Page 2 THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, APRIL 1, 2022 Lospennato appointed President of Revere Chamber of Commerce Captain Steven Ford retires Police Chief Dave Callahan, Ret. Boxford Police Chief/former RPD Captain Michael Murphy, Capt. Steven Ford, Ret. RPD Lt. Jeff Graff and Lt. Mike Mason (Photos courtesy of Lt. Amy O’Hara) T he Revere Chamber of Commerce is excited to announce that Patrick Lospennato has been appointed as the President of the Revere Chamber of Commerce. Pat has served on the Board of Directors since 2019 and has played an instrumental role in the Chamber’s transformation since mid-2021 while serving as its Treasurer. He off ers several years of Financial and Retail Banking experience, previously working at Citizens Bank in Revere and now as the Senior Relationship Banker at Santander in Charlestown, Mass. As a lifelong Revere resident, Pat is truly invested in seeing his city thrive. His family has been in Revere since 1929, many of them serving this great city, including his grandfather, the legendary RHS teacher and baseball coach, Al Blasi. Pat graduated from RHS in 2012 and later went on to earn a bachelor’s degree in Global Business & Management with a minor in Finance from Suff olk University. “In efforts to revitalize the Chamber and realize its viPRESIDENT | SEE Page 4 RPD Capt. Steven Ford, Police Chief Dave Callahan and Capt. Ford’s wife, Linda Ford P lease join us in congratulating Captain Steven Ford on his retirement after 32 years of service with the Revere Police Department. Captain Ford served in various roles at RPD during his distinguished career, and this week he was joined by members of RPD present and past to thank him for his service.                                                           HAPPY RETIREMENT: Captain Steve Ford acknowledged his fellow offi cers during a retirement ceremony at the Community Room at the Revere Police Station. RPD Captain Steven Ford is shown with Lt. Tom Malone and Police Chief Dave Callahan.

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