THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 2022 Page 21 ~ LEGAL NOTICE ~ Meet the RHS Patriots Girls Outdoor Track Team               SU21P2194EA Estate of:   Date of Death:    INFORMAL PROBATE PUBLICATION NOTICE To all persons interested in the above captioned estate, by Petition of Petitioner    of      of   has been informally appointed as the Personal Representative of the estate to serve   on the bond.         TEAM: First row left to right: Nour Chitaoui, Hiba El Bzyouy, Ava Cassinello, Veonsay Hou, Capt. Carolina Bettero, Capt. Fatima Hartout, Capt. Carly Bennett, Maajda Louaddi, and Razan Belguendouz. Second row left to right: Alannah Burke, Ashley Cabrera Rodriguez, Jocelyn Lazo, Angelina Montoya Araque, Lorenza Cuci, Safa Fares, Kyra Delaney, Giselle Salvador, Natalia Lopez, and Rania Abdelhannane. Third Row left to right: Coach Racquel MacDonald, Liv Yuong, Marwa Riad, Francoise Kodjo, Katelyn Purcifull, Sandra Torres, Rocio Gonzalez, Camila Echeverri, Jessie Jones, Janaya Ruperto, Yasmin Riazi, Yara Belguendouz, Jeraliz Soto, Coach Briana Scata, and Coach Sean Conboy.                                                                                                                April 21, 2022 SENIORS: Pictured from left to right: Coach Racquel MacDonald, Veonsay Hou, Captain Carolina Bettero, Captain Fatima Hartout, Maajda Louaddi, Captain Carly Bennett, Razan Belguendouz, Coach Briana Scata, and Coach Sean Conboy. TRUCK | FROM Page 20 CAPTAINS: Pictured from left to right: Coach Racquel MacDonald, Captain Carolina Bettero, Captain Carly Bennett, Captain Fatima Hartout, Coach Briana Scata, and Coach Sean Conboy. VOTE | FROM Page 1 Councillor-at-Large Steven Morabito echoed that it would take rights away from the voters to decide who they want representing them. “While I feel that it is well intentioned, and I understand Marc’s position, I do believe it is a resident’s choice,” said City Council President Gerry Visconti. “If they don’t want one of us up here, they have the right to not put us up here. Leaving it in their hands is, I feel, the right thing to do.” In other business, the subcommittee quickly voted to support a motion made by Ward 5 Councillor Al Fiore to honor the fi rst women elected to the City Council with their portraits in the City Council Chambers. The original motion by Fiore garnered some discussion by the full City Council at last week’s meeting. Fiore proposed installing portraits of the fi rst elected female run from April 4, 2022, through April 29, 2022. Vending locations and times will be assigned the fi rst week of May, and permits with times and locations will be mailed out immediately thereafter. The License Commission will make every eff ort to accommodate vendor preferences, but they cannot guarantee that all selected times and locations will be assigned as requested. Those with questions about the application process are encouraged to reach out to the License Commission. Call 781-286-8165 to speak to someone directly. Please visit www.revere.org/foodtrucks to learn more and fi nd the application process. ward councillors, Rita Singer and Elvira “Vera” Curcio, and the fi rst elected female at-large councillor, Linda Santos Rosa. Keefe said there are many trailblazing women the city could honor, but said he believes Fiore’s motion was well intentioned and served the purpose he was looking for. “I think your motion as you mentioned meant something to you, and I will support your motion as you initially suggested,” said Keefe. Notice is hereby given in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 185 of the Acts of 1983, and Chapter 13 of the Acts of 1984, that the                                                 1. Amend Schedule XIV of Title 10 - Bus Stops. To extend the Bus Stop #4761 from the current existing 50 feet to approximately 80 feet. 2. Amend the residential parking program to allow for non-resident customers patronizing business establishments with liquor licenses beyond 12:00AM to park their vehicles without receiving a ticket and/or being towed. 3. Amend Schedule XI of Title 10 Handicapped Person Parking Areas by adding- 15 Elliot Rd. 4. Amend Schedule IV of Title 10 Isolated Stop Signs by removing            intersection of Rumney Road. 5. Amend Section 10.34.020 Section F to include 17 Dehon St. making the residents eligible for parking stickers.                               Hall Rentals Available Excellent rates Call 781-324-9570                               

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