Page 18 THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 2023 ~ Home of the Week ~ 1. March 10 is Mario Day; why was that date chosen? 2. What was Dr. Seuss’s fi rst children’s book? 3. What record label did Berry Gordy found? 4. On March 11, 1990, what USSR republic was the fi rst to declare independence? 5. What is the smallest dog breed and named after the largest state in Mexico? 6. What animal has the longest lifespan: giant tortoise, Greenland shark or immortal jellyfi sh? 7. What U.S. president would not use the telephone while in offi ce and once said, “You can’t know too much, but you can say too much”? 8. On March 12, 1901, Andrew Carnegie off ered New York $5.2 million to build 65 of what type of building? 9. In 1964 what red-haired English singer-songwriter/actor appeared on BBC as founder of “The Society for The Prevention of Cruelty to Long-Haired Men”? 10. On March 13, 2020, Jeff Reitz of California won a Guinness World Record for most consecuAnswers UNDER AGREEMENT! tive visits (2,995) to what amusement park? 11. How are lemons, oranges and tomatoes similar 12. In Gainesville – nicknamed “Poultry Capital of the World” – in what state is it only legal to eat fried chicken with your fi ngers? 13. On March 14, 1885, in London, what Gilbert & Sullivan comic opera set in Japan was first publicly performed? 14. Where is the tallest windmill in the world: China, Holland or USA? 15. When in the month are the “ides”? 16. On March 15, 1820, what state that was originally part of another state was formed? 17. How are coff ee cherry and coff ee bean diff erent? 18. What is the opposite of a stalagmite? 19. What does “knee high by the Fourth of July” mean? 20. On March 16, 1995, what U.S. state became the last to formally ratify the 13th Amendment to the Constitution (abolishing slavery)? SAUGUS....Nice Colonial offers spacious kitchen with maple cabinets, granite counters,                                                                   View the interior of this home right on your smartphone.       COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY SALES & RENTALS Daylight savings time begins! Spring forward! Change your clocks, check your smoke detectors! Sandy Juliano Broker/President Follow Us On: New Listing by Sandy Single family, 81 Florence St., Everett $649,900 New Listing by Norma Everett 2 family, $729,900. Call Norma for details! 617-590-9143 Everett Rental - 3 bedrooms - $2950/month Call Sandy for details at: 617-448-0854 Open Daily From 10:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. 433 Broadway, Suite B, Everett, MA 02149 www.jrs-properties.com Denise Matarazzo 617-953-3023 617-294-1041 Norma Capuano Parziale 617-590-9143 Rosemarie Ciampi 617-957-9222 Joe DiNuzzo 617-680-7610 1. Because when it is written as Mar10 it looks like his name. 2. “And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street” 3. Motown 4. Lithuania 5. Chihuahua 6. Immortal jellyfi sh (It can reverse its life cycle.) 7. Calvin Coolidge 8. Libraries 9. David Bowie 10. Disneyland 11. They are berries. 12. Georgia 13. “The Mikado” 14. Holland (the De Noord) 15. The middle 16. Maine (originally part of Massachusetts) 17. The former is the fruit that contains two seeds, or beans. 18. A stalactite 19. It is an expression used to describe a good corn crop. 20. Mississippi

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