs, have childcare commitments, have long commutes, or face exhausting workdays that make it difficult to vote between the hours of 7 AM and 8 PM. Working-class voters are more likely to have jobs that don’t offer time to duck out and vote, or have childcare commitments that make it more difficult to make it to the polls on time. This situation gives wealthy voters disproportionate influence over our elections. Paper ballots are the most secure and safe system for elections, and our local election departments already do a tremendous job handling the existing absentee balloting process. Senior citizens, troops serving overseas, and others regularly vote by mail now, and do so safely. Over 30 states already offer absentee voting to all. New Hampshire just authorized absentee balloting for all for this fall’s elections. Five states conduct their elections entirely by mail. Here in Massachusetts, we can have the best of both worlds, by allowing anyone to vote absentee while still opening the polls on Election Day in a safe manner. We should also consider other steps to protect our democracy and increase voter participation – not just this year, but every year moving forward. We can increase access for voters on Election Day by making it a state holiday, in order to make it easier for working people to go to the polls. Other ideas we should explore include having an independent commission redraw fair districts after the 2020 census, instead of letting the Legislature pick its own districts; expanding the right to vote in municipal elections to 16- and 17-year olds to give young people a stake in the future of their communities; and getting big money out of politics. Last but not least, we need to provide more funding to local Election Commissioners to hire and train poll workers, so that the voting process on Election Day is fairer and more efficient. In Sweden, 83% of adults voted in their last election. In New Zealand, turnout was 76%; in Italy, 65% went to the polls. But here in the US, just 56% of eligible adults cast a ballot in the last presidential election. Turnout for local elections is even lower. We can make our democracy healthier by improving voter turnout – but in order to do that, we need to take away barriers that keep people from people getting involved. The COVID-19 crisis presents an opportunity for Massachusetts to both do the right thing by public health, and improve our democracy for years to come. —Joe Gravellese is running in the Democratic primary for State Representative in the 16th Suffolk District (Revere, Chelsea, Saugus) on September 1, 2020. its right now and I could never thank you enough for helping me with this overwhelming obstacle during this time.” “It’s a challenge to implement remote learning, but teachers’ biggest worries have been for the safety and well-being of students and their families,” said Beachmont Elementary School teacher Julia Gallogly.” The GoFundMe campaign is open to anyone, and RTA hopes that others will contribute. If you are interested in contributing to this fund, visit www.gofundme. com/f/rta-supports-revere-families. Every dollar you give will help a family have their most basic needs met. Organizers are planning to continue with fundraising efforts through Mother’s Day on May 10. Anyone that donates by May 10 will be entered to win one of five $100 gift certificates at a local business. For more information, contact Fearing at erik.fearing@gmail.com or at 781-864-1616. Prices subject to change BE SAFE! FLEET

THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 2020 Page 3 MSBA invites five districts to launch feasibility studies S tate Treasurer Deborah Goldberg, who is Chair of the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA), and MSBA Executive Director/Deputy CEO John McCarthy announced that the MSBA Board of Directors has invited five Massachusetts school districts to collaborate in conducting Feasibility Studies for potential MSBA school construction projects. The Board of Directors approved Feasibility Study invitations for the following schools: “These Feasibility Studies will carefully examine potential solutions to the issues identifi ed at the school facilities and will help us develop the most costeff ective plan to address those District Brookline Haverhill Revere Spencer-East Brookfi eld Regional School District Webster issues,” said Goldberg. “We look forward to partnering with the Districts to move these potential projects forward.” “We are committed to working with these Districts to help address the deficiencies at these schools,” said McCarthy. “Our partnership with local offi cials will ensure the best solutions for the students in each of School John R. Pierce School Dr. Albert B. Consentino School Revere High School David Prouty High School Bartlett High School these Districts.” The MSBA partners with Massachusetts communities to support the design and construction of educationally appropriate, flexible, sustainable and cost-eff ective public school facilities. Since its 2004 inception, MSBA has made over 1,750 site visits to more than 250 school districts as part of its Revere food pantry needs support By Barbara Taormina T he food panty at the First Congregational Church has been providing groceries for residents in need for 37 years, but last week, for the first time, the food ran out. The pantry typically distributes food to 60 to 75 families on Wednesday nights from 7 to 8:30 p.m., but last week 321 families waited in a line of cars that stretched back to Revere High. Volunteers at the pantry gave out 526 large bags of groceries and another 321 smaller bags to families. The COVID-19 crisis has placed a huge economic strain of the community. Of the families who lined up at the food pantry last week, 296 were there for the fi rst time. Church leaders and pantry volunteers were expecting more residents than usual. Pastor Nick Granitsas said the phone did not stop ringing last Wednesday with calls asking about the food pantry. More families lined up last week than at any other time since local clergy joined forces to launch the pantry in the early 80s. “Last week, we smashed the record of 191 families who came during the recession,” said Granitsas, who worries how much more the need will grow. The food pantry buys supplies from The Greater Boston Food Bank, which was scheduled to deliver 6,000 pounds of food for this week. But that is not expected to be enough to meet the need. School Committee Member Carol Tye has already reached out to dozens and dozens of community groups and retired teachers with a call for help. “There has been a great response from people,” said Carol Tye School Board Member Tye, adding that the Beachmont Improvement Committee has already cut a check for $1,000 for the pantry, and members hope to do more. Granitsas also said many in the community have stepped in with support. “I can’t say enough about the response from organizations, businesses and individuals,” he said. Tye said that donations of money are the best way to help since that allows the pantry to purchase food from The Greater Boston Food Bank at prices that are much lower that food on the shelves at grocery stores. The City Council and the School Committee have been challenged to donate at last $100, but contributions of any amount are needed and appreciated. “These are our neighbors. These are our children,” said Tye. “Let us be as generous as our circumstances will allow.” Anyone who would like to help can send a check to the First Congregational Church, 94 Central Ave., ReIn-Person and Telemedicine Appointments at Our Stoneham and Malden Locations Are you coping with an injury, joint problem, sprain or strain? Some healthcare needs can’t and shouldn’t wait. Even during this uncertain time, our expert orthopedic, pain management, physical therapy and occupational therapy specialists are here to help you. Both of our locations are open and we are offering in-person and telemedicine appointments during regular business hours. We’ll work with you to determine the best option for your needs. Contact us to schedule an appointment: (781) 279-7040 • agilitydoctor.com Agility Orthopedics vere. Please write Food Pantry in the memo line. Donations can also be made online with a credit card through a form available on the church’s website at https://tithe.ly/give_ new/www/#/tithely/giveone-time/1371914. “Their people are the pros; they’ve been doing this for years,” said Tye. “They are doing the work of angels.” due diligence process and has made over $14.3 billion in reimbursements for school construction projects. AUTOTECH 1989 SINCE Is your vehicle ready for the Spring Season?!! AC SPECIAL Recharge your vehicle's AC for the warm weather! Includes up to 1 LB. of Refrigerant* (*Most Vehicles/Some Restrictions May Apply) Only $69.95 DRIVE IT - PUSH IT - TOW IT! CASH FOR YOUR CAR, TRUCK OR SUV! 2010 FORD FUSION SE 4 Cyl., Auto., 1 Previous Owner, Most Pwr. Options incl. Keyless Entry, & Pwr. Sunroof. Only 70K Miles! ALL TRADES WELCOME! $5,995 Easy Financing Available! Loaded with Leather Interior, Moon Roof, Only 106K Miles, Warranty! 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Page 4 THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 2020 MASKS | FROM PAGE 1 eight hours a day. “My wife sews; I do auto body work, but I was helping,” said Dennis, who seemed proud of his new stitching skills. Brenda said they started with cotton fabric that was left over from her earlier sewing projects. A lot of it had prints, which was great for the masks being requested for kids, she said. But that stash of fabric didn’t last long, especially with people asking for batches of two, three, five and 20 masks at a time. And there were messages from health care professionals reporting shortages of masks at different hospitals. As they were sewing, the J& $45 yd. S LANDSCAPE & MASONRY CO. MULCH SALE! Discount Spring Special PICK-UP or DELIVERY AVAILABLE 617-389-1490 Premium Hemlock or Pitch Black BELOW WHOLESALE COSTS LANDSCAPERS WELCOME $4 yd. $40 yd. $3 yd. Revere police are a little safer now thanks to the Tarentino family’s gift of homemade face masks. (Courtesy Photos) Tarentinos began considering others in need of masks to stay safe at their jobs. There are food pantry volunteers, school staff who hand out breakfast and lunch for students, and the police, who are continually at risk, so they offered the Revere Police a set of masks from their batch made of colorful fabrics and prints, which were much appreciated. “But the police wanted to know if we could do police colors,” said Dennis, so the Tarentinos bought 40 yards of new fabric and designed a special police mask that was black on the outside and beige inside. And now, both the Revere and Saugus Police are safer thanks to the Tarentinos’ masks. This week, Ashley posted an update on the Tarentinos’ mask making on Facebook. “My mom Brenda Tarentino has been working hard with Dennis Tarentino & Craig Tarentino,” she wrote. “They have made and donated over 700 masks!! They were able to donate to the Revere Police Department, Saugus Police Department, Boston Children’s Hospital, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute as well as to many of my fellow therapy colleagues, patients and high-risk family and friends.” Brenda said the family is now cutting back production to a couple of hours a day. “We do some every day, just to keep it going,” she said. “It keeps your mind off of everything that’s going on.” Going forward, the Tarentinos will be offering masks for $5 apiece in order to cover the cost of supplies. They will still donate to Children’s Hospital and other health care providers in need. For Brenda, the best part of the mask project has been the chance to do something to protect others, especially Ashley Tarentino joins the family assembly line to produce homemade masks to protect people during the COVID-19 crisis. Craig Tarentino cuts strips of elastic for his family’s mask production. The Tarentinos designed a special mask in cop colors for the Revere and Saugus Police Departments. people in Revere, during the COVID-19 crisis. “Our community has masks, our friends have them, and all my neighbors have them,” she said. “It gave us something to do and we were able to give something back.”

THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 2020 Page 5 ~ OP-ED ~ Helping Hands and Selfless Acts Our Community at Its Best By Mayor Brian M. Arrigo T he Easter Bunny joined our team this past Saturday, touring the City and bringing a much-needed dose of happiness to homebound families and residents who waived from their windows and porches. While the Easter Bunny was probably the most prominent and popular personality to enlist in our city’s battle against COVID-19, I can tell you without hesitation that the Easter Bunny is but one of an aweinspiring group of individuals who have mobilized to make sure that the people of Revere are not alone in confronting the most daunting task in our lifetimes. Back in February, when the general public still viewed “COVID-19” as an abstract peril looming somewhere in the future, we established a COVID-19 Emergency Response Team to manage the City’s actions. Everyone anticipated a challenge. Everyone knew we were headed into unknown territory. No one stepped away from the task. Six weeks into the crisis, and facing what may be the most frightening stretch of virus-related hardship over the next week or so, our Emergency Response Team has worked tirelessly to guide Revere through the multitude of hazards that now dominate our lives. I hesitate to name the individuals who have given of themselves, for it would be inevitable that I would inadvertently omit a key contributor. But I want to share with the public what I am seeing every day: • Dozens of city employees steered from their usual routines and managing, instead, a wide range of critical functions to make sure that our city’s businesses, people and operations continue to function smoothly amid the confusion and mystery of COVID-19. • Administrative staff who ordinarily attend to the necessary paperwork and procedures of municipal administrative infrastructure have become Supply Co-ordinators, hunting down and indexing the city’s stock of vital Personal Protective Equipment. • School nurses, accustomed to the maladies and misfortunes of our students, have become medical detectives maintaining crucial communication with COVID-19 patients and performing the critical tracing process to figure who an infected resident recently interacted with. • Teachers, shut off from their students and teaching remotely, are spending their free time working at food pantries. Another group of teachers banded together to raise money through a GoFundMe page that will provide relief to families in need. • Staff in our Recreation and Senior Services Departments have teamed with the City’s Wellness Department to organize and oversee a vast outreach program to make sure that our city’s underserved and vulnerable populations are aware of resources and in contact with municipal services. • Our Health Department has taken on the massive duty of digesting all the information that pours from the state Department of Public Health, applying it to Revere’s needs, developing safety-based Orders and then enforcing those Orders every day. • In addition, the Health Department has coordinated with the Fire and Police Departments to organize large-scale COVID-19 testing for first responders. • Hundreds of volunteers who are making telephone calls to our senior citizens to check in on their needs and, in some cases, just to provide a few minutes of welcome social contact. • Other volunteers deliver food and necessities to those unable to venture outside for fundamental provisions. • Still other volunteers are working with City staff in setting up and manning food pantries. • School cafeteria workers who have not missed a beat in preparing meals and making sure Revere school students who rely on our school system will continue to be nourished. • Our Economic Development team is assisting businesses that have gone dark during the crisis, while also proOP-ED | SEE PAGE 15

Page 6 THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 2020 UP & RUNNING: The Quality Inn in Revere, now open as a recovery center for coronavirus patients, is shown with security and staffing personnel and an emergency generator on Thursday. (Advocate Photo) RESIDENTS | FROM PAGE 1 For Advertising with Results, call The Advocate Newspapers at 781-286-8500 or Info@advocatenews.net where significant challenges are presented for self-quarantining or isolation Public officials in Chelsea and Revere, in consultation with medical experts, will confirm whether an individual meets the eligibility requirements. There will be no acceptance of “walk-in” patients. The Inn will provide individuals who live in homes where they are at high risk of spreading infection of this highly contagious virus with a safe, secure and fully-staffed location to support necessary medical needs. Most rooms will be for individuals but some rooms may be used by families. Seventy five percent of the costs associated with The Inn’s operation will be covered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), with substantial additional support from MEMA. The remainder will be financed equally by the Cities of Revere and Chelsea. All patients and staff will be provided the necessary Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) by MEMA, which will also provide for delivery of three meals a day to all patients. Revere and Chelsea police will provide additional 24-hour security initially, to be continued for as long as is deemed necessary. The Revere Fire Department and Cataldo Ambulance will manage emergency response to the building. Chelsea City Manager Tom Ambrosino said it’s a great collaboration between medical and city personnel. According to Jacqueline Nally, a registered nurse with Massachusetts General Hospital, the 150 patients will only be sent to The Quality Inn via a referral program through local hospitals. How to mail and ship without leaving the safety of home Y ou don’t have to go to the Post Office to use many postal products and services. In fact, most simple tasks can be done from the convenience and safety of your home with or without a computer. Like purchasing stamps – using your computer, you can go to the Postal Store on usps.com and select different stamp denominations. The United States Postal SerHOME | SEE PAGE 15

THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 2020 Page 7 Tourney proposals approved for spring sports By Greg Phipps W orking under the understanding that the 2020 high school spring sports season is still set to open on May 4, the Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association (MIAA) Board of Directors approved several proposed measures brought forth by the Tournament Management Committee earlier this month. On Monday, members of the board via conference call unanimously (by 18-0 vote) approved a proposed regular season cutoff date of June 12, with postseason tournament pairings to be announced the following day. Tournaments would begin June 15 and run to no later than June 28. Only sectional tournaments will be held this spring and teams will need to fi nish .500 or better to qualify for the playoff s. The Sullivan Rule, which allows teams with .500 or better records against higher division schools to receive automatic playoff bids, will remain in place. Track & fi eld is allowed a regular season cutoff date of June 21 with sectional meets to conclude by the 27th. Monday’s voting came under the condition that schools will reopen on May 4 – the current target date ordered by Gov. Charlie Baker earlier this month. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic that date is tentative and subject to change. Several other items were voted on on Monday, including a unanimous decision to cancel the Div. 1A “Super 8” baseball tournament and the individual tennis tournaments. Spring sports include baseball, softball, girls’ tennis and golf, lacrosse and outdoor track & fi eld. Other matters addressed were the waiving of Rule 40 of the MIAA handbook for the spring season. The rule prohibits outof-season contact between players and coaches. Monday’s decision will allow limited contact between players and coaches before the season starts. Also, the board will wait to hear back from the state Department of Public Health concerning the status of eligibility physicals for spring sports. Property tax deadline extended to June 1 New case data available at Revere.org Special to Th e Advocate A pril 13, 2020 – The City of Revere’s Emergency Response Team continues to take proactive steps to slow community transmission of COVID-19 and prepare for further spread of the virus. As of April 13, the Revere Board of Health has been notifi ed by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health of 454 positive cases of COVID-19 in the City of Revere. On April 13, Mayor Brian Arrigo announced the City of Revere will extend its due date for property tax payments from May 1, 2020, to June 1, 2020. This new due date will also apply for applications for exemption and deferral, which were previously due April 1. The City will also waive interest and other fees/ penalties for late payments on any bill due on or after March 10, 2020, as long as the payment is made by June 30, 2020. “We know that many people in our city are facing fi nancial uncertainties and hardship during this time, and want to support them as best we can while still maintaining the tax base required to serve residents with high-quality city services,” Mayor Arrigo said. “Our team will continue to explore every opportunity to alleviate fi nancial burdens on our residents and business owners.” The City also continues to publish new case data at Revere.org/coronavirus to provide the public with insights into the rate of increase of new cases in the City of Revere, including comparisons to other municipalities and the Commonwealth as a whole.

Page 8 THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 2020 Protect your wallet – and your health – from pandemic scammers FBI exec discusses COVID-19-related schemes I n a recent interview, the head of the FBI’s Financial Crimes Section, Steven Merrill, discussed scams and crimes related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Merrill gave the latest information on the schemes the FBI is investigating and tips on how to protect yourself. Q: Why is this pandemic, or any disaster, such an opportunity for scammers and criminals? A: Unfortunately, criminals are very opportunistic. They see a vulnerable population out there that they can prey upon. People are scared and looking for help. People are trying to protect themselves and their families. For example, people are looking for medical attention and medical equipment. They also may be unemployed and looking for work. There may be an extra level of desperation right now that may cause someone to make an emotional decision that could make them a victim. Q: What are some of the most common fraud schemes you’re seeing? A: One of the most prevalent schemes we’re seeing is government impersonators. Criminals are reaching out to people through social media, emails, or phone calls pretending to be from the government. In some cases, they’re even going door-to-door to try to convince someone that they need to provide money for COVID testing, financial relief, or medical equipment. We are a very trusting society, but it’s important to know that the government will not reach out to you this way. If someone reaches out to you directly and says they’re from the government helping you with virusrelated issues, it’s likely a scam. This “government” representative may be trying to use phishing or other techniques to hack your computer or get your personal information or money. Right now, the threat we’re most concerned about is fake cures or treatments for the virus. These “cures” can be extremely dangerous to your health – even fatal. You should never accept a medical treatment or virus test from anyone other than your doctor, pharmacist, or local health department. People who are at home and out of work are vulnerable to work-from-home scams. If someone you don’t know contacts you and wants you to urgently pay them in return for a “job,” you are dealing with a criminal. Legitimate jobs will not ask you to pay them. If you’re in a role like this where you’re being asked to send or move money, you’re acting as a money mule, which is a federal crime. One of the most lucrative schemes for criminals is offering you an opportunity to invest in a cure or treatment for the virus. The purpose of these get-rich-quick schemes is simply to defraud the investor. Any offer like this should be treated with extreme caution. Q: What potential scams should people be aware of regarding government financial benefits? A: The government will not ask you for personal information to give you your financial benefits. If you receive an email, text message, or phone call claiming to help you get your benefits, do not respond. If you are eligible to receive the benefits, your government check will be mailed to you or will be direct deposited into your bank account. (Note: The IRS has additional tips on how to avoid these types of scams.) Q: What is the FBI doing about these scammers? A: We’re investigating many of these cases right now. We’ve already arrested and filed charges against those who we have evidence to believe are engaging in these crimes. We have teams of FBI employees working these cases every day. I strongly encourage anyone who comes across something ~ LETTER-TO-THE-EDITOR ~ Now is an Important Time to Consider Quitting Smoking and Vaping Dear Editor, We all know that smoking is harmful to one’s lungs. As our lives are disrupted by the coronavirus, this fact raises concerns about the damaging impact the coronavirus (COVID-19) may have on those who smoke or vape. Dr. Nora Volkow, director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, says, “Because it attacks the lungs, the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 could be an especially serious threat to those who smoke tobacco or marijuana or who vape.” While the long-term impact of vaping is not clear, there is evidence coming out that vaping, like smoking, harms the ability of the lungs to fight infection. Despite the stressful times we’re living in, people who smoke or vape may want to quit to improve their ability to fight the coronavirus. The stress may have led others to relapse and start smoking or vaping again. It’s never too late to try to quit. Everett Aluminum 10 Everett Ave., Everett 617-389-3839 Owned & operated by the Conti family since 1958 • 57 Years! “Same name, phone number & address for family since 1958 • 62 over half a century. We must be doing something right!” •Vinyl Siding •Free Estimates •Carpentry Work •Fully Licensed •Decks •Roof • Fully Insured • Replacement Windows www.everettaluminum.com •Roo ng Now’s the time to schedule those home improvement projects you’ve been dreaming about all winter! People who smoke and vape know how hard it is to quit because nicotine, the drug in tobacco and vaping products, is highly addictive. Repeated tobacco and nicotine use is not a habit, it’s an addiction and quitting can takes several tries before one can quit for good. Many tobacco users say quitting is the hardest thing they’ve ever done; however, with planning, support, and dedication, many people quit for good. Now may be a good time for those who smoke or vape to call the Massachusetts Smokers’ Helpline at 1-800QUIT NOW (1-800-784-8669) for free coaching and support 24 hours each day, seven days a week. Enroll online, access quit planning tools, peer support and motivational text messages at KeepTryingMA.org. Up to eight weeks of FREE nicotine replacement help from patches, gum or lozenges are available through the Helpline (with medical eligibility). With coaching and quit medication people can be twice as likely to quit for good compared to those who try to quit on their own. Quitting improves one’s health right away; lungs start to heal, and the body starts to repair its ability to fight infection. For more information, call 1-800-QUIT-NOW or visit KeepTryingMA.org. Edgar Duran Elmudesi Metro Boston TobaccoFree Community Partnership Health Resources in Action suspicious to report it to the FBI at tips.fbi.gov or to the Internet Crime Complaint Center at ic3.gov. Q: What can people do to protect themselves from scammers? A: Use extreme caution in online communication. For emails, verify who the sender is – criminals will sometimes change just one letter in an email address to make it look like one you know. Be very wary of attachments or links; hover your mouse over a link before clicking to see where it’s sending you. In general, be suspicious of anyone offering you something that’s “too good to be true” or is a secret investment opportunity or medical advice. Seek out legitimate sources of information. For medical information, those trusted sources are your own doctor, cdc.gov and your local health department. For financial information, that’s ftc. gov or irs.gov. Spring!

THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 2020 Page 9 Masks part of the new normal By Tara Vocino Resulting from COVID-19, many residents wore masks during a walkthrough of downtown Revere on Tuesday night. Trees were also downed from Monday’s windstorm. —Tara Vocino may be reached at printjournalist1@gmail.com. Mountain Avenue resident Sary Uon paid his excise tax outside of City Hall on Tuesday. Veterans Service Officer Marc Silvestri, his wife Nikki, and their daughters, Sienna and Sage, posed for a photo with masks. (Photo Courtesy of Marc Silvestri) Deborah Peczka DiGiulio and Trisha Romano sported their trendy cheetahprint masks and gloves. (Photo Courtesy of Trisha Romano) Fatou Drammeh wore her pink mask with a Beautify Revere shirt. (Photo Courtesy of Fatou Drammeh) Traffic volume along Broadway remained light. This large tree was snapped in half at Bell Circle. A masked girl rode her bicycle in the City Hall parking lot. (Advocate Photos by Tara Vocino) A sign showed that City Hall is closed to the public as a result of the quarantine.

Page 10 THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 2020 RCN Boston partners with iHeartMedia Boston to honor community heroes 10 Heroes will each receive $250, four will receive free RCN service for six months B OSTON – RCN Boston, an award-winning and leading provider of fiber and broadband services, announced a partnership with iHeartMedia Boston to honor local community heroes of the COVID-19 pandemic. The partnership was developed to show appreciation during these uncertain times to the people who are working tirelessly to keep the community safe and comfortable. These heroes include medical professionals, first responders, delivery service workers, cleaning staff, cooks, teachers and stock clerks. “We are all in this together,” said RCN Boston VP/General Manager Jeff Carlson. “Highlighting these heroes in the communities in which we live and work is our way of showing our support and appreciation.” iHeartMedia Boston Region President Alan Chartrand added, “There are so many selfless people doing amazing things to help their neighbors. Our hope is to spotlight as many of them as possible. We’re thankful that RCN has partnered with iHeartMedia Boston to honor our Community Heroes.” RCN and iHeartMedia Boston are asking for nominations of individuals or organizations that are going above and beyond during these unprecedented times. Nominations will be accepted through Friday, April 24. To nominate a community hero, visit https:// kiss108.iheart.com/contests/ help-us-honor-our-community-heroes-816880/. Ten heroes will be selected to receive a $250 gift card to continue their amazing work for which they are being recognized. The 10 heroes will also be acknowledged on-air on iHeartMedia Boston’s eight radio stations and will be highlighted on social media platforms of iHeartMedia Boston and RCN Boston. In addition, four winners who are in the RCN Boston service area will be gifted with a six months free Internet, Digital TV and Phone package and accompanying equipment of their choice with a value of up to $300 per month. About RCN Boston RCN in Boston serves the communities of Allston, Arlington, Boston, Brighton, Brookline, Burlington, Charlestown, Dedham, Dorchester, Everett, Framingham, Hyde Park, Lexington, Milton, Natick, Needham, Newton, Peabody, Revere, Roslindale, Somerville, Stoneham, Wakefield, Waltham, Watertown, West Roxbury and Woburn. About iHeartMedia Boston iHeartMedia Boston owns and operates WXKS-FM, WJMN-FM, WZLX-FM, WBWL-FM, WKAF-FM, WBZ-AM, WRKO-AM and WXKS-AM and is part of iHeartMedia. iHeartMedia (NASDAQ: IHRT) is the number one audio company in the United States, reaching nine out of 10 Americans every month – and with its quarter of a billion monthly listeners, has a greater reach than any other media company in the country. The company’s leadership position in audio extends across multiple platforms, including more than 850 live broadcast stations in over 150 markets; digital radio via its iHeartRadio digital service available across more than 250 platforms and 2,000 devices; through its on-air influencers; social; branded iconic live music events; and podcasts as the #1 commercial podcast publisher. iHeartMedia also leads the audio industry in analytics, targeting and attribution for its marketing partners with its SmartAudio product, using data from its massive consumer base. Visit iHeartMedia.com for more company information. Baker-Polito Administration files legislation to combat mosquito-borne diseases G overnor Charlie Baker recently filed legislation to help the Commonwealth more effectively combat diseases transmitted by mosquitoes, including arboviruses like Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) and West Nile Virus (WNV), by authorizing a coordinated, proactive, statewide approach to mosquito control activities. The legislation, An Act to Mitigate Arbovirus in the Commonwealth, would empower the State Reclamation and Mosquito Control Board to engage in mosquito control activities across the Commonwealth, including in areas where there is no legislative authority to take action today, should the Department of Public Health (DPH) determine that an elevated risk of mosquito-borne diseases exists. “After experiencing an unprecedented outbreak of EEE last summer, it’s critical that we act proactively to mitigate the risk of EEE through a coordinated and data-driven approach,” said Baker. “This legislation puts the Commonwealth in a better position to prepare for and respond to the threat of mosquito-borne illnesses, and allows public health experts to work together to safeguard the health and well-being of residents in every city and town across the Commonwealth.” “Addressing a public health risk like EEE will require smart, coordinated action across all regions of the Commonwealth,” said Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito. “Public health officials and the State Mosquito Control Board will need the ability to respond quickly to another potential outbreak in the coming months, and this legislation empowers them to take necessary actions to mitigate the risk to the public.” Many cities and towns have access to critical surveillance as part of their membership in a mosquito control district. However, many municipalities at risk do not belong to a district, which significantly limits the amount of data available on the presence of the disease on which to base risk assessments and mitigation activities. The legislation will allow for the kind of statewide coordinated efforts that are necessary to combat arboviruses like EEE and the mosquitoes that carry it, and help to ensure that proactive steps are taken, before diseases spread. The State Reclamation and Mosquito Control Board (SRB) is the oversight body for all mosquito control operations in the Commonwealth, including the mosquito control districts and projects, but currently has no authority to independently conduct mosquito control activities in non-member communities that are not part of a mosquito control district. This new legislation would allow the SRB to respond to the potential for arbovirus and work with DPH and the Governor’s office to ensure appropriate steps are taken based upon the data and scientific information available. “Past experience with EEE indicates the disease emerges in three-year cycles, and the Commonwealth is preparing for a potential outbreak this summer after last year’s unprecedented spike in cases,” said Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Kathleen Theoharides. “The public health risk presented by EEE calls for early planning, deliberate action and a statewide approach.” “My district was deeply impacted by last year’s EEE outbreak, and so I know all too well the need to proactively prepare for this coming season,” said Senate President Karen E. Spilka. “I have stated from the outset that I believe we need a comprehensive, coordinated, and systematic approach to tackling EEE and we must ensure that approach covers all corners of the Commonwealth. Protecting the health and safety of all our residents is my top priority and I am thankful to the Administration for prioritizing this issue as well.” In Massachusetts, mosquitoes can transmit a variety of diseases to humans, including EEE and WNV. EEE is a rare but serious and potentially fatal disease that can affect people of all ages. 2019 saw an outbreak of the disease in the Commonwealth, with 12 human cases and four deaths. For those that contract EEE, mortality rates range up to 50 percent and, for those who survive, 80 percent have serious, permanent neurological damage. WNV can cause illness ranging from a mild fever to more serious disease like encephalitis or meningitis. “We have been actively planning for the upcoming EEE season since last fall,” said Department of Public Health Commissioner Dr. Monica Bharel. “Our goal is to increase EEE surveillance while also continuing to emphasize prevention of mosquito-borne illness.” “With warmer weather, an additional public health risk that emerges is mosquito-borne diseases, including EEE,” said Health and Human Services Deputy Secretary Dan Tsai. “While we are preparing with our state and local partners to combat this disease, it’s also important that Massachusetts residents remember that the best thing you can do to protect yourself and your loved ones is to practice personal protection.” “Due to the risk EEE presents to residents across Massachusetts, a coordinated response to mosquito control will be critical to our ability to reduce the population of mosquitos that can transmit the EEE virus to humans,” said SRB Chair and Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources Commissioner John Lebeaux. “As many cities and towns in the Commonwealth do not have mosquito control projects of their own, it is essential that public health officials have the authority to take action when and where EEE presents a threat to public health.”

THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 2020 Page 11 Socially distant Easter Bunny tour inspires and uplifts T By Tara Vocino he Revere Parks and Recreation, Police and Fire Departments put a smile on everyone’s face throughout a six-hour, socially distant Easter Bunny tour, hitting 98 percent of streets, on Saturday. “It was a huge success, and thousands of people came out to support us,” Event Organizer/ Revere Parks and Recreation Director Michael Hinojosa said on Monday. From left to right, Police Officer Jerry Salvati, Mayor Brian Arrigo and Police Chief James Guido geared up for the Easter Bunny Tour on Saturday morning. Brothers Joseph and Michael Biasella wait for the Easter Bunny at the bottom of Robert Street in North Revere. Their poster reads, ‘Happy Easter’ and ‘Thank you.’ Revere Parks and Recreation Director Michael Hinojosa, Revere Parks and Recreation Program Coordinator Adriana Carrillo and the masked Easter Bunny peeking out of a sunroof, led the parade in the West Revere neighborhood. Led by a police escort, a second bunny cruises by in a decorated float downtown. Baker-Polito Administration Launches Spanish Language Unemployment Application B OSTON – The Baker-Polito Administration today Mobile friendly portal will help Spanish speaking claimants access benefits The new Spanish language UI launched a Spanish language online, mobile-friendly, unemployment benefits application for those who need to apply. The new, secure application for Spanish speakers is available through mass.gov/desempleo, the Spanish language website for unemployment in Massachusetts. The Department of Unemployment Assistance (DUA) will make language applications available in Portuguese, Haitian Creole, Chinese, Vietnamese and additional languages in the coming days. form is the latest effort from the Commonwealth to deliver crucial COVID-19 information to non-English speakers, including: • Yesterday, the Administration announced that its COVID-19 text message alert system is available in Spanish • All of Mass.Gov (including Mass.Gov/COVID19) is available in 13 different languages • The Commonwealth’s nonemergency help line for COVID-19, 2-1-1 is available in over 150 languages • Several agencies, including the Department of Public Health, offer additional fact sheets available in multiple languages The Department of Unemployment Assistance is focused on supporting workers impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and continues to process claims as quickly as possible. The new Spanish mobile-friendly application is among several efforts to reach and assist all individuals who are eligible for unemployment benefits and provide the financial assistance they need. Other efforts include: • Rapidly updating the DUA website with the latest information that claimants and employers need to know, what the latest federal legislation means for them, and a step-by-step guide to filing a claim available in multiple languages. • The unemployment contact form to reach a DUA agent is also available in multiple languages. • Hosting daily town halls in both English and Spanish, which have been attended by over 100,000 constituents. Individuals can sign up to attend a virtual town hall at mass.gov/unemployment/townhall or at mass. gov/desempleo. • Deploying over 600 new remote employees to keep pace with the increased volume of unemployment insurance claims, and adding language capacities in the call center to better serve residents across the state. • Legislation proposed and signed by Governor Baker waiving the one-week waiting period to collect an unemployment claim payment. The Baker-Polito Administration will continue to update the public on developments related to COVID-19. Residents can visit www.mass.gov/covid19 for the latest information, call 2-1-1 with questions, and text “COVIDMA” to 888-777 to subscribe to text-alert updates (COVIDMAESP for Spanish language alerts).

Page 12 THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 2020 Gravellese Campaign “Virtual Trivia Night” Raises Over $400 for Revere Veterans O n Thursday, April 9, Joe Gravellese’s campaign for State Representative hosted a “virtual pub trivia night” over Zoom, trying to recreate the trivia night experience online. The goal was to drive up support for local businesses and for Revere’s Veterans Services Office. All trivia participants were For Advertising with Results, call The Advocate Newspapers at 781-286-8500 or Info@ advocatenews. net asked to donate at least $5 to the Revere Veterans Services office. As of Friday morning, the event raised $403. The funds will be put to use by the Veterans Services Office to fund their efforts to assist local veterans in need–including hosting the monthly veterans food bank, assisting veterans in applying for benefits, and providing wheelchairs and other mobility tools to veterans in need. “The need right now is so staggering all over the community during the COVID-19 crisis, so every bit helps our fellow residents in need,” Gravellese said. “Over 200 veterans were served at the most recent Veterans’ food pantry. People are going to need to chip in to keep our food pantries stocked as more and more people face urgent needs. I’m so grateful for my friends and supporters who stepped up to support this great cause.” In addition to raising money for Revere veterans, the event also dished out $100 in gift cards to Easy Pie restaurant. “Our local small businesses are hurting right now too,” added Gravellese. “Hopefully the gift card winners will go out and spend to support a great local business. If you have a favorite local restaurant, please support them–order takeout, order delivery, and be ready to go back and support them when they reopen.”

THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 2020 Page 13 THE HOUSE AND SENATE: There were no roll calls in the House or Senate last week. For the second week in a row, the COVID-19 pandemic was front and center at the state capitol. Brief, informal, lightlyattended sessions were held on Monday and Thursday. Most legislators and staff are staying away from Beacon Hill and many are working from home to comply with social distancing guidelines. At informal sessions, there can be no roll calls and it only takes one member to stop the proceedings if he or she disagrees with anything. The Democrats and Republicans worked together to craft bills relating to COVID-19. This week, Beacon Hill Roll Call reports on several pieces of legislation relating to COVID-19. The report also includes the percentage of times local representatives voted with their party’s leadership in 2020 through April 10. Beacon Hill Roll Call uses 19 votes from the 2020 House session as the basis for this report. This includes all roll calls that were not on local issues. The votes of the 2020 membership of 124 Democrats were compared to House Speaker Bob DeLeo. A total of 101 (or 81.4 percent) of the 124 Democratic representatives voted with DeLeo 100 percent of the time. Another 17 representatives voted with DeLeo all but one time (94.7 percent.) The Democratic representatives who voted the lowest percentage of times with DeLeo were Reps. John Velis (DWestfi eld) and Colleen Garry (DDracut). Velis voted with DeLeo only 63.1 percent of the time while Garry voted with DeLeo only 61.1 percent of the time. The votes of the 2020 membership of 30 Republicans were compared with those of GOP House Minority Leader Brad Jones. A total of 20 (or 66.6 percent) of the 30 GOP representatives voted with Jones 100 percent of the time. Another nine representatives voted with Jones all but one time (94.7 percent.) The GOP representative who voted the lowest percentage of times with Jones was Rep. Marc Lombardo (R-Billerica) who voted with Jones only 84.2 percent of the time PERCENTAGE OF TIMES REPRESENTATIVES VOTED WITH THEIR PARTY’S LEADERSHIP The percentage next to the representative’s name represents the percentage of times the representatives supported his or her party’s leadership. The number in parentheses represents the number of times the representative opposed his or her party’s leadership. Some representatives voted on all 19 roll call votes. Others missed one or more roll call. The percentage for each representative is calculated based on the number of roll calls on which he or she voted and does not count the roll calls for which he or she was absent. Rep. Bob DeLeo 100 Percent (0) Rep. RoseLee Vincent 100 Percent (0) HOW LONG WAS LAST WEEK’S SESSION? Beacon Hill Roll Call tracks the length of time that the House and Senate were in session each week. Many legislators say that legislative sessions are only one aspect of the Legislature’s job and that a lot of important work is done outside of the House and Senate chambers. They note that their jobs also involve committee work, research, constituent work and other matters that are important to their districts. Critics say that the Legislature does not meet regularly or long enough to debate and vote in public view on the thousands of pieces of legislation that have been fi led. They note that the infrequency and brief length of sessions are misguided and lead to irresponsible late-night sessions and a mad rush to act on dozens of bills in the days immediately preceding the end of an annual session. During the week of April 6-10, the House met for a total of six hours and 34 minutes while the Senate met for a total of six hours and 42 minutes. Mon. April 6 House 11:00 a.m. to 11:10 a.m. Senate 11:12 a.m. to 11:28 a.m. Tues. April 7 No House session Wed. April 8 No House session Fri. April 10 No House session No Senate session No Senate session Thurs. April 9 House 11:01 a.m. to 5:25 p.m. Senate 11:09 a.m. to 5:35 p.m. No Senate session Bob Katzen welcomes feedback at bob@beaconhillrollcall.com aavvyvy enioroioiavvy Senior avvy vy Dear Avoiding, Yes! Due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, M edicare rec en tly announced that it will be expanding coverage for telehealth services to help keep vulnerable seniors safe at home. Here’s what you and your mom should know. Telehealth Services If you’re not familiar with telehealth or telemedicine services, they are full visits with a health care provider who isn’t at your location using telephone or video technology device – i.e. smartphone, tablet or computer. Telehealth services allow Medicare beneficiaries to take care of ongoing medical problems as well as new concerns, while following public health advice to stay home during the coronavirus outbreak. Medicare patients with chronic health conditions now don’t have to postpone a regular follow-up visit with the doctor to keep safe. They can do it via Skype or FaceTime. And people concerned they may have the virus could see their doctor or nurse practitioner virtually to find out how to get tested. Nursing home residents will also be able to have telehealth consultations with their doctors. If your mom isn’t familiar or comfortable with technology, you or another relative or friend can assist her. You may need to go over to her house to help her do this. Bring your smartphone, tablet or laptop – but remember, don’t visit if you’re feeling sick. Risk of serious illness from For Advertising with Results, call The Advocate Newspapers at 781-286-8500 or Info@advocatenews.net the coronavirus is much greater for older people and those with underlying health problems such as lung conditions, diabetes or heart problems. Many ennioorn rniiori Medicare Expands Telehealth Services to Help Keep Seniors Safe at Home Dear Savvy Senior, Does Medicare cover telehealth services? My 71-year-old mother has chronic type 2 diabetes but is very concerned about going to the doctor for fear of exposing herself to coronavirus. What can you tell us? Avoiding the Doctor seniors are also managing chronic health issues that put them at heightened risk. Until recently, telehealth coverage under original Medicare has been limited to benefi ciaries only in rural areas, and patients often need to go to specially designated sites for their visits. The expanded telehealth coverage, which will remain in eff ect during the coronavirus outbreak, now allows doctors and hospitals to bill Medicare for visits via telemedicine that previously had to take place in person, at a medical offi ce or facility. If your mom happens to get her Medicare benefits through a private Medicare Advantage plan, they will also be expanding their telehealth services. For coverage details, contact her plan directly. O ther M edic ar e Coverage I n addition to the expanded t e l ehea l t h services, Medicare will also be covering all coronavirus testing costs to see your mom has been infected, and medically necessary hospitalizations, so if her doctor recommends that she remain in quarantine at the hospital rather than selfisolating at home, she will not have to pay for these costs. If your mom has a Medicare Part D prescription drug plan, it will cover the coronavirus vaccine when it becomes available and will waive prescription refi ll limits so she can have extra medication on hand during the pandemic. For more information on how Medicare is covering the coronavirus see Medicare.gov/medicarecoronavirus. And for the latest information on the coronavirus, visit Coronavirus.gov. Send your senior questions to: Savvy Senior, P.O. Box 5443, Norman, OK 73070, or visit SavvySenior.org. Jim Miller is a contributor to the NBC Today show and author of “The Savvy Senior” book.

Page 14 THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 2020 OBITUARIES Kenneth Gravell, Jr. Of North Revere, April 5. Late member Carpenter’s Union Local #33. Beloved son of Catherine (Currier) Gravell & the late Kenneth Gravell. Loving brother of Nicholas Cox & his wife Marina, Jeanine Tremblay & the late William Gravell & his wife Sharon. Cousin of John Gravell, also survived by many nieces, nephews & cousins. Loraine (Griffin) Ash name “Lorita.” Her true passion was dance and she passed that along to her dance students. She had an appreciation for history and loved studying and writing about it, especially the history of Boston. Loraine wrote for several local newspapers and publications. She will be sorely missed by all who knew her. In accordance with the CDC, Mass. Department of Public Health, Archdiocese of Boston guidelines and local restrictions on gatherings and congregations due to COVID-19, all Services will be privately held. Interment Fairview Cemetery in Boston. Steven D. DePietro plumber and in 1986 he started S. DePietro and Son Plumbing and Heating. Steven had a passion for classic cars and was a member of the Strokers Car Club where he made lifelong friendships. Steven’s many “Words of Wisdom” will be missed by all. Mr. DePietro was the devoted father of Joanne Cipriani and her husband Marco and Steven DePietro II and his wife Cathy all of Saugus; loving grandfather of Joseph DePietro, Steven Meyer, Barbara Fyfe and her husband Andy and Wesley Fyfe; dear brother of Arthur DePietro of Salem, NH and the late William DePietro; companion of Janice McLaughlin of Middleton. He was a loving uncle and dear friend to many. In lieu of flowers, donations in his memory can be made to Dana Farber @ www.danafarber.jimmyfund.org. Of Revere, passed away on April 9, 2020 at the age of 96. Born and raised in South Boston on November 14, 1923 to the late Timothy and Katherine (Tracey). She was the devoted wife of the late George A. Ash. Cherished mother of the late George Gabriel Ash. Also survived by many loving nieces and nephews. Loraine was a graduate of Milton High and studied at Boston College. She was a professional Spanish Flamenco dancer who went by the Salvatore R. Senna 89, of Peabody and formerly of Medford and Revere, passed Of Saugus age 74, died on Sunday, April 5. He was the husband of the late Joan (Maniscalco) DePietro. Born in Everett, Steven was the son of the late William and Edna (Whitney) DePietro. After serving in the U.S. Navy, he became a peacefully Thursday April 9 at the Pilgrim Nursing & Rehab in Peabody following a brief illness. Born in Revere, he was the son of the late Salvatore and Beatrice (Dagnelli) Senna. He was raised and educated in Revere and later lived in Medford where he worked for 40 years and has spent the last 7 years living in Peabody. He was a veteran of the Korean War who served with the United States Army and was employed fterwards with the city of Medford as a DPW worker. He is survived by his many nieces and nephews and was predeceased by his four sisters, Antoinette Usher, Lucille DiLorenzo, Yolanda Iovanna and Isabelle McMillan. Rosemarie (Moscato) Guerriero Of Revere for 51 years, age 80, on April 9. Beloved wife of Nicholas for 50 years. Mother of Anthony Thomas Guerriero of Lynnfield and Rosanne Guerriero of Reading. Loving granddaughter of the late Rosina Moscato. Also Survived by her 2 grandchildren, Karina Rose Olson and Nicholas Anthony Guerriero; her daughter-inlaw Diana Ubinas; and her son-inlaw Jim Olson, Jr. Rosemarie grew-up in Everett and was a life-long educator who taught at the Chandler School for Women in Boston, St. Rose High School in Chelsea, and Everett High School. She was a graduate of Everett High School, Salem State College and Boston University. Rosemarie was a wonderful family-centered woman who gave her children and grandchildren unconditional love. In her later years, her grandchildren Karina and Nicholas provided her with much love and joy. She greeted everyone with a smile and was always quick to offer a helping hand to anyone who might need one. Rosemarie was not just a mentor to her students but also to many of her friends and family members. She was a wonderful mother-figure known for her kindness, warmth, generosity, and famous Italian storytelling and cooking. Rosemarie loved the holidays, especially Christmas, and never missed a loved one’s birthday. She will be deeply missed. In light of the recent development with COVID-19, all funeral services will be private. A Celebration of Life Memorial mass will be announced at a later date. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations can be made in Rosemarie’s name to: The Italian Home for Children. OBITUARIES | SEE PAGE 15

THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 2020 Page 15 OP-ED | FROM PAGE 5 viding guidance to Essential Services businesses that continue to serve the public during the crisis. Meanwhile, the City’s regular work carries on. City Hall staff are working remotely to maintain all of the municipal operations that we depend on every day and will be indispensable as we emerge from this crisis and start to resume some sense of normalcy. These include our 311 team, Water and Sewer, Department of Public Works, our finance workers in the Treasurer’s, Collectors and Auditing offi ce. Our Election Offi ce is gearing up for the November elections. OBITUARIES | FROM PAGE 14 Phyllis Rita (Scimone) DelGreco Lifelong resident of Revere passed away on Holy Thursday April 9, 2020. She was with her son and daughter-in-law at her bedside when she passed due to pneumonia caused by COVID-19. She is the daughter of the late Philip and Joan Scimone. Beloved wife of the late Pasquale “Pat”. Devoted mother of Robert S. and his wife Rosanna. Cherished grandmother of Michael, Robert, and Nicholas. Dear sister of Richard Scimone and his wife Susan, Sandra McCormick and her late husband Thomas, and HOME | FROM PAGE 6 vice (USPS) will deliver them right to your home. No computer? No problem! Ask your local Post Offi ce or carrier to bring you a Stamps by Mail order form, complete it and put it in your mailbox with a check. Again, USPS will bring you your stamps. What if you need to send a package? You can order free Priority Mail and Priority Mail Express boxes or other package supplies at usps. com. Again, USPS will deliver items to your address. At usps. com, using Click-N-Ship, you can print a mailing label with the appropriate postage right from your computer. Need that package picked-up? Go to usps.com and schedule a Our clerk’s offi ce is continuing its vital services to the public. Our IT department is helping keep everyone connected as we rely on unfamiliar technologies to get our work done while we are not in our offi ces at City Hall. And we can never overstate the value of our First Responders at the Fire Department and Police Departments and our ambulance responders, who are always on the front lines providing aid to all in need, whether the trouble is COVID-19, a traffi c accident, a fi re, or any other health emergency. Every person who is taking on a role to fi ght COVID-19 is risking their own life and safety because, by the very nature the late Joseph “Joe Red” Scimone and his surviving wife Karen. She was also survived by her loving brother and sisters-in-law and many nieces and nephews. Phyllis worked for the Telephone Company as an Operator. She was her happiest when spending time with her family and friends. She will truly be missed. In accordance with the CDC’s current restrictions on gatherings due to COVID-19, all services will be held privately. Entombment will be in Holy Cross Mausoleum. In lieu of fl owers donations may be made in memory of Phyllis name to St Jude Children’s Hospital, 262 Danny Thomas Place, Memphis, TN 38105. free carrier pickup. In your request, let your local Post Office know where they can fi nd the package or packages, and the carrier will retrieve them when he or she delivers your mail. USPS postal employees are working around the clock to ensure you get your important letters and packages. Skip the trip to the Post Offi ce by ordering stamps and package supplies, and printing package postage, from your home. We’ll pick up your packages, too. It’s the most effective type of social distancing around. The Postal Service receives no tax dollars for operating expenses, and it relies on the sale of postage, products and services to fund its operations. of their service, they are not at home. They are out, acting selflessly and helping others. They represent the best that Revere has to off er, and they personify the strength and nature that is “Revere.” It’s easy enough to say “Thank You” to every one of them. It’s even more important to help protect them. How best to thank them? Help keep them safe. Make their job easier. Please, Stay home, and let’s continue to work together to get through the challenge of our times. Space for Lease 3 Large Rooms, each with Large Walk-in Storage Area. or Aerobics Studio. Located at Route 1 South at Walnut Street. Rollerworld Plaza, Route 1 South, 425 Broadway, Saugus. Call Michelle at: 781-233-9507 Thank you to all the first responders, healthcare workers, and all other essential workers who are working hard to keep our community safe and healthy. RIGHT BY YOU Like us on Facebook 419 Broadway, Everett, MA 02149 • 617-387-1110 advocate newspaper Facebook.com/Advocate.news.ma 771 Salem St, Lynnfield, MA 01940 • 781-776-4444 www.everettbank.com Member FDIC Member DIF

Page 16 THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 2020 KITCHEN CABINETS To Look Like New 508-840-0501 FURNITURE STRIP & FINISH Clean-Outs! Velleca & Daughter, Inc. Is Your Home & Garden Ready For Spring? Residential & Commerical Construction * Landscape Construction * Walls * Patios * Foundations * Pressure Release Systems * Mold Remediation * Stucco Application * Downspout Drainage * Vapor Barriers * Concrete Floor Painting * Foundation Crack Repair * Pump & Battery Backup (617) 594-3547  We buy STAMPS & COINS 781-324-2770 WASTE REMOVAL & BUILDING MAINTENANCE • Landscaping, Lawn Care, Mulching • Yard Waste & Rubbish Removal • Interior & Exterior Demolition (Old Decks, Fences, Pools, Sheds, etc.) SPADAFORA AUTO PARTS JUNK CARS WANTED SAME DAY PICK UP 781-324-1929 Quality Used Tires Mounted & Installed Used Auto Parts & Batteries Family owned & operated since 1946 • Appliance and Metal Pick-up • Construction and Estate Cleanouts • Pick-up Truck Load of Trash starting at $169 • Carpentry LICENSED & INSURED Call for FREE ESTIMATES! Office: (781) 233-2244 CA$H for your JUNK CAR Weber Auto 1-800-594-2084 For Advertising with Results, call The Advocate Newspapers at 781-286-8500 or Info@advocatenews.net We take and dispose from cellars, attics, garages, yards, etc. We also do demolition. Best Prices Call: 781-593-5308 781-321-2499 $ $ $ $

Frank Berardino MA License 31811 • 24 - Hour Service • Emergency Repairs BERARDINO Plumbing & Heating Residential & Commercial Service Gas Fitting • Drain Service 617.699.9383 Senior Citizen Discount THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 2020 * Auto Body Help Wanted * Busy Revere Auto Body Shop now hiring: Experienced Auto Body Technicians * Detailers * Mechanics * Glass Techs Apply online: Atlasautobody.com or call: 781-284-1200 --------------------------------------------------Busy Revere Auto Body Shop ahora contratando: Técnicos experimentados del cuerpo del automóvil * Detailers * Mecánica * Glass Techs Apply en línea: Atlasautobody.com o llame al: 781-284-1200 Pregunta por Hugo. J.F & Son Contracting Snow Plowing No Job too small! Free Estimates! Commercial & Residential 781-656-2078 - Property management & maintenance Mold & Waterproofing EXPERTS • Sump Pumps • Walls & Floor Cracks • ALL WORK GUARANTEED - Licensed Contractor - AAA Service • Lockouts Trespass Towing • Roadside Service Junk Car Removal 617-387-6877 26 Garvey St., Everett MDPU 28003 ICCMC 251976 • WEEKLY MOWING • IRRIGATION • DETHATCHING • MULCHING & EDGING • CRAB GRASS PREVENTER • FERTILIZER • BUSH & SHRUB TRIMMING • SPRING CLEAN-UP • SOD INSTALLATION • WALLS & WALKWAYS www.Steves ServicesLLC.com “One call does it all!” 781-808-1061 JPG CONSTRUCTION Cell phone 781-632-7503 508-292-9134 Shoveling & removal Landscaping, Electrical, Plumbing, Painting, Roofing, Carpentry, Framing, Decks, Fencing, Masonry, Demolition, Gut-outs, Junk Removal & Dispersal, Clean Ups: Yards, Garages, Attics & Basements. Truck for Hire, Bobcat Services. Page 17 1. April 17, 2020, is an unofficial holiday in celebration of what Japanese poetry? 2. The caipirinha, which was reportedly invented to treat the Spanish flu, is the national cocktail of what country? 3. Who is the oldest man in the Bible: Moses or Methuselah? 4. On April 18, 1925, the first U.S. Woman’s World’s Fair – in Chicago – was opened by what native Vermonter First Lady? 5. In 1894 the “Chinese takeout container” was patented and then used as a receptacle for what shellfish? 6. In what country did the House of Fabergé create its many jeweled eggs? 7. On April 19, 1775, what two battles occurred? 8. What does VoIP stand for? 9. In Sonnet XCVIII, who wrote that April “Hath put a spirit of youth in everything”? 10. On April 20, 1912, what oldest park in Major League Baseball opened? 11. What two colleges have the most U.S. presidents as alumni? 12. In “The Tale of Peter Rabbit,” whose garden does Peter get into? 13. What is a Hawaiian word meaning “dance”? 14. On April 21, 1838, what Sierra Club cofounder and “Father of the National Park System” was born? 15. Injera bread is native to what continent? 16. In the early 1900’s a newspaper publisher became dissatisfied with egg baskets and patented what invention? 17. April 22, Earth Day, was first celebrated in what year: 1950, 1960 or 1970? 18. What U.S. women’s rights activist called the bicycle the “freedom machine”? 19. In 1947 what Canadian group recorded “Easter Parade” by Irving Berlin? 20. On April 23, 1981, the first U.S. artificial skin transplant happened at what New England hospital? ANSWERS 1. Haiku 2. Brazil 3. Methuselah 4. Grace Coolidge 5. Oysters 6. Russia 7. The Battles of Lexington and Concord 8. Voice over Internet Protocol 9. William Shakespeare (born and died in April) 10. Fenway Park 11. Harvard and Yale 12. Mr. McGregor’s 13. Hula 14. John Muir 15. Africa 16. An egg carton 17. 1970 18. Susan B. Anthony 19. Guy Lombardo and his Royal Canadians 20. Massachusetts General

Page 18 THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 2020 IS YOUR HOME NEXT? REAL ESTATE TRANSAC TIONS The Revere Real Estate Listings are brought to you by: BUYER2 SELLER1 SELLER2 Levinson, Radmila E Damota, Marlene G Malaret, Elizabeth Elimami, Zoubair Letourneau, Christopher J Acuna, Cesar Bocanegra-Garcia, Sergio SAUGUS Aborn, Katherine Levinson, Yuriy Correia, Joseph Basti, Karima Letourneau, Jillian S Martinez, Ana G Maloney, Patricia F Zawadski, Custer L ADDRESS 63 Mills Ave CITY Revere DATE Beachmont Investments LLC Mar-Kay Development LLC Sciarappa, Arthur A Coughlin, James M Liti&Son Inc Ochoa, Santos M Martinez, Modesto C Ramos, Mariluz Sciarappa, Anna M Coughlin, Ann M 693 Winthrop Ave 68 Campbell Ave 668 Revere Beach Blvd 15 Tapley Ave 50 Genesee St 45 Assunta Rd 76 Oakwood Ave Revere Revere Revere Revere Revere Revere Revere 27.03.2020 27.03.2020 26.03.2020 26.03.2020 26.03.2020 26.03.2020 26.03.2020 19.03.2020 53 Jackson Street Saugus, MA 01906 781-813-3325 Copyrighted material previously published in Banker & Tradesman/The Commercial Record, a weekly trade newspaper. It is reprinted with permission from the publisher, The Warren Group. For a searchable database of real estate transactions and property information visit: www.thewarrengroup.com. BUYER1 Aborn, Mark E PRICE $367 000,00 $785 000,00 $865 000,00 $915 000,00 $467 000,00 $550 000,00 $725 000,00 $538 000,00 REVERE SAUGUS - Pride of Ownership. Classic Colonial boasts a large eat in kitchen with center island along with natural light. This 9 Room 5 lge. size bedrooms has so much to offer with lots of storage space, 6 car drway, fenced-in yard, deck, shed and more. $619,000 EVERETT EVERETT Darlene Minincleri & Sue Palomba REVERE EVERETT - Legal 2 Fam. Pristine. 11 Rm 5 Bdrm. wash/dryer in both units. New Roof 2012, New Heater 2016, New Driveway 2014 and new Electrical Panel. Everyday luxury you deserve by being close to Major Routes, Airport, Boston and More................. $789,000 ~ APARTMENTS FOR RENT ~ Revere, Wakefield , Winthrop, East Boston from $1600 - $2900 / Some incl. all utilties. Saugus - 1 bdrm Stainless Kitchen. incl. elect. $1650 Revere - 1 bdrm Gorgeous Newly Renovated $1800 Call for details! Call for a FREE Market Analysis Lisa Polignone John Marino Lea Doherty Pat Rescigno Rosa Rescigno Marisa DiNucci Xavier Ortiz Sharon D’Allesandro Maureen Gaeta Kevin Alvorado (Office Assistant) EVERETT - Great location, 2 Family, open floor plan, 2 Car Driveway, near REVERE BEACH - Magnificent Ocean Views from all windows; Stainless & Granite Kitchen, Balcony, Brazilian Cherry Floors throughout...........................................$499,900 Wellington St., Encore Casino & Shopping. $685,000 ~ Meet our Agents ~ EVERETT - Legal two family, 5/5, w/off-street parking.........$599,900 53 Jackson St. Saugus (781) 813-3325 REVERE - Gorgeous single 3/2 with gleaming hdwd flrs, fireplace, High end Gourmet kit., SS appliances, 3 car parking and So Much More.....................Call for Details! For Advertising with Results, call The Advocate Newspapers at 781-286-8500 or Info@advocatenews.net

THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 2020 Page 19 Follow Us On: COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY SALES & RENTALS Sandy Juliano Broker/President Hope to reopen soon to continue to serve all your real estate needs. In the meantime please stay safe at home! WE KNOW EVERETT!! Call TODAY to sell or buy with the best! NEW LISTING BY NORMA NEW LISTING BY NORMA COMING SOON! UNDER AGREEMENT! SINGLE FAMILY 2 FAMILY, WEST EVERETT $639,900 LISTED BY DENISE 11 FAIRLAWN ST., EVERETT TWO FAMILY $799,900 LISTED BY SANDY 33 WOODWARD ST., EVERETT NEW PRICE! $399,900 SOLD BY DENISE! 17 WOODVILLE ST., EVERETT LEGAL TWO FAMILY USED AS A SINGLE $500,000 SOLD BY SANDY! SINGLE-FAMILY 67 DARTMOUTH ST., EVERETT NEW PRICE! $484,000 LISTED BY JOE & NORMA UNDER AGREEMENT! 2 SINGLES “SOLD AS A PACKAGE” 30-32 CENTRAL AVE., EVERETT NEW PRICE! $799,900 LISTED BY SANDY IEE SOLD BY SANDY! 1-BEDROOM CONDO 881 BROADWAY, EVERETT $244,900 SOLD BY JOE & NORMA! SINGLE-FAMILY 141 CHELSEA ST., EVERETT NEW PRICE! $685,000 SOLD BY SANDY! 123 CENTRAL AVE., EVERETT SINGLE FAMILY $449,900 Open Daily From 10:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. 433 Broadway, Suite B, Everett, MA 02149 www.jrs-properties.com Open Daily From 10:0 Joe DiNuzzo - Broker Associate :0 00 AM 5:00 PM Follow Us On: 617.544.6274 Norma Capuano Parziale - Agent Denise Matarazz - Agent Maria Scrima - Agent Rosemarie Ciampi - Agent Kathy Hang Ha -Agent Mark Sachetta - Agent

Page 20 THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 2020 WONDERING WHAT YOUR HOME IS WORTH? CALL FOR YOUR FREE MARKET ANALYSIS! LITTLEFIELD REAL ESTATE SAUGUS ~ Rehabbed colonial. New windows, siding, new kitchen with quartz counters, stainless appliances, new cabinets. New hardwood flooring throughout house. New heat. Central AC. New maintenance free deck..........$570,000 SAUGUS ~ Desirable 2 family. Each unit has 2 beds, updated kitchens and baths, vinyl siding, in-unit laundry, rear decks .......$499,000 SAUGUS ~ Rehabbed colonial, 4-5 bedroom, 2 full baths, gas heat, central AC, new siding, new roof, hardwood flooring, fresh paint, new kitchen with SS appliances quartz counters ...............$559,900 38 Main Street, Saugus MA WWW.LITTLEFIELDRE.COM 781-233-1401 WAKEFIELD ~ New construction duplex. 3 bed, 2.5 baths, 2400 sq feet, garage under, central AC, Gas heat, fireplace living room............. Call Keith Littlefield for pricing Call Rhonda Combe For all your SAUGUS ~ New construction single family. 4 bed, 2.5 bath, SS appliances, garage under, granite, gas heat, central AC....... CALL KEITH LITTLEFIELD FOR PRICING. real estate needs!! 781-706-0842 SAUGUS ~ 3 bed, 1.5 bath colonial. Open concept 1st floor, 2 car garage, newer gas heat, roof and HW heater, prof landscaping....$439,900 REVERE ~ 2 family located in the Beachmont area, 3 beds, one bath in top unit, 2 beds, one bath lower unit.....................................$639,000 LAND FOR SALE WILMINGTON ~ Colonial featuring 4 beds and 2 full baths, great dead end location, central AC, hardwood flooring, finished lower level..$534,900 MELROSE ~ Single family, 4 bed, 2 full bath, SS appliances, new gas heat, quartz counters, Central AC, Garage under...................$650,000 LYNN ~ New construction. 3400 sq feet, 4 bed, 2.5 bath, gas heat, central AC, hardwood flooring, walking closet, great cul de sac location, garage under........... $879,999 SAUGUS Call Rhonda Combe at 781-706-0842 for details!! SOLD Too New For Photo! UNDER CONTRACT SOLD

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