Page 16 THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 2025 RevereTV Spotlight C ozy up at home this school vacation with a homecooked meal from a recipe on “What’s Cooking, Revere?”! Tune in for a special Valentine’s Day themed episode. The chef hosts of this episode are Carmen and Dell, who are sharing a delicious dish that’s perfect for two! Try making quick and tasty Brazilian chicken pancakes. Check out the recipe at the end of the video that is now posted to YouTube and playing on the Community Channel. Continue cooking with RevereTV by watching the newest episode of “Fabulous Foods with Victoria Fabbo.” In this exciting episode of “Fabulous Foods,” Victoria is joined by special guest and fellow chef Yesenia. Together, they guide you through preparing several variations of traditional Puerto Rican pase?lloes. Tune in to the Community Channel and follow along! This episode is also posted to YouTube, where you can watch at your convenience. RevereTV went to CityLab High School in Beachmont for the school’s midyear showcase for the end of fi rst semester. The event was full of projects created by the students and included a musical 1. On Feb. 21, 1885, what monument was dedicated on the Mall in D.C.? 2. In 1901 what president officially named the White House? 3. On Feb. 22, 1980, what U.S. team defeated the Soviets at the Winter Olympics? 4. What U.S. president was sworn in by his nickname? 5. According to the American Kennel Club, what dog breed (“Sammies”) has a smile that keeps it from drooling and forming icicles? 6. In 1919 in the BostonEvening Transcript was “See the dancing snowflakes. Practicing for the snowball, I suppose”; it was located on what street with a president’s name? 7. On Feb. 23, 1848, what president (middle name is a city) died in the U.S. House? 8. What president from New Hampshire accompanied Nathaniel Hawthorne on a trip to the state? 9. Where is the world’s largest granite quarry: Egypt, North Carolina or Oregon? 10. On Feb. 24, 1942, the Voice of America fi rst broadcasted — Answers in what language? 11. What is a whipper-in? 12. What Asian board game is considered now the world’s oldest in continuous play? 13. On Feb. 25, 1873, what Italian-American “fi rst international recording star” was born? 14. What American newspaperman/author said, “One of the most striking diff erences between a cat and a lie is that a cat has only nine lives”? 15. Why does Guadeloupe (in the Caribbean) have the euro for currency? 16. On Feb. 26, 1919, Congress approved establishing what fi rst national park east of the Mississippi? 17. Generation Y people are more commonly known as what? 18. In 1952 what magazine debuted with the line “Tales calculated to drive you Mad — humor in a jugular vein”? 19. What slang word means a style with bucolic inspirations? 20. On Feb. 27, 1807, what poet who wrote “The Village Blacksmith” was born? Portal To Hope (“PTH”) serves people whose lives have been impacted by domestic violence and related assault crimes. Job Opportunities Available: PTH is seeking a Victim Advocate and a Licensed Social Worker to join our team! If you would like to join PTH’s award-winning team and share your leadership in the cause to end domestic violence, please call (781) 338-7678 for more information; or, email portaltohope@aol.com. performance. At the start of the video coverage, you will be greeted by Mayor Patrick Keefe and School Committee Member Jacqueline Monterroso. The two explain more about the event and talk about the importance of this school in the city. Watch RTV’s video coverage of the CityLab Showcase on the Community Channel and YouTube. On “In the Loop,” the city liaisons say to keep an eye out for the 2025 City Census form in your mailbox. It’s essential for everyone to participate, regardless of age, race, religion or immigration status. Completing the census helps ensure the community receives the necessary state and federal funding for public safety, schools, parks, roads and support for over 100 programs like Medicaid and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). If you’re registered to vote, completing the census is required to stay on the active voter list. The envelope with the census also includes an optional vote-by-mail signup for all 2025 elections. If interested, simply return the enclosed form to the Election Department along with the census. For any questions, contact the Election Department at City Hall. Catch up on February meetings at City Hall on RTV GOV and YouTube. The current replay schedule on television includes the latest from the City Council, Conservation Commission, Commission on Disabilities, Aff ordable Housing Trust Fund, and Conservation Commission. A special meeting about Environmental Resilience in Beachmont is also in the mix. RTV GOV is channel 9 on Comcast and channels 13 and 613 on RCN. 1. The Washington Monument obelisk; at the time it was the world’s highest manmade structure. 2. Teddy Roosevelt (It had been called other things, such as the President’s Palace.) 3. Ice hockey 4. Jimmy Carter 5. Samoyed 6. Washington (once “Newspaper Row”) 7. John Quincy Adams (died after having a stroke on the House Floor) 8. Franklin Pierce (the author died during the trip) 9. Mount Airy, North Carolina 10. German (against Nazi propaganda) 11. A huntsman’s assistant with works with dogs 12. Go 13. Enrico Caruso 14. Mark Twain 15. It is an overseas d?partement o f France so is part of the eurozone. 16. Acadia National Park 17. Millennials (born in 1980s-1990s) 18. Mad 19. Cottagecore 20. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

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