Page 12 THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 2022 Revere girls’ lacrosse team opens season 1-2 By Greg Phipps U nder fi rst-year Head Coach Amy Rotger, the Revere High School girls’ lacrosse team seems to be making noticeable improvement. The Patriots opened their 2022 season with three games in three days late last week. The trio of backto-back road contests ended with one victory – a 9-6 triumph at Somerville last Friday. Revere dropped its season-opener at Gloucester by a 16-2 count last Thursday, but that game was more competitive than the score indicated. Revere fell to 1-2 overall after losing to Cambridge last Saturday. In the win at Somerville, Angela Huynh scored four times, followed by two goals by Skyla DeSimone and one each from Hadia Bellemisch, Lynberlee Lang and Zoey LeGrand. Goalie Aya Elkawakibi played well in net to earn the victory. Rotger said the Somerville victory was a great team eff ort. “We are just continuing to work to get better and improve,” she said. In the loss at Gloucester, the Patriots trailed 7-1 at halftime but managed to threaten the Gloucester end on numerous occasions. The home team’s goalie came up with several key saves to keep Revere at arm’s length. Gloucester was able to take advantage of its scoring opportunities and pulled away in the second half. Other members of this year’s team include: Dania Alvarez, Sophia Zari, BriRevere defender Angelina Marin scanned the field for a teammate to pass to last Thursday against Gloucester. ana Mendieta, Gweneth Ke, Hana Aklog, Emanuelle Menezes, Angelina Marin, Melisa Devedzic, Leena Menkah, Dianne Mancio, Marianna Tamayo, Chantal Fontanelli, Shirley Rodriguez and Mariah Rogers. The road show continued for the Patriots as they traveled to Georgetown on Friday. They continue on the road to face Medford on Tuesday, April 12. Revere plays its fi rst home game on Friday, April 15, at Harry Della Russo Stadium. Patriots open season with split vs. Lynn teams By Greg Phipps F acing both the Lynn Classical Rams and Lynn English Bulldogs on back-to-back days at home to open the 2022 season, the Revere High School baseball team lost a close one in the opener and regrouped with a win the next day. After struggling to get much going off ensively in a 3-1 loss to the Rams on Monday, the Patriots came alive with the bats to produce a 6-2 victory against the Bulldogs on Tuesday. Head Coach Mike Manning called Tuesday’s eff ort a “nice bounce back win,” as Revere benefi ted from a complete-game, seven-inning performance from starting pitcher Kyle Cummings, a sophomore. Cummings struck out 12 batters and allowed just one earned run on fi ve hits. On off ense, sophomore Andrew Leone smacked two hits and drove in two. Fellow sophomore Ollie Svendsen launched two sacrifi ce fl ies to bring home two more runs in the victory. The 1-1 Patriots are scheduled to participate in their third consecutive Greater Boston League (GBL) clash next Monday, April 11, at Medford. In Monday’s season-opening defeat to Classical, Revere drew fi rst blood when a long double to left fi eld off the bat of Max Doucette led to a run in the bottom of the third inning. That run gave the Patriots a 1-0 lead after three frames. The visiting Rams were able to battle back with three unanswered tallies to exit Revere pitcher Giancarlo Miro hurled three scoreless innings in his openingday start on Monday against Lynn Classical. (Advocate photos by Greg Phipps) with the victory. Overall, Revere was kept pretty quiet on off ense, but the pitching performed well in the losing cause. Starter Giancarlo Miro hurled three scoreless frames, and Chris Cassidy and Domenic Boudreau combined to work four strong innings in relief. Leone also collected two hits. The Patriots are on the road for a busy schedule of games early next week. After Monday’s game at Medford, they play their fi rst non-league contest at Swampscott next Tuesday, April 12. Revere completes the trifecta with a league game at Chelsea on Wednesday, April 13. Revere’s Zoey LeGrand tried to head off the rush of a Gloucester forward in last Thursday’s season opener. (Advocate photos by Greg Phipps) Revere’s Max Doucette followed his long double to left fi eld in Monday’s season opener at Revere High School. Midfi elder Skyla DeSimone took off after retrieving the ball deep in Revere territory last Thursday at Gloucester. Revere fi rst baseman Domenic Boudreau planted the tag on a Lynn Classical baserunner during this pickoff attempt on Monday.

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