Page 8 THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2020 GREEN CREEK | FROM PAGE 3 worried about the health of the residents who live in the trailer park and fl ooding in Beachmont caused by the creek’s buildup of sediment and debris, which interferes with the circulation of water in the city’s network of waterways. Despite Green Creek’s troubled history, both McKenna and Moulaison are cautiously optimistic about its future. McKenna pointed to the increasing awareness of the need for more parks, green spaces and bike paths and said people may start to see the creek as a natural resource which could become a public asset for the community. “I want to clean up the city’s marshes and the waterways, not for me but for the generations coming after us,” she said. Moulaison said the oncoming wave of new development, led by the Suff olk Downs project, may drive interest in developing a public place with benches and other improvements along Green Creek. “The plans and what I would love to see is for us to get the creek cleaned up and worked into the landscape of that area,” he said. AUTOTECH 1989 SINCE Get Your Vehicle Winter Ready! OIL CHANGE SPECIAL Up to 5 Quarts of Oil (Most Vehicles) Includes FREE Brake Inspection & Safety Check Only $24.95 DRIVE IT - PUSH IT - TOW IT! CASH FOR YOUR CAR, TRUCK OR SUV! 2009 FORD F-150 CREW CAB 4X4, One Owner, Most Power Options, Only 118K Miles, Just Serviced, Trades Welcome! PRICED RIGHT! $9,500 Easy Financing Available! 2011 FORD F-150 CREW CAB Platinum Package, 4X4, Loaded, Every Option, Clean Title, Only 99K Miles, Trades Welcome! AMAZING LOW PRICE! $16,500 781-321-8841 1236 Eastern Ave • Malden We Pay Cash For Your Vehicle! MUZZEY STREET | FROM PAGE 7 As discussed at the Planning Board’s January 21 meeting, the Town of Saugus has repeatedly requested that the developer provide a conceptual development plan of the property to the Town in advance of any formal discussion of any land development agreement and/or memorandum of understanding and before any road acceptance proposals come to a vote. That development plan must provide for primary access only via Route 1, and must include permanent deed restrictions preventing access to local roads (other than for emergency vehicles). In addition, we explained that any consideration of the laying out and acceptance of streets in either Saugus or Revere would be premature until a master plan for the site and its proposed use(s) is presented and approved by both communities. We believe that this position is consistent with the expressed concerns of Revere elected offi cials, Mayor Arrigo’s offi ce, and the Revere Planning Department, and echoes sentiments expressed by multiple members of the Planning Board. As you know, the Planning Board’s January 21 meeting hearing on this matter was continued for the purpose of giving the developer an opportunity to reach out to the Town of Saugus to address their concerns and to provide the development plan that the Town has requested. We wish that we could report to you today that some progress has been made since then. However, rather than initiating the necessary big-picture conversation regarding the development of the site, the Caddy Farm developer instead opted to fi le two additional piecemeal applications (1) requesting that the Town of Saugus lay out two more public “roads to nowhere” on the Saugus side of the Town line, and (2) seeking subdivision approval to extend Warden Street to provide an additional access point to/from the site via local residential streets in Saugus. In an informal meeting between this offi ce and representatives of the developer held on February 12, we advised the developer that the Town of Saugus is interested in working with the developer and the City of Revere on developing a master plan for the Caddy Farm site, and we requested that the developer withdraw its premature road layout applications (including the application presently before you) as a showing that the developer is willing to work collaboratively and in good faith with our two communities towards the shared goal of the master planning of the site. This request was fl atly refused by the developer and its counsel. The Town of Saugus’s position in this matter has been abundantly clear for months, yet the developer continues to refuse to play ball in terms of the master planning of the site – insisting instead on trying to pressure the Town into taking action by means of piecemeal, premature road layout proposals. Given the developer’s refusal to cooperate with the Town’s reasonable requests, the Town of Saugus sees no purpose that would be served by postponing this matter any further. Rather, the developer’s request to lay out and accept Muzzey Street as a public way should be denied. If/when, in the future, the developer reconsiders its ill-advised stance and shows a willingness to work with both our communities, perhaps this matter can be revisited at the appropriate point. At the present time, however, the developer, through both its actions and its notable inactions, has created an impasse in the development of the site as it relates to Saugus. In conclusion, on behalf of the Town of Saugus, we respectfully urge the Planning Board and the City Council to deny the Caddy Farm developer’s request to lay out and accept Muzzey Street as a public way at this juncture but allow the Developer without prejudice to fi le alternative plans in the future. Very truly yours, REGNANTE STERIO LLP Special Town Counsel, Town of Saugus By THEODORE C. REGNANTE, ESQ. JESSE D. SCHOMER, ESQ. FEBRUARY 3, 2020 RPL Takes Social Media! The Revere Public Library Newsletter Revere Public Library Events and Inspiration The Revere Public Library is new to social media. We have created an Instagram and a Facebook page that includes pictures of what is going on in the library as well as event dates and information. We will be posting the Children's Programs schedule as well as upcoming events for Young Adults and families. We have just launched our first ever Y.A. Book Club and are very excited for similar programs to come. Stay tuned for more announcements that can be found on Instagram and Facebook. FOLLOW US ON: FACEBOOK: Rvr Libs INSTAGRAM: @reverepubliclibrary
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