THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 2022 Page 7 in Operation Tidal Wave on Aug. 1, 1943, a massive bombing mission against the oil fi elds and of kindness, the Staff Sgt.’s remains stayed incredibly wellpreserved. Following the war, chondrial DNA analysis, according to a press release issued by Revere City Hall. City Councillors Steve Morabito and Richard Serino and Mayor Arrigo (far right) off er their condolences to Patricia Marshall (McMackin). Revere fi refi ghters salute during taps. (Advocate photos by Tara Vocino) Elected offi cials, pictured from left to right: State Rep. Jeff Turco, Ward 4 Councillor Patrick Keefe, State Rep. Jessica Giannino, Councillor-at-Large Steven Morabito and City Council Vice President/Ward 6 Councillor Richard Serino. Revere Police Honor Guard members, pictured from left to right: Sgt. Michael Trovato and Police Offi cers Andrew Lauria, Phea Chhom and Emilio Fusco stood at attention. American Legion Post 146 members, pictured from left to right: Al Bell, William Brown, Robert Dion, Richard Duval, Post Commander Steven White and Thalis DeOliveira, who played taps. refi neries at Ploiesti, Romania, considered crucial to the Nazi war eff ort, reportedly. His plane crashed as a result of enemy anti-aircraft fi re, and his remains were not identified following the war. His plane crashed into a farm in Romania – the owner of the farm found the remains and buried the bodies as a sign of respect. Because of this act the body was moved to a Belgian cemetery for American remains, where they would later be found. The remains were exhumed in 2017 and sent to Off utt Air Force Base, Nebraska, for examination and identifi cation. McMackin’s remains were identifi ed using dental and anthropological analysis, as well as mitoState Rep. Jessica Giannino off ered her condolences to Patricia Marshall. The hearse carrying the remains of Staff Sgt. Charles G. McMackin arrives at City Hall. VETERAN | FROM Page 1

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