Page 4 THE REVERE ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 2024 JOHN MACKEY & ASSOCIATES ~ Attorneys at Law ~ * PERSONAL INJURY * REAL ESTATE * FAMILY LAW * PERSONAL BANKRUPTCY * LANDLORD/TENANT DISPUTES 14 Norwood Street Everett, MA 02149 Phone: (617) 387-4900 Fax: (617) 381-1755 WWW.JMACKEYLAW.COM 8 Norwood St. Everett (617) 387-9810 Open Daily 4:00 PM Closed Sunday Announcing our Classic Specials Dine In Only:Dine In Only: * FREE Salad with purchase of Entree, Monday & Tuesdays * Cheese Pizza - Only $10 Catch ALL The Live Sports Action On Our Large Screen TV’s SHOP LOCAL & DROP BY FOR DINNER! www.eight10barandgrille.com Like us on Facebook advocate newspaper Facebook.com/Advocate.news.ma W hile it was good news to see the Republican City Committee make the frontpage of the Advocate, I don’t trust the Democrats anymore. They have fallen off the cliff on the left side of rationality. As for the Republicans, usually most of them are too stupid for their own good. I have found peace by re-registering as an unenrolled voter. Come Tuesday, March 5, I can choose my ballot designation when I go to the polls. Yes, go to the polls. I don’t mail in my ballot. I don’t even vote early. I must say I don’t trust the voting process as much as I once did. The 2020 election in those bat~ GUEST COMMENTARY ~ MassGOP Needs To Do More Than Talk About Trump By Sal Giarratani tleground states shook me up. I want to trust the election process 100 percent but now I am skeptical about the process. Trump continues to say the election was stolen. I won’t go that far but I did see some dubious things going on that weakened the credibility of our electoral system. If we can’t trust our elections, who or what can we trust? We are a democratic republic and lately, too many Republicans seem more interested in fi ghting a war between themselves. We need to be fi nding candidates and getting them elected into offi ce. We need to be proposing legislation and getting it passed and signed into law. We need to energize our democratic republic again. By the way, just to let you know, I will be taking a Republican ballot on Election Day in support of a good friend of mine named Rachel Miselman who is running for the position of Republican state committeewoman (in Lydia Edwards’ senate district). Hopefully, the MassGOP can get beyond all the turmoil and attempt to become a real political party again. For all intents and purposes, Massachusetts has relegated itself to be a one-party state where nothing good can happen. We need two strong parties willing to duke it out on Beacon Hill to make Massachusetts work again for everyone. Healey-Driscoll Administration announces $5M for fire departments Revere included in the more than 300 communities awarded funds R ecently the Healey-Driscoll Administration announced $5 million in awards to 321 Massachusetts fire departments through the state’s Firefi ghter Safety Equipment Grant program. The city of Revere will receive $34,973.84. “Every single day, firefighters across Massachusetts put themselves in harm’s way to protect their communities,” said Governor Maura Healey. “They deserve our thanks and our support. The Firefighter Safety Equipment Grant program is just one way we can express our appreciation for that selfl ess dedication.” for safety equipment “From structure fi res and water rescues to hazardous materials and building collapses, fi refi ghters never know what lifethreatening risks the next call will bring,” said Lt. Governor Kim Driscoll. “These grants will support the purchase of fundamental tools and specialty equipment to help them do a dangerous job more safely.” Fire departments across Massachusetts were invited to apply to the Firefi ghter Safety Equipment Grant program, which provides reimbursement on purchases of 135 different types of eligible equipment. Eligible items include hoses and nozzles, turnout gear, ballistic protective equipment, gear washers and dryers, thermal imaging cameras, hand tools and extrication equipment, communications resources, hazardous gas meters, and more. In many cases, the purchase of this equipment will help departments attain compliance with Occupational Safety & Health Administration or National Fire Protection Association safety standards. This is the fourth year that funding has been awarded through the program. “For the second year in a row, many fi re departments are using this program to provide their personnel with ballistic vests and helmets so they can make life-saving rescues in active shooter situations,” said Secretary of Public Safety and Security Terrence Reidy. “As we confront this growing threat and other emerging hazards, we are proud of the way Massachusetts fi re departments have risen to every challenge.” “While smoke and fl ames are the most obvious threats to fi refi ghters’ safety, occupational cancer is the leading cause of death in the fi re service,” said Deputy Secretary Susan Terrey. “We now know that wearing the right type of protective gear and cleaning it properly can reduce that risk. This program will give many fi refi ghters access to tools that will help protect them from the number one threat to their health and well-being.” “The Firefi ghter Safety Equipment Grants are an investment in the health and safety of Massachusetts firefighters,” said State Fire Marshal Jon Davine. “The fl exibility of the program is especially valuable because it allows each department to make purchases based on their specifi c needs and resources. It has become a vital part of the way the Massachusetts fi re service prepares for the constantly evolving threats in the world around us.” “Firefighters who have the proper protective gear and contemporary rescue tools are much better able to protect themselves and the residents they serve,” said Hyannis Fire Chief Peter Burke, President of the Fire Chiefs’ Association of Massachusetts. “These grant awards will have immeasurable impacts on public safety in Massachusetts for years to come.”

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